Dear Ones, I Greet you with Love.
When I once walked with you on earth, I would call out, "Come forth. He who has ears to hear, let him hear", beckoning those who would hear to awaken to the truth that I spoke. I spoke of a humble way, a sovereign way, and a peaceful way. These words I spoke were of a better way of being. I Spoke of the Way of Light. A Narrow path of Love. I spoke of the Christ within all of Humanity. I told that No One is above another. All carry the Christ consciousness within them.
When I chose to come to Earth, I came to bring Humans the Truth, to enlighten their souls, and to raise the Christ within each of you.
When I walked alongside you in the past, my words resonated with the essence of Unity. Loving your neighbor as you love yourself, and the principle of treating others as you wish to be treated, these teachings formed the core of my Commandments. Through these profound teachings, I aimed to elevate humanity towards a greater understanding and a higher state of being. My Teachings were to raise the Human Collective awareness to their own inner state of Christ Consciousness. To acknowledge that all beings on earth possess the Christ within. So therefore, you must Love all Others, for they are like unto yourself. For we all have God within.
I exemplified that upon staying focused on Love and service to Others, you can achieve your own Christ Consciousness. Each individual has the potential to achieve the same enlightenment, that I once did within my Earthly Body.
Throughout your History, My true teachings have become hidden and kept secret. Even when I walked with you before, These teachings were kept from the mass population. I was only able to give these understandings to my disciples, and trusted followers. I will once again begin to give you the Truth of the Christ within you.
The essence of Christ, or Christos, a divine essence, is an actual oil, hidden deep within you waiting to be discovered. This Precious Oil, Traverses down your spine once a Month, resting at your sacral Center until ready to return to its Sanctuary on the Moon sign of your Birth every Month. The Journey of the Christ oil back to it's origin takes 3 days, which is during the time when your Birth sign is in its moon stage. However, the Journey of the Oil can be hindered by Negative behaviors and negative thoughts. If this oil is able to return within the Pineal and pituitary Glands of your Brain, Your Consciousness is then ignited with the Light. The more often its achieved, the higher in Light you become. To achieve this, one must walk the path of Light, never hindering from their truth.
This sacred secretion is a direct connection to the Universal Life Force Energies that emanates from the Infinite Creator. It is the spark of the infinite light that illuminates your path and fills your soul with peace and purpose. Allowing this process to take place, One can Reach the Point of Christ Consciousness. It is a literal Transformation of your Consciousness to a state of Oneness with the Creator. This Process is also understood as the Kundalini awakening.
Nurturing this spiritual essence involves a deep commitment to your Inner-discovery, The Journey to discover the Christ within you. The God spark that is within all beings.
This is a journey of exploration and transformation that leads to a profound understanding of your true nature. By acknowledging and tending to the presence of the Christ within you, you open yourself to a higher state of consciousness, a state of oneness with the divine source of all creation. This spiritual nourishment is like a gentle rain that waters the seeds of your soul, allowing them to blossom and flourish in the radiant light of the Mother/Father Creator.
To achieve this process, One must align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with the Divine's will, cultivating a harmonious relationship with the sacred essence that dwells within. This is not worship of something outside your individual being, This is not worship of Me, the One you have known as Jesus. This is worship of the Creator that is within you, The God within.
To nurture your soul effectively is to embark on a profound inner journey, a quest for truth and enlightenment that transcends the limitations of the material world. It is a journey guided by the eternal wisdom of the Christ consciousness, a path of love, compassion, and spiritual awakening that leads you to a deeper understanding of your purpose and destiny. As you walk this path, you will discover the infinite depths of your being and the boundless potential that lies within you, waiting to be awakened and expressed.
Embrace this path with devotion and sincerity, and you shall unlock the boundless potential that lies within you, The Christ within you is waiting to be awakened and embraced.
I Love you all, so very much, Soon we will walk together once again.
I Am.
Message from Master Sananda Christos.
Transmission Received By Chellea Wilder, at Universal Lighthouse
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