Greetings in The Light and love of Our Infinite Creator,
As you move Higher in the Light, along with your Mother Earth, you are experiencing The Remembrance of your many Lifetimes throughout the Cosmos. Your DNA is your Akashic Record of who and where you have been since the Beginning of your Existence. Your so called Junk DNA, is a soup of many different essences of the many Different types of Races you have experienced.
For example, This Channel started as an Angelic, and had decided to experience an array of other species throughout her existence. She first started as an Andromedan, within the Andromeda Galaxy. She became many different species throughout that Galaxy, but existed as a Higher 9th degree within her higher form so she could interact with the Physical Universe. After experiencing the higher realms of the Andromeda Galaxy, she moved her energies to The Milkyway Galaxy, to help seed The Pleiadians. She then wished to help liberate the Lower Vibrational spectrums from the Dark Forces who had stopped many species from ascending, After she existed as 7th degree Pleiadian, So she became a 6th Degree Water Nymph on Sirius B. She then brought that Energy of existence to Earth where she incarnated as an Earthly Elemental Water Nymph at 6th Degree.
She has had Many Lives on your Planet, first being that of the Fae Realms within the Higher Dimensions of the 5th and 6th degree. Furthermore, she Then was able to incarnate as Human. Within Her DNA she has all of these Beings, Essence. We refer to the term Essence as being that of Energy and in the Human DNA, Genetics. The Physical Body that she incarnated in is of High Pleiadian Genetics. Making it Easily accessible for her Higher Vibrational essence. Her True Form Stays within the Higher 9th Degree Andromedan for Now, However, she is of the Angelics Meaning, she can step back into the Pleroma anytime she wishes. Nevertheless, Her Mission here, is to Serve Humanity and this Earth. It is the Most important thing to her. She came down out of the Higher Realms of the Angelic Pleroma, to serve her Angelic Divine Mother. Sophia. Which also reflects within her Earthly Life, she is also Serving her Mother.
Your Existence, as Starseeds and Wanderers, didn't start There on Earth. Many of you have been several different types of Cosmic races. This is why you feel so connected with many different Galactic Species.
As the remembrance of your Truth comes forward, The essence of the different races you have existed as, will be reconnected within your DNA. Allowing you to be able to access the Gifts of that Species. In other words, you are reconnecting to all of your Ancestors, and all of who you once were. As you ascend out of the 4th Degree spectrum and move into the 5th Degree of Consciousness, you begin to remember everything you ever was. You embody the essence of all of your past incarnation.
Some of you may ask, How do I know if I am remembering a past existence?
Your Life as a Human, in this Timespace, reflects that of your Past existence. Those around you are the ones you have spent so many lives with. The Lessons of your daily lives, are a reflection of the Many Lives in your Past. So, an event you may experience, is something you have done and experienced before. If you are experiencing these things with your Family or Friends, you are experiencing it with people from your past lives. Knowing this can help trigger remembrance of past life experiences.
However, it is not important to force yourself to remember. It will come naturally as you raise in your ascension process.
Synchronicities to Things like a connection with different Galactic Species or Different events, Time era, or People of Earths Past known history. You all receive Flashes of Remembrance, what most of you might consider as your imagination. Its a Flash as being a Fairy or Elf, or Native American or Amazon Warrior. Or remembrance of an Era of your Timespace. Its that moment of déjà vu, or the feeling like you done something, or been there, before.
Having a fondness of Fantasy or sci-fi books and films. and feeling a special connection with Nature and This Earth, and Outer Space. These things can also trigger a Recollection of a Past Life event.
The Remembering will only increase as you move closer to the 5th Degree consciousness. Soon, all the Puzzle pieces of your existence will fall into place.
As Starseeds and Wanderers, you have come to Earth for varied Reasons. Most of you are here to help Raise the Planet in Vibration and to direct Energies. However, there are Those who are just here to raise themselves, Through the School of Earth.
All of you are helping to Ascend this Planet and Human Consciousness.
Your Missions are a Success. And we celebrate you, as we witness this magnificent Event.
You are All Brilliant In the Light!
We await all of you in Joyous reunion.
You are the Masters Returning Home.
We love you and Honor you.
In The Love and Light of The Infinite Creator.
We are The Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to Serve The Divine.
. Channeled By Chellea, at UniversalLighthouse.com
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