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Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures… The Evidence of Inner Earth Beings

What if humanity was not the only intelligent life indigenous to the Earth? In this interview with Regina Meredith, Michael Mott suggests that intelligent humanoid beings, dwelling in vast underground Biosystems, have always been a part of Earth’s complex ecosystems and inspired countless folktales from around the world. But no matter how fantastical these fairy tales of inner earth beings may seem, we must remember that all folklore has some basis in reality. Michael Mott examines the striking similarities between folklore, religious, mythic, and first-hand witness or historical accounts cryptid and reptilian figures, and inner earth beings. His studies include the link between electromagnetism and some types of underworld beings, ghosts, UFOs and other related phenomena. START YOUR FREE TRIAL NOW!!! Follow this link -​ to watch over 300 episodes of unparalleled transformational content, taking our viewers to the edges of consciousness and science.


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