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Cosmic Light Update ~ July18-24 ~ FAMILY OF LIGHT CONTACT & Everything is Changing

Cosmic Light Update, July18-24 ~ FAMILY OF LIGHT CONTACT & Everything is Changing

Beautiful Day Dear Family of Light,

We have a calm moment for the next few days, within this very highly energetic season. Within this precious time, we can re-center and come back into focus of the steps ahead. We have so much ahead of us. These are the moments to Stop and take a deep breath. Where are you going from here? What are the next steps of your journey? We do have a choice and its time to make the adjustments necessary for the advancements into a higher way of being. In These moments The Universe is pushing us to re-think, reflect, and in many cases relearn every thing we have ever known. This can be hard if you are not willing to let go of the old. Everything can seem confusing if you are holding on to old belief systems that can't explain what is happening within you and what you are witnessing within this world. Everything is Changing. The Light is here to stay

We are not decreasing in energies any time soon.

As we move farther into the Photon Belt we are getting closer to our Neighbors, The Pleiadians. We are Now receiving full Waves from "Alcyone", the central star of the Pleiadian star system. As we move into this system, the Earth is rising in frequency very quickly. This is another reason why our Family from the Stars has been visiting us more frequently. We are raising in vibration to meet our Light Family. As Humanity continues to Raise in awareness, we will begin to see full contact with our brothers and sisters from the higher dimensions. It was very difficult for the higher vibration beings to lower their vibrations to stay for long periods of time on this Earth while she was in the 3rd density. But as she raises in Light, we are beginning to witness much more activity and contact from the Stars. Our Family of Light is joyously awaiting our rise to the higher consciousness. They will then be able to communicate with us with much more ease. We will find it much easier learning through their guide. As it is getting easier for the Pleiadians and Others to visit us, it is also getting much harder for those of the darker vibrations, to stay within this solar system now.


Weekly Astrology: July 18-24 By Sara Rae


This week starts off relatively quiet. No new major planetary shifts or alignments. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Chiron are all already in retrograde. From our point of view on Earth, these celestial bodies are appearing to be moving backwards in the sky.

Retrogrades are all about revisiting, rethinking, reconsidering, and relearning.

When a planet goes retrograde, we are being guided to double-check the area of our lives that planet represents. Whatever zodiac sign the planet is in also gives us a hint as to what we need to be revisiting.

You can see our recent astrology forecasts to learn more about each individual retrograde happening right now. But overall, with these planets in retrograde, we’re probably going to be questioning a lot of the decisions we have made this year so far.

We may be questioning what it is that actually brings us fulfillment and what we actually want to spend our lives doing. The foundations we have built may not seem as stable as they once were.

It’s time to reflect on those foundations, and think about how we can reinforce them. Or tear them down and start over, if that is a better solution.

What old baggage and thought patterns are we still hauling around with us? How are they preventing us from stepping into new ways of being? If we pull back the curtain of the subconscious mind, what do we find? What illusions are shielding the true nature of things, places, and people?

After an easy start to the week, we’re going to be hit with a bunch of new energy three days in a row. Woo!

Venus in Virgo

On July 21, charming Venus will move into practical Virgo, where it will remain until August 16. Venus rules over our love lives and romantic relationships. While in Virgo, Venus is feeling much more reserved than normal.

This sign isn’t Venus’ favorite place to be, especially after having a run-in with its cosmic lover Mars last week. But, Virgo loves commitments. We might be feeling a bit picky about who we let into our hearts during this time. We’re probably not going to be feeling overly affectionate, either (physically speaking).

Virgo doesn’t usually like all the bells and whistles. But Venus wants to cultivate beautiful relationships that are meaningful. Dedicate this energy into making your most important relationships really strong and stable in a way that’s realistic.

Sun in Leo

On July 22, Leo season begins! The Sun moves out of emotional Cancer and into confident Leo. This is such a vibrant time of year. After focusing on our home lives in July, it’s time we burst through the door and explore the world in August.

Leo is so feisty and clever. You’re likely bursting at the seams with creativity and confidence! There’s this strong urge to let the whole world you’re large and in charge. If not, let down your hair and hold your head up high–literally. Because your posture plays a big role in your self confidence.

Leo wants to have fun and play! Summer Fun In The Sun is Leo’s catchphrase. Have fun just for the sake of feeling good and living in the moment. Take some time off over the next four weeks with no plans or goals. Really embrace the spontaneity of Leo season.

Because Leo has strong leadership qualities, we’re all being guided this month to create what we want to create, not what we’re being told to create. Remember the famous proverb: be the change you wish to see in the world. Tell the story you want to hear. Create the thing you wish existed.

Pick up your weapon of choice–a pen, a paint brush, a garden shovel, a spatula, a hammer, an instrument, a costume–and create whatever art is in your heart.

Aquarius Full Moon

On July 23, we have our first of two Aquarius Full Moons in a row. That means there’s a central theme of humanitarianism that we’re meant to explore over the next two months.

Because Full Moons are about releasing what no longer serves us, and Aquarius is all about serving the general public. So it’s time to release old societal paradigms that don’t have a place in the New Earth. We’ll get the opportunity to do this twice with these two Aquarius Full Moons in a row.

How can we better serve our communities? What concepts can be let go, reshaped, or built upon to make the world a better place for every living being?

