IT HAS BEGUN! *X2.39 SF*~ The Galactic Federation
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We Have GREAT NEWS ~ The Galactic Federation
GET READY for the MOST INTENSE WEEK YET ~ The Galactic Federation *CEF* 10/8*
*SOLAR EVENT ALERT* ~ X 7.1 Solar Flare ~ MASSIVE IMPACT ~ The Galactic Federation
*Energy Forecast* 9/27 * Powerful SOLAR ECLIPSE Ahead ~ The Galactic Federation
*Energy Alert* 9/21* Synchronize with the Rhythm ~ The Galactic Federation
* Ascension Event Update* 9/15* X 4.5 Solar Flare ~ BRACE YOURSELF ~ The Galactic Federation
* Ascension Update *9/4* It is SPEEDING UP and CAN'T BE STOPPED ~ The Galactic Federation
* EVENT UPDATE * 8/2 *A NEW LEVEL of AWAKENING ~ The Galactic Federation
A GRAND ALLIANCE HAS BEEN MADE ~ The Galactic Federation
*EVENT UPDATE* 7/15 ~X1.3 Solar Flare ~ A Pivotal Point for Humanity ~ The Galactic Federation
**Upcoming Event** Look to the Skies ~ The Galactic Federation
**EVENT UPDATE** 6/19/2024 ~ THE FORCE OF LIGHT IS HERE ~ The Galactic Federation
UPDATE From Behind the Scenes ~ The Galactic Federation