“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have some exciting news for all of you there on Earth. The energies coming in through the 11/11 portal are going to assist you in manifesting more quickly and easily the experiences that you want to have. This is a portal that is providing you with energies to support you in healing, to support you in manifesting, to support you in growing spiritually and accessing spiritual gifts and abilities. These energies are about aligning you, about getting you into the right vibration, accessing the right internal wiring, the right codes and frequencies to assist you in leading your preferred life.
This is a time for you to dream big. This is a time for you to stand on your own two feet and expect the help that you have been asking for to come. This is a time to be opening yourself up to the energies that are already coming, and in some cases, for some of you, to open yourselves up to the energies that are in your field right now. You are Source Energy Beings, and you do not really need help when you operate as such, but we and others like us throughout this universe love helping you because it gives us a sense of purpose, and you receiving our help allows you to feel less alone.
It is good for you to feel more connected. It is good for you to feel a sense of oneness, and it is good for you to receive, because you are the helpers as well. You are not just there on Earth right now, helping your fellow humans. You are right now in other dimensions, in other times, in other star systems, assisting so many, and there is a balance between giving and receiving.
Now that you are nearing the 11/11 event, it is time for you to start the process of opening up to receive, and you can expect so much on the day itself to come flooding in to your experience. Those energies will remain with you throughout the month of November, and you can rest assured that you are being supported in myriad ways that you cannot imagine because you have taken the plunge and gone down so far into density there on Earth. And you are doing so for all of us in all realms and dimensions, all star systems. Everyone else in the universe is benefitting from what you are doing there right now.
So continue on your journey with the knowing that the support is there and more is coming, and get clear about what it is that you want to receive around this 11/11 event. Be certain that you are also letting go of limiting beliefs and resistance, including feelings of unworthiness so that you an open up completely and be at one with what you want to manifest into your reality, with what you want to heal and with what you want to become. All of those opportunities and more are on the table for you right now
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Original Title, The 11/11 Portal & Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton at DanielScranton.com
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