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Cosmic Light Update 10/24~ The Dark Moon & The Rise of the Eagle and the Phoenix

During this time we are asked to focus on the higher perspective of things. The Eagle sees things from a higher point of view. The energies can get really crazy during the Dark moon, on top of the "Thinning of the Veil". So, by looking at things through the eyes of understanding, we can stay calm and respond through Love, rather than reacting through impulsiveness and instability.

The Phoenix reminds us that even if we are drug through the darkness we will survive, The Phoenix is the rebirth or the renewal of the spirit. To truly see the Light, sometimes we must be surrounded by the darkness.

Scorpio is the sign of transformation, so it also makes sense to transform. He moves from the Scorpion that is ready to defend himself with his pincers or stinging with his tail, in the Eagle that is able to hover high and look for dangers from miles away. Then, it enters darkness and turns into ash, where it eventually rises like the Phoenix.

"It is this journey of metamorphosis that we too are guided to undertake, whatever happens for us under the dark Moon.

Whatever happens, know that it is part of how we move through our cycle of ego in the dark night of the soul and, finally, in spiritual wisdom."

Be Prepared for a Powerful Energy Wave

The new moon of this month is about to be here and the energies are reborn again. If the month of October has not been too intense overall, things may be pretty confusing in the days to come.

We will all feel a deep sense of responsibility for the paths we follow in life. If you move in a way that is not serving you well, it may be time to make changes. You may notice that when things happen, the truth is inevitable. Even the most frustrating things have to be buckled so that you can really manage them.

The Thinning of Veil

With the new moon being on the 27th and mercury going retrograde on the 31st, we are in for a interesting ride, into All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day (Samhain). The thinning of the veil during this time makes communication and interaction between the realms much easier. This can be very dangerous for those who do not know what they are doing. Darkness also lies within those realms, so be very careful who our what you are communicating or interacting with.

If you decide to explore other realms during this time, cover yourself with the white light of source. You must bring that light outwardly from within. Our Father/Mother resides within us. So, to allow them surround us with their light, One must become pure of heart with no ill intention, and no self gain. Burn Sage as often as needed, and place Protection Stones all around you.

Top Protection Stones



Ouro Verde Quartz

Blue Kyanite

Spirit Quartz

Green Aventurine


Flame Aura Quartz


Black Tourmaline

Aqua Aura Quartz

Brown Calcite

Black Obsidian



Astrology for The New Moon

The New Moon of October 27 and 28 at 04 ° 25 ‘of Scorpio is almost exactly opposite Uranus. The New Moon and Uranus are fixed stars that add astrological influence.

The New Moon opposite Uranus creates spontaneous and chaotic changes. This highly charged electrical energy can cause anxiety, impatience, abruptness, impulsiveness, and rebellion. Sudden shocks and unexpected encounters can destabilize you.

Your actions and reactions can also lead to risky behavior, mistakes or accidents. Even if you’re doing well with change and excitement, someone close to you may become unreliable, unpredictable or provocative. Someone new can enter your life, cause damage, then leave as quickly as he came.

This could be a particularly difficult New Moon for relationships. An increased need for personal freedom and greater independence could create a distance between partners and even a separation. Selfishness is not going to help things but is likely to be present with a New Moon in front of Uranus.

The best way to deal with this unpredictable influence is flexibility and willingness to adapt to changing conditions. Although overwhelming at first, and resisting change, it may offer a better path if you keep an open mind.

The cosmic skies are moving, there is a change in the air and it seems that this New Moon can awaken us to some new truths. Something might catch us off guard or some new information could come to light that moves us in a completely new direction.

It seems that, whatever happens, we are all called to wake up and see the world from a new point of view.

Spiritual Meaning of the New Moon in Scorpio on October 27


Whatever this New Moon brings into our lives, we must remember to look at the bigger picture and see things from a broader perspective. Sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in the clarity of it all, but when we separate ourselves from the situation and look at it from above, it allows us to see a new beauty in what is happening.

How nice that we don’t know the way yet. How wonderful that there are elements of life that still confuse us, make us feel deeper than we could have imagined and reminded us of what is real and pure in our hearts. How nice, even if we don’t know the way yet, we can widen our wings, shift our awareness and trust that there is a new development that is destined to come.

Scorpio is ruled by Scorpio, but there are two other archetypes for its energy: the Eagle and the Phoenix.

Scorpio is the sign of transformation, so it also makes sense to transform. He moves from the Scorpion that is ready to defend himself with his pincers or stinging with his tail, in the Eagle that is able to hover high and look for dangers from miles away. Then, it enters darkness and turns into ash, where it eventually rises like the Phoenix.

It is this journey of metamorphosis that we too are guided to undertake, whatever happens for us under the dark Moon.

Whatever happens, know that it is part of how we move through our cycle of ego in the dark night of the soul and, finally, in spiritual wisdom.

New Moon of October 27, 2019 Summary


The New Moon of October 27 and 28 in front of Uranus is extremely powerful and may result in sudden shocks, unusual accidents, and unexpected encounters. This will make people impulsive, impatient, agitated, and unpredictable.

In addition to bringing to the surface some potentially jarring information, this New Moon also has an irregular energy around it. We may feel easy or a bit overwhelmed with anger, or we may see this in those around us.

Politicians are likely to make unexpected decisions that can lead to aggressive reactions, rebellion and stock market shocks. They will also have to react to sudden and unexpected events. Expect this New Moon to ignite the rebellion in Hong Kong as well as other hot spots around the world.

Power struggles may also be at stake, so be sure to take steps to protect yourself if you notice any of these dynamics.

The New Moon really carries some hard energies, but sometimes we need intensity to drive the vehicle of transformation. Even if we want to stay strong and centered, we don’t even want to limit ourselves or cut ourselves from allowing anything to move, change and transform us.

Under the dark moon, we are softening; we are entering more into ourselves; we are realizing a new truth and we are learning to see the world through a different lens.

The new moon in Scorpio is also a wonderful point of the month to attract a deep sense of self-acceptance and also recognize the little we really know about life and the role we all play in it.

Under this New Moon, we will feel in awe in the world we live in. We may also find ourselves tuned to the possibilities of the magic that surrounds us.

Since this energy can be intense, we must be aware that we are not allowing ourselves to become controlling, aggressive, hostile or to act with our ego.

We must remember to shift our awareness from the little Scorpion to the nascent Phoenix. We must remember to continue to transcend our awareness of what life is and what role we are here to play.

The effects of the New Moon on October 28 will last four weeks until the New Moon on November 26. The best time to make a fresh start and start new projects is during the first two weeks of this new lunar cycle. This growing phase of the Moon lasts from October 28 to November 12, during the Full Moon.

Happy New Moon!!! (Source)


Mercury Retrograde 2019 in Scorpio. Oct 31st- Nov. 20th. MERCURY SPOOKYGRADE


OMG The Biggest CHANGE 🤯🔥of 2019 || New Moon In Scorpio ♏️


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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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