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A GRAND ALLIANCE HAS BEEN MADE ~ The Galactic Federation

Note from Chellea.

 I actually have witnessed, (What I first thought was Dreams), many Delegations and meetings taking place with many different beings. I had also participated in them as the Galactic Ambassador. 

 I asked the Galactic Federation to elaborate on what I had experienced. 

Blessings to All.

Currently, your many Star Families and the Many Light forces are deeply immersed in a series of crucial meetings, and delegations, aimed at addressing the recent vicious events unfolding on Earth. These gatherings serve as platforms for assessing the evolving scenarios and strategizing the necessary steps to navigate through the challenges ahead.

The nefarious attempts by the Dark Cabal to manipulate the timeline of humanity have triggered a sense of urgency, compelling swift and decisive responses from the Forces of Light who are involved.

The Dark Cabal, with their nefarious intentions, has been actively working to manipulate the course of Earth's timeline in a disturbing direction. Their ultimate goal is to create a doomsday scenario that would result in catastrophic outcomes for a large segment of the Human population. This sinister agenda has not gone unnoticed, causing widespread alarm and prompting a united response against this malevolent force. Star Families From all over the Cosmos, have come together to deter the Dark Cabal's destructive plans, determined to thwart their efforts and protect the future of humanity.

The particular concern is the Dark Cabal's sinister agenda to sow seeds of discord and instigate a civilian war within the United States. This specific plot has intensified apprehension and unrest within the Human collective, underscoring the critical need for vigilance and cooperation among the benevolent forces striving to safeguard the planet and its inhabitants. The gravity of the situation has galvanized a collective resolve to counteract the disruptive influences of the Dark Cabal. 

As these intricate dynamics unfold, the collaborative efforts of the Star Families and the Many Light forces will be instrumental in steering the Energies towards Positive outcomes. Dissolving any of the Cabal's attempts at a negative Timeline.

The Dark Cabal, represents a significant danger not just to the United States but to the entire global community. Their nefarious intentions go beyond mere manipulation; they have sown the seeds of discord and division among the population, promoting civil unrest and conflict that could potentially escalate into widespread warfare on a global scale.

The Cabal's insidious agenda is already in motion, as they have conducted dark rituals in pursuit of their malevolent goals, patiently biding their time for the moment when their plans will come to fruition. The implications of their actions extend far beyond national borders, posing a grave threat to the stability and security of the world as a whole. The looming specter of chaos and violence orchestrated by the Dark Cabal serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by those who operate in the shadows, wielding power and influence in pursuit of their own twisted agendas.

Their insidious plots to foster division and conflict among the people have been met with growing concern and alarm, prompting a call to action among those dedicated to the Ascension and well-being of humanity. 

This Alliance, which involves your many Star Families and Light forces, encompasses many High Councils and different Fleets of the Light Force.

This includes The Pleiadian High Council, The Arcturian High Council, The High Council of Sirius, The Ashtar Galactic Command, The Galactic Confederation of Planets, and we, The Galactic Federation. There are many more that have not been named.

We have all united to form a grand and powerful coalition of Light, like never before.

The Gathering of the Many Light forces, within a unified effort, shows Just how Important Humanity is within the Divines Grand Plan.

 These many Galactic entities have come together in unity, aligning their energies to initiate a powerful transformation process. Our purpose is to release and transmute the dense energies that have been manipulated and nurtured by the intentions of the darker forces at play. 

Through their combined actions, the Light Beings are working tirelessly to bring about a shift in Human consciousness, redirecting a higher vibrational reality to manifest on Earth.

We call upon the Many Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Wanderers, to hold your Light firm, do not allow the looming vibrations of fear, discord, and separation, to hinder your Journey. With your unwavering commitment to the mission of Light, you serve as beacons of Love and guidance for humanity, as they navigate through these challenging times. You play a very important role in these Times of ascension, and are greatly needed.

We love you, and celebrate your Light within.

We are The Galactic Federation.

Transmission Received By Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse


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We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity

We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..




A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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