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Blessings my Dear Family,

It seems anytime I reach out to the Ashtar Galactic Command, I am Surprised and amazed By The Encounter. This Time They Showed up while I was in the midst of Channeling this Message Last Night. Right around 8:30 pm I was in deep in the channeling with Commander Vrillon of The Ashtar Galactic Command, when I was distracted by Movement on my Security Monitor. I noticed, the Orb shaped object moving across the Sky, I immediately said something to David who ran out to see it. It wasn't there, it had vanished, or was only being seen through the Night vision cameras.

I then went back and recorded it from the monitor, so I could share it today. That's when I noticed it had materialized right in front of the Camera, That was very exciting. But then when setting up the video, I decided to do a close up zoom. That's when I seen the whole fleet. As you view the video, observe the many lights Flashing for the Camera, letting us know that They were all here. My Heart is bursting.

I love you all so Much, Namaste' My Family, and Enjoy the Message from the Ashtar Galactic Command.

Greetings, I am Commander Vrillon, of Ashtar Galactic Command.

It is wonderful to be having this conversation with you, Ambassador, and with the numerous Light workers, and starseeds, who will receive this message.

The veil has finally been lifted, revealing Our presence. We, your galactic neighbors, The many Forces of Light, have made our existence undeniable, especially to your militaries. We got their attention by stopping the many potential nuclear threats, that your governments have intended to commit.

This guardian decision marks a significant step in our long-term strategy to forge direct and open relationships with humanity. Gone are the days when Lightships operated under invisibility shields; now, they will glide freely across your skies, providing concrete proof of their reality.

However, this growing transparency presents many new challenges for your world leaders. Many are concerned that the revelation of these extraterrestrial beings could expose vulnerabilities and secrets that have been meticulously hidden until now. But the Ashtar Galactic Command, along with allies like The Galactic Federation, and The Earth Alliance, understands these apprehensions and is approaching this moment with utmost care. Their aim is not just to prove their existence, but to cultivate a sense of familiarity and trust.

This isn't merely a chance encounter; it signifies the dawn of a transformative collaboration. The Forces of Light are not only here to share groundbreaking technologies, but also to impart a millennia's worth of wisdom. We bring with us a holistic understanding of ecological and biological balance, promising to revolutionize healing for the Earth and Humanity. This celestial alliance also seeks to awaken the higher consciousness within you, making it possible to hand Humanity the reigns as Keepers of Earth.

First contact is not just an exchange of greetings; it’s a turning point that will challenge and expand your philosophical, spiritual, and practical frameworks. We The Forces of Light actively support this awakening, and are keen to foster a partnership that transcends mere exchanges, aiming for mutual growth. We respect your unique human heritage while celebrating your cosmic connection. Humanity are encouraged to set aside the limitations of the past and approach this new chapter with courage and curiosity.

This vision of a united future rests on the principles of peace, and mutual respect. It invites you to embrace not only the presence of the Many Light forces here to assist, but also the wealth of cultural and spiritual knowledge that accompanies this interstellar partnership. This is not just a simple meeting; it unfolds into a collaboration that holds the potential to address your planet’s most pressing challenges.

Alongside these promising developments, the Forces of Light are prepared to share advanced technologies designed to accelerate the restoration and regeneration of your ecosystems and Biological issues. Our holistic approach aims to heal the wounds inflicted on your Earth by addressing the root causes of environmental degradation, and to help cleanse the Human forms of the poisons and toxins which have cause many health issues and disease. This potential for rapid healing and restoration could dramatically alter the trajectory of your future.

As you stand at the precipice of this monumental shift, it’s essential to stay open-minded and receptive. Engaging with your cosmic neighbors invites you to rethink your relationship with your planet and each other, as a Galactic Society.

In this new era of Light, you are called to rise above the boundaries of your past and embrace a future enriched by interstellar respect and understanding. The Forces of Light are here, not just as overseers, but as partners ready to guide you toward a brighter, more sustainable future. Are you ready to join us on this journey of Interstellar Peace?

We are Here, and We Love You.

Message from Commander Vrillon, of The Ashtar Galactic Command.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at


Each Channeled and Scribed Transmission is received Daily, offering up-to-date Messages from your Many Galactic Families.

Please remember to Like and Subscribe. Full Article, along with the Video, can be Viewed at We are a Beacon of Light in Total Service.



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Please Use your own "Personal Discernment" on all content posted. What doesn’t resonate for you, May well be, a message for someone else.

Please bear with us... In these Moments, taking care of Our Family is becoming Priority. All Channeling for Video’s is being done by Chellea Wilder, offering Daily Information and spiritual Insights from our Star Families.

We also are Now offering other Channeled Messages and or Spiritual Teachings, on our Website, with Audio.

We offer our Channeled messages for Free, to All who are seeking the Light.  

If you enjoy the work of the different Authors that is shared on the website, Be sure to subscribe to Their Content as well. Please use your own personal discernment on all content posted. We hold copyright only on our video content.

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Thank you for your Continued Support. We Love you, and Honor you. We are Beacons of Light in Total Service



 Music By...

Music promoted by Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 

Video footage By

Compilation, Video editing, and 3D & Graphic artwork and Voice over, By


{{{NEW}}} COSMIC CRYSTAL HEALING -FULL AUDIO COURSE (certificate upon completion)


LIVE Schumann Resonance Graphs and LIVE Sun and Space Weather!!!



We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity

We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..

2 comentarios

28 ago 2024

Oh goodness..How Fortunate you are to witness such a spectacular thing..I understand we all get visited according to where we are consciousnessly, on our journey, so there's no envy, just admiration.

I think I witnessed tiny orbs like fairy upon opening my eyes after meditation. Not sure..but it does so much for your joy.

Me gusta

27 ago 2024

Nice to hear it. I know in world, I mean on Earth have one communication person it's women who represented community with aliens. She is first person who can to talk and represent Earth people. Hope soon everyone can see this communication.

Me gusta

A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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