Blessings, We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
We wish to speak to you today about the dissolving of the veil that has shielded your eyes from the truth of your reality.
Throughout Humanities History, The human existence has been interwoven with a darkness of manipulation and interference, as malevolent forces have sought to tamper with the very essence of your being – your DNA. This insidious meddling has cast a shadow over your ability to perceive the Interdimensional nature of reality, confining you to the Illusion, limited within the confines of the 3rd dimension.
The result of this manipulation have been far-reaching, shrouding the truth in a veil of deception and trickery that eludes your conscious awareness.
However, a vibratory shift is underway, very quickly lifting the veil that has clouded your vision for so long. As this shift unfolds, the illusion that has ensnared you, begins to dissipate, revealing a reality teeming with many different vibrational beings that exist beyond the boundaries of your current perception.
There are Higher and lower vibrational life forms residing within these realms, Just out of sight of your Human Perspective.
The entities, residing in the lower dimensions, are like parasitic specters, feeding on the emotional energy and reactions emanating from Humans vibrating at lower frequencies. These beings would include the reptilian race, the Maitre race also known as the tall greys, and their many minions.
The energy that they feed on is known as loosh, and is a hyperdimensional energy emitted by humans in moments of trauma and fear, and is a potent life force that serves as sustenance for all of these parasitic beings known as the Archons.
In ancient texts and lore, these beings are often depicted as Demons or Jinn, their insidious presence has always been an influence on your collective consciousness.
These beings reside within the Lower 4th dimension, within what is known as the void. As the Earth rises in vibration, Humanity is being lifted out of these dark beings grasp. They will not be able to affect you once you are raised into the Higher 4th and 5th dimensions. The Raising of Earth vibrations does not harm these beings because they do not reside within the physical realm. So the Lifting of the Earth and Humanity into Higher dimensions is needed to help you to escape these parasites.
Among the unseen dimensions that coexist alongside your physical reality, a myriad of positive beings also dwell alongside of Humanity, each with its unique essence and purpose.
The Faeries, with their ethereal beauty and mystical presence, are guardians of nature, fostering harmony and balance in the natural world. The Many enchanting beings from the Elemental Kingdom, such as dragons and unicorns also exist beyond the illusion, all serving as stewards of ethereal, earth, air, fire, and water, ensuring the delicate equilibrium of your planet. They will also become visible as the Veil is lifted from your eyes.
Also, Beyond the veil of perception are your many Star Families, celestial connections that transcends the illusion, offering love and guidance from distant cosmic realms. These celestial kinfolk watch over you with unwavering devotion, illuminating your path with cosmic wisdom and unconditional support. Their presence serves as a reminder of your eternal connection to the vast universe, infusing your journey with cosmic significance and purpose.
Beyond the Illusion, there are also those who Guide you and protect you with invisible hands. They are your spiritual guides and guardian angels, celestial companions who walk alongside you on your quest for spiritual enlightenment. Though unseen, their presence is felt in moments of synchronicity, intuition, and divine intervention, gently nudging you towards growth and inner-discovery.
These celestial mentors offer solace in times of uncertainty, whispering words of encouragement and inspiration as you navigate the complexities of earthly existence.
As Individuals traverse the Human experience, there are many ethereal entities present just beyond the Illusion. As the veil is lifted from your eyes, you will begin to witness the diversity of the beings that are always around you. Wherever your Vibration resides, is what type of beings you will attract around you. If you are engulfed in Fear, worry, depression and uncertainty, then you attract the Lower Parasitic beings. Alternatively, if you are focusing on raising your vibrations and mindset, then you attract the Beautiful beings of Light, offering divine love and guidance.
Moreover, the interactions Humanity experiences on a daily basis extend beyond the realm of human comprehension. There exists a myriad of vibrational beings whose influence subtly shapes your reality, often without your conscious awareness.
These unseen forces play a significant role in directing the Human Consciousness. There are many Magnificent Beings of Light guiding you, protecting you, and nudging you towards your highest potential.
As you journey within this ascension, your eyes are being opened, not to just the truth within your physical plane of existence, but to the Intricate web of reality that is just beyond the Illusion.
We Love you, and are here with you, walking beside you on your Journey into Higher Light.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Pleiadians of Alcyone, Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at Universal Lighthouse.
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