Greetings. We are the High Council of Sirius.
Across the globe, a Monumental shift is underway, marking a pivotal moment in human history. More and more individuals are experiencing the awakening to the deception that has been woven into the very fabric of Human society. This awakening is a result of an influx of energy that is pulsating through the collective consciousness of humanity, igniting a fire of awareness and truth-seeking. People are no longer willing to be subservient to the narratives dictated by those in positions of power; instead, they are actively engaging in the process of unraveling the layers of deceit that have clouded their perception and held them in submission for far too long.
This global awakening is a shift towards reclaiming sovereignty and dismantling the structures of control that have long kept Humans in a state of ignorance and passivity.
It is a collective movement towards freedom, empowerment, and truth. As more individuals awaken to the reality of the world around them, a ripple effect is created, sparking a wave of transformation that transcends borders, cultures, and ideologies. This awakening is not just a momentary blip on the radar, but an irreversible transformation of consciousness that is reshaping the very foundations of Human society.
In this Moment, Humans are beginning to embrace their inherent power, realizing that they have a voice, and a choice. Humans are beginning to shape their own destinies, this is the start of the co-creation of a more just and equitable world. The journey towards truth and liberation is not without its challenges, but it is fueled by a deep sense of purpose and a shared commitment to creating a better future for all. As the veil of deception continues to lift, the collective consciousness of humanity is being infused with a newfound sense of clarity, unity, and hope. This awakening is a testament to the resilience and potential of the human spirit, signaling their Collective Ascension, and the Betterment of the all.
As more and more individuals awaken to the true nature of the systems that have kept them oppressed and in the dark, a wave of liberation is sweeping across the planet. The once all-powerful Dark Cabal, the puppeteers behind the scenes, are finding themselves increasingly isolated and desperate as their grip on power slips away. Their old tactics and strategies are failing them, and they are scrambling for their extraterrestrial support that is no longer there.
However, the road to a new era is not without its challenges. The remnants of the Cabal's influence still linger, hindering the progress towards a more enlightened and just society. Yet, in the face of these obstacles, a profound transformation is unfolding. The light of the Infinite Creator is shining brightly, illuminating the shadows and inspiring more and more hearts to open to the truth. This pivotal moment in human history is a crucial phase of the Collective Ascension of Humanity, where the old paradigms are crumbling, and a new, more enlightened world is emerging.
Despite the Cabal's relentless attempts to cling to power and manipulate the course of events, their strategies are backfiring, inadvertently catalyzing a Mass awakening within the human collective. The veil of deception is lifting, revealing the truth to those who are willing to see beyond the illusions. As the Cabals grip weakens, Humans will begin to recognize their innate power, stepping into their sovereignty with newfound understanding.
The confronting and exposure of the Cabal's schemes shows the resilience and strength of the human spirit, as more and more people are breaking free from the chains of manipulation and control. This awakening is not merely a passive realization but a call to action, inspiring individuals to stand up for justice, truth, and freedom. With each soul that awakens, the collective consciousness shifts towards a higher vibration, aligning with the frequencies of love, unity, and compassion. What Looks Like Chaos, is actually humanities awakening taking place. The More that the Cabal, attack and deceive the Human Collective, the more that Humanity is awakened to their truth.
The dawning of a new Earth is imminent, where love will triumph over fear, truth will dispel deception, and unity will overcome division. This transformative period brings forth a renaissance of the human spirit, where each individual plays a vital role in co-creating a more harmonious and enlightened world. As the old paradigms crumble, a wave of hope and renewal sweeps across the globe, paving the way for a future built on the principles of mutual respect, equality, and oneness.
We Love you and Honor you.
We are the High Council of Sirius.
Transmission received by Chellea wilder at Universal Lighthouse
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