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Beacons of Light

Beacons of Light

Channeled by Steve Rother, live on the Global Light. at

Greetings, dear ones.

I am eM and I join you in the most wondrous of times. You have worked a very long time to create your reality. Let me tell you, this is not the first go round. All of you have been here over and over and over again. You’ve been investing your time and energy—your spirit—in an opportunity to create something very magical. And you have done so, dear ones. Now what is taking place is that the game is changing. It’s very simple; you’ve reached the end of a game. But you’ve done this before, it isn’t the first time you’ve reached this level. The interesting part is that you now have the ability to walk into this consciously, and that has never happened before.

As we work with you in these new energies, we will share opportunities for you to see yourself from a different perspective and then build a solid base from which to grow. All of you have imprints that you’ve carried in your bodysuit, and some of these are from energy stamps you’ve received. An energy matrix is the way that you’re naturally wired, but an energy stamp is when something happens to you. When an event changes you a little bit, it stamps you with energy. Then you carry that energy stamp in your body suit, but now you can release these.

Some of you are having physical challenges, but that’s part of being human. Oh, don’t you love that part? One of the greatest opportunities you now have is to straighten out your own crinkled energy lines. You have this beautiful torus that goes around your physical being, carrying you through time-space. It’s actually what creates the illusion of time in which you live. The lines of the torus flow through your heart chakra. Every time you have an experience, it hits the outside of these lines. Most often these are positive experiences. You’re going through life, integrating with other people, and those people have an effect on you and your body suit. In reality, everything that you work with has an effect on your life in some way.

Everyone and Everything Is Connected

Astrology tells you that every single planet out there is affected by every other planet. Often humans can’t find the planet they’re looking for. However, they can see the effect that the gravitational field has on other planets. Everything in the universe is connected in that way, dear ones, you have that same connection. When you have energy stamps, something frightening or even quite traumatic has happened to you. Instead of these beautiful straight lines of connection that you have coming though, the energy stamps crinkle those lines. And when the jagged energy lines start to make their way through your heart chakra, it hurts. Sometimes you don’t even want to run the energy through because it hurts too much. So, you just pretend that it’s not there. You run the cycles of energy outside, instead of bringing them through your heart chakra.

Yes, dear ones, you are very imaginative about how you deal with these negative energies. But now you can release a lot of that, because the one thing that you have in common with every other being is that you’re a part of each other. You all bring something from Home to Earth, so you are naturally wired for certain aspects such as harmony. You actually have to learn how to be out of harmonics and how to put up walls. Often these walls are a natural defense or the result of your empathic abilities. You are trying to keep the lines of your torus straight, so to protect yourself you either put up your walls or you pull back your energy. Although your torus will help smooth out the crinkles, you don’t want to entirely lose the experience that created the energy stamp. Those crinkled lines are now part of your personality, and they give you the opportunity to express yourself as a spirit through a body suit on planet Earth.



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