Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I work full-time with the Earth Council. We are extremely busy now, as you can well imagine. We are assisting as lookouts as part of the Team of Light to capture the perpetrators of the evil deeds that were recently done in Maui. There are many to be reckoned with and they will not be remaining on the Earth. It is part of the great cleansing to bring in the truth and the light. Evil can no longer be buried or pushed aside. It has to be brought to the light for all to see. The planet needs to understand the truth. It needs to see it in full view. We are very sorry for those who lost everything including their lives or other loved ones, friends and animals. One question is how can such beauty be turned into burial grounds?
We in the light realms are overseeing everything that is occurring now that needs healing and clearing. Humanity can no longer proceed like ostriches with their heads buried not paying attention to what is going on around them. The game has accelerated so things are happening everywhere that one must observe and pay attention to in order to dodge what is in front of them. There are many side shows that are bringing forth these revelations.
What humanity is beginning to see is there are beings on the planet that have no heart and no soul. If they had heart and soul they could never harm another human being. So you see, dear ones, it is with the love and the light that we are cleansing the Earth. This is a big awakening for all of humanity. Humans will no longer stand frozen like statues when certain events occur. They will step into their full being of power and light. The darkness will be cleared and taken down this way. It is the only way.
Human hearts have been activated with the Christ-ed energy that was anchored in 2000 years ago when Yeshua walked the Earth. These energies were brought forth in advance of his arrival and have continued throughout his departure. Now these energies are being even more fully activated and anchored into the Earth. These energies activate and touch the hearts of beings with souls. You will begin to be surprised by how many beings have been living on the Earth without souls. They are ones who have blank stares and don't seem to respond to human emotions like suffering and pain. You will discover more about these beings as they are removed from the planet.
Beloved ones, your destiny is with us. Your future is the light. The light is the creation of the new. It bands together high frequencies, consciousness, and intentions for new, improved versions of life. You will no longer be imprisoned in the material world but you will fly in the fifth dimension and higher to return home.
Please make the best of every day and do not get lost in the worry, confusion and illusion as this old world dissolves before you. Your reality has changed and you are changing your reality. It is best for you to remember this because you are the co-creators of the New Earth.
I am Mira loving you with all my heart and with all the hearts of the light realms and your galactic family.
A Transmission from Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, Through Valerie Donner August 25, 2023, at TheGroundCrew.com
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