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Ancient Temple of the "Goddess Nemesis" Uncovered in Greece

An ancient Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Nemesis has been discovered in the ruins of an ancient theater in Mytilene.

HISTORIAN Bettany Hughes revealed an incredible temple found by archaeologists in May 2019 that was built for the Goddess Nemesis inside an ancient Greek theatre.

Who was the Goddess Nemesis?

Nemesis, in Greek religion, two divine conceptions, the first an Attic goddess, the daughter of Nyx (Night), and the second an abstraction of indignant disapproval, later personified. Nemesis the goddess (perhaps of fertility) was worshipped at Rhamnus in Attica and was very similar to Artemis (a goddess of wild animals, vegetation, childbirth, and the hunt). In the post-Homeric epic Cypria, reported in Apollodorus’s Library, Book III, Nemesis turned herself into a goose to escape the clutches of Zeus; he eventually turned himself into a swan and caught her. Nemesis then laid an egg that was brought to Leda and from which Helen was hatched.

Nemesis, classical sculpture; in the Vatican Museum H. Roger-Viollet

That Nemesis the abstraction was worshipped, at least in later times, is beyond doubt. She signified particularly the disapproval of the gods at human presumption, and her first altar was said to have been erected in Boeotia by Adrastus, leader of the Seven Against Thebes. In Rome, especially, her cult was very popular, particularly among soldiers, by whom she was worshipped as patroness of the drill ground (Nemesis Campestris).


Nemesis (In Greek νέμειν némein, meaning “to give what is due” was the spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to  Hubris (arrogance before the gods).

She was also known as Rhamnusia. Another name for her was Adrasteia, meaning “the inescapable.” 

Nemesis directed human affairs in such a way as to maintain equilibrium.

Her name means she who distributes or deals out. 

She was related to the ideas of righteous anger, due enactment, or devine vengence.

The Greeks personified vengeful fate as a remorseless goddess: the goddess of revenge and righteous indignation.

Happiness and unhappiness were measured out by her, care being taken that happiness was not too frequent or too excessive. 

Nemesis has been described as the daughter of Zeus.

But, according to Hesiod, she was a child of Erebus and Nyx. She has also been considered the daughter of Nyx alone.

In the classic Greek tragedies, Nemesis appears chiefly as the avenger of crime and the punisher of hubris and as such is akin to Ate, the Greek goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and folly and the Erinyes. In some metaphysical mythology, Nemesis produced the egg from which hatched two sets of twins: Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra and the Discouri Castor and Pollux. From the fourth century onward, Nemesis, as the just balancer of Fortune´s chance, could be associated with Tyche. Tyche (meaning “luck”; roman equivalent: Fortuna) was the presiding deity that governed the fortune and prosperity of a city, its destiny. She was the daughter of Aphrodite and Zeus or Hermes. The Romans sometimes named Nemesis Invidia and described her as a goddess not only of the jealous indignation aroused by hubristic boasts but also as the goddess of jealousy in general. A festival called Nemeseia was held at Athens. Nemesis was also worshipped in Patrai, Anatolia, Rhamnos and Smyrna. Nemesis was usually depicted as a winged goddess. Her attributes were apple-branch, rein, lash, sword, scales, rudder, and wheel. 


Nemesis was the goddess of divine retribution and revenge, who would show her wrath to any human being that would commit hubris, i.e. arrogance before the gods. She was considered a remorseless goddess. Nemesis was widely used in the Greek tragedies and various other literary works, being the deity that would give what was due to the protagonist. She was often called "Goddess of Rhamnous", an isolated place in Attica, where a temple was attributed to her. It was believed that she was the daughter of the primordial god Oceanus. According to Hesiod, though, she was a child of Erebus and Nyx. One myth concerning Nemesis is that of Narcissus. He was a young man who was very arrogant and disdained those who loved him. Nemesis led him to a pool, where he saw his reflection and fell in love with it. Unable to abandon his reflection, he died there. According to another myth, Nemesis created an egg, from which two sets of twins hatched; one set was Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra, and the other was the Dioscuri.

‘Amazing’ Ancient Temple of Goddess Nemesis in Greece! Archaeologist Uncovers!


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