On a personal level, it’s important we keep up with the changes happening in the world so we can best serve our communities and humanity as a whole. We can use this combination of Aquarian Full Moon energy and Leo energy to lead by example.

We’ll likely feel this strong “I want to change the world” energy all weekend long. Now would be a great time to volunteer at, raise awareness of, or donate to a cause you are passionate about. Over the past year and a half, there have been massive pushes for huge changes to happen in our societies. Be part of the movement! Source,


While the week ahead has generally sweet and sugary planetary aspects, the full moon that thunders over this week will be especially problematic. It’s best to utilize the pleasant energies to your greatest benefit, while keeping your antennae up for the full moon’s roar.

On July 20, our cosmic messenger, Mercury, orbiting in Cancer links in an exhilarating sextile with Uranus in Taurus. Exciting news will pop up, as our schedules shift in new directions. We will feel a heightened level of intellectual energy that may bring us flashes of insight and an expanded perception. We will have an easier time seeing things from a unique perspective. Also, with Taurus holding ties to real estate and Cancer holding rulership over the home, this would be an auspicious day to make changes or sign agreements about any of these things.

Venus enters Virgo & Leo Season Begins

Sweet Venus moves into Virgo beginning July twenty-first, joining her champion, Mars. In the weeks ahead, we will be focused on being practical and grounded in love and relationship matters. Being of service to those who we care for will be especially fulfilling. Give gifts, spend quality time, and show people that you care rather than just saying it.

On July 22, Venus in Virgo stands opposite Jupiter in Pisces. Of all of the oppositions, this is certainly the most delightful. This will make it a rather sweet day for making love, partying, and indulging in our heart’s desires. Enjoy yourself and celebrate life.

Leo Season Begins

The mighty sun ignites in its domicile zodiac sign beginning July 22. Leo season arrives with a burst of energy and firepower, as we feel our passions call out to us. This particular period of the year favors recreation, fun, romance, and creativity, so we will let our hearts lead the way. Yet, with so much fixed sign conflict this year—with the T-square between planets in Leo opposed to those in Aquarius and square to Taurus, we will be headed to a more tumultuous Leo season than we may initially have expected. This means that there could be resistance to our passions, as our priorities call us to handle other responsibilities.

However, the most challenging aspect of the week will surely be the arrival of the full moon in Aquarius on July 23. This will be the first of two back-to-back lunations in this zodiac sign, with the second appearing a month from now. Of the two, this will be the one that could bring more disheartening news. Pluto will oppose the sun. The ruler of the full moon, Uranus, will still be battling with Saturn, indicating a struggle to break free. Keep your schedule light, as the universe could throw obstacles at every turn.

To end the week, jovial Mercury in Cancer will trine Neptune in Pisces on July 24. Prepare for a day of heightened creativity, spirituality, and sensitivity. This will soften the rather rocky energy, so amidst the storm, do your best to lead with compassion.

Major Transits of the Week

7/20 — Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

7/21 — Venus enters Virgo

7/22 — Sun enters Leo

7/22 — Venus in Virgo opposite Jupiter in Pisces

7/23 — Full moon in Aquarius

7/24 — Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

Your Weekly Horoscope for July 18


A full moon arrives this week, spotlighting your solar eleventh house of community, Aries. This is the first of two back-to-back full moons in this arena and could indicate a hardship or conflict with a friend.


Your weekly horoscope for July 18 says you are in the limelight this week, Taurus. The first of two back-to-back full moons in your solar tenth house of achievements will appear. A turning point, culmination, or shift around your career will be at hand.


Get ready to be focused on intellectual growth this week, Gemini. A full moon in your solar ninth house of expansion will resound, helping you to pursue an academic, media, or traveling plan.


A major expense or financial burden may appear this week, Cancer. A full moon in your solar eighth house of shared assets and investments clashes with Pluto, representing troubling news may be afoot.


A significant turning point around a main business or romantic partnership will take place this week, Leo. A full moon across the sky in your solar seventh house could bring a rude awakening, ending, or conflict that has been bubbling beneath the radar.


Watch your health this week, Virgo. A full moon in your solar sixth house of fitness and diet will appear. It conflicts with Pluto, the planet of transformation, and could bring unsettling news that you must attend to rapidly.


An intense full moon in your solar fifth house of love and passion will take the night this week, Libra. A conflict or power struggle could be rippling beneath the waters.


Get ready for some heavy news around home or family this week, Scorpio. A full moon in your solar fourth house will be conflicting with Pluto, bringing a dark feel to the cosmos.


Be extremely careful about what you write, speak, and communicate this week, Sagittarius. A full moon in your solar third house clashes with malevolent Pluto and could show that an enemy or authority figure is out to tarnish your name.


Heavy financial news could appear this week, Capricorn. As a full moon in your solar second house of money overrules the days ahead, you may have to shoulder a significant expense out of nowhere.


The first of two back-to-back full moons in your zodiac sign will appear this week, Aquarius. You may be caught in the midst of a significant power struggle and feel vengeance boiling in your blood.


Your weekly horoscope for July 18 says take care of your mental health this week, Pisces. A full moon in your solar twelfth house will crackle with fire, increasing your anxiety or bringing bad dreams. Meditate and release what you cannot control.


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