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Cosmic Light Update 12/18 ~ Winter Solstice Rebirth & The 3/3/3 Portal, The Light Returns

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As we enter the Winter solstice we are experiencing what is referred to as the Rebirth. Powerful, relentless and profound, the Winter Solstice draws us within.  The entire magnetism of the cosmos exerts its influence on our consciousness, opening portals to our soul.  Whether we are conscious of it or not, our energy is drawn inward. This symbolizes a Spiritual Metamorphosis taking place.

Winter solstice is the day of the sun's rebirth from growing darkness into growing light. This is "new year's day by the solar calendar, which means renewal of all things solar, including -

☞ purpose

☞ illumination

☞ consciousness

☞ warmth

☞ vitality

☞ a sense of center

The 3/3/3 Portal opened on the 3rd of December, and continued to the 12th of December (12/12/12) and now is still open on 21st December (21/12/12 Solstice) and will close on the 30th December (3/3/3). Each of these dates reduces down to 3/3/3 or 9.

The last of the cardinal numbers, the 9 is the most worldly and sophisticated of all numbers. The 9 has some similarities with the 6. However, whereas the 6 as a symbol of motherly (or fatherly) love, giving its love and care to friends, family and the immediate community, the 9 offers it to the world at large; the 9, more than any other number, has global consciousness. Looking at the shape of the symbol is, as always, quite telling. The "9" is like the "6" upside down, a symbol of her offering sympathy and compassion to everyone; a reservoir of giving with a generous downward spout.


Portals, Eclipses and Conjunctions power the Shift to New Earth Creation.

Beloveds, stand by to enter the third decade of the 21st Century! The quantum energies are swirling and accelerating as you arrive fully in this new space and place that is called New Earth. You will see a quantum wave of awakening in 2020 on your Earth, with many deep and profound shifts.

But, on may say that right now you are in the entrance hallway, waiting to make your big entrance!

Many powerful energies were released at the Galactic New Year in July? August of 2019, and this is the culmination or high point of the Time Spiral as you enter the 3/3/3 Portal, connect with Galactic Center and Council, transit the Solstice and the Solar Eclipse, and prepare for the powerful and transformative energies of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, follower by the Sun, Pluto and Saturn conjunction also in Capricorn on the 12th January 2020.

Yes indeed, you have a "full program" over the next weeks. These powerful shifts occurring in December 2019 and January 2020 will deliver you to the threshold of your "new life" as a citizen of the New Earth and an empowered Co-Creator of the New Earth Reality. The past will finally fall away for you and you will step into the magical quantum and multi-dimensional reality that is your birth right as an Angelic or Starseed Human.

Welcome to the New Earth "2020" where you are the ones who determine your reality and your future as you travel the time spirals and shape "TimeSpace" into your deepest dreams and desires.

The 3/3/3 Portal

Beloved Ones, the 3/3/3 Portal is an extended month long corridor or time gate that will deliver you to the New Reality just in time for the big switchover to Co-Creation and Co-operation with the New Earth Councils of Elders and Earth Keepers. Administrative responsibility for the New Earth will devolve on these councils, and especially on the High Council for the New Earth. These ones will guide you forward into the place of ultimate freedom and dreams!

The 3/3/3 Portal opens on the 3rd of December, continues to the 12th of December (12/12/12) and 21st December (21/12/12 Solstice( and closes on the 30th December (3/3/3). Each of these dates reduces down to 3/3/3 or 9.


Tired, Cranky, Sleepy…It’s the Solstice!

Powerful, relentless and profound, the Winter Solstice draws us within.  The entire magnetism of the cosmos exerts its influence on our consciousness, opening portals to our soul.  Whether we are conscious of it or not, our energy is drawn inward. Like a plant in winter, our consciousness withdraws from the surface and burrows deep within to go through the fire of transformation. If we resist, we can feel out of sorts, cranky, tired, accident prone or even come down with an illness in response to the power of this pull.

Think of the solstice like a giant full moon.  Full moons are portals to the unconscious, to the vast black holes that source the manifested light.  If you are not a skillful navigator of full moon energies then solstice energies might be a challenge for you as well. When we are guided to go within but don’t follow that guidance our energy splits.  Our deeper awareness is going in one direction and our surface awareness is going in another. This causes a fracture in our psyche that we experience as sleepy, tired, foggy, cranky and out of sorts. We can feel lost, confused, listless and depressed. We don’t understand that every moment we are riding a huge cosmic wave of change. Nor are we aware of the counter energy, the yin to the yang, of the eternal still point of peace within.  At this time in our evolution it would be very helpful to invest a lot of time learning about this beautiful gift of spirit that exists deep within our hearts.  It’s our place of retreat and renewal, where we can find understanding and compassion for ourselves and others.  It’s a wellspring of helpful insight that broadens our understanding of life.  Everyone has access to this retreat within, everyone!

We are already immersed in the solstice energies. The three days before and after the actual solstice are very potent times. The veils are thinned and our ability to traverse expanded states is enhanced.  This is the cosmic gift of the seasons. In its great intelligence the cosmos knows that the most essential sustenance of the human spirit is being able to rest in the love, harmony and beauty of a peaceful heart. We don’t understand that every moment we are riding a huge cosmic wave of change. Nor are we aware of the counter energy, the yin to the yang, of the eternal still point of peace within.  At this time in our evolution it would be very helpful to invest a lot of time learning about this beautiful gift of spirit that exists deep within our hearts.  It’s our place of retreat and renewal, where we can find understanding and compassion for ourselves and others.  It’s a wellspring of helpful insight that broadens our understanding of life.  Everyone has access to this retreat within, everyone!

We are already immersed in the solstice energies. The three days before and after the actual solstice are very potent times. The veils are thinned and our ability to traverse expanded states is enhanced.  This is the cosmic gift of the seasons. In its great intelligence the cosmos knows that the most essential sustenance of the human spirit is being able to rest in the love, harmony and beauty of a peaceful heart. Source,


Winter Solstice: roughly 12/21


Winter solstice is the day of the sun's rebirth from growing darkness into growing light. This is "new year's day by the solar calendar, which means renewal of all things solar, including -

☞ purpose

☞ illumination

☞ consciousness

☞ warmth

☞ vitality

☞ a sense of center

During 2018 - 2020, we are going through bigger remodeling processes than usual - on the personal, societal, and global level.

Herbs for the solar month of Capricorn:

It's a good time to support the bones and joints in your body & life:

HORSETAIL is a magnificently ancient plant, and one of my favorite Capricorn herbs - nourishing to the bones, joints, and connective tissues, and energetically good for helping you find your inner mettle so you can push through difficulty.

NETTLES are also recommended, especially if you need some help maintaining good boundaries.

OAT STRAW not only supports the bones & ligaments, and also offers calming and nourishing support for your nerves.

Adaptogens are crucial to handle the burnout we tend to feel at this point in the year. During the Capricorn month, I recommend -

ASHWAGANDHA for sustained all around strength.

RHODIOLA for stamina, determination, and focus.

BURDOCK ROOT for choosing the right "mountain" to climb, shedding any unnecessary baggage, finding the right path, and maintaining your strength as you journey onwards and upwards. Source,

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What You Should Know About The Winter SOLSTICE Gateway (12/21 Energy Update)


(Winter Solstice 2019) The Light Returns – All Chakra - New Beginnings Meditation


Winter Solstice 2019 Manifestation: Bring in Light Into Your Life


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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
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