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Cosmic Light Update ~ June 2022~ The NEW STORY is About to Begin, are You Ready?

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Cosmic Light Update ~ June 2022~ The New Story is About to Begin, are You Ready?

Blessings Beautiful Family of Light,

In May we had the opportunity to experience what it feels like to dive very deep into our inner selves. We have had to let go of all the things that have been holding us back within this Ascension. In many ways, it has felt like walking through mud. But By releasing the sludge we have cleared the path for The New Story to Begin. The Cosmic Light of June that we will be greeted with, are the Energies of Mercury going back direct on the 3rd, and then Saturn going Retrograde on the 4th. This retrograde energy asks us to reflect on our maturity and growth.

So for the first week of June we will be shown what we have transformed within ourselves. This Saturn Retrograde will bring forth the lessons we have already learned and how far we have grown on this spiritual journey. As with any graduation, you are shown just how far you have come. It is a time of celebration. we made it!

After we have broken free of the Old Story, we can open our hearts to allow the New one to Begin.

For the New Story to Begin, it must Start with LOVE.

On June 11 Venus Conjuncts Uranus

Venus and Uranus come together in the sign of Taurus. This will allow us to feel free to become Love. By Becoming Love we express it through action. This Energy will transform or break down any barriers, we may have placed around our hearts. This is the time for us to experience a greater Love within ourselves.

Embracing these energies, and allowing for the healing of the heart chakra, we will bring more joy and peace to our lives. So many people have forgotten how to just Be Love, and share it with Others. The New Story is about Becoming The Love you are meant to be.


On June 14 we will have a Super Full Moon in Sagittarius

Super Full moon means you will feel its energy Doubled.

However This Full Moon has a gentle tone and carries an energy that reminds us to find our inner Child and not be so serious all the time. This is the Perfect Full Moon to begin our New Story.

After all the strong energies of Transformation these last recent months, June's Full Moon will help us to release and let go of any extra stuff that we may be holding on to, that is not needed. This Full Moon will also have the strong effect, To open our Eyes to the New Light. Making the Veil even more thin.

On June 21 we have The Summer Solstice with the Sun in Cancer

The Solstice is a powerful time and is celebrated by bringing in the Summer in the Northern Hemisphere and Winter in The Southern Hemisphere of the Earth. It also is a Symbol of Light and a reminder that even while in Darkness, we will always return to the Light. Solstice energies are said to also make the veil thinner, allowing for easier interaction through the dimensions.

On The 28th of June Neptune goes Retrograde.

This is beautiful Energy that will shine a Bright light on anything else that may be hidden. It will bring more disclosure where it needs to be.

On the 29th we have the New Moon in Cancer and then on the 30th the Sun Conjunct Black Moon Lilith

These energies will bring forth the deepest Feminine aspects of ourselves, Light and Dark. We will be guided to embrace this time to acknowledge our Feminine Power. For so long it has been suppressed and forced into submission, Now it is being freed. This Energy will help heal, and allow all of your Feminine self to shine. Not only can we be Nurturing, Loving, Gentle, and Kind, we have the ability to Heal, Transform, Create, and have a direct channel to psychic powers as well, which all come from our inner feminine aspect. As this repressed energy is brought to the surface, it can balance the masculine and should be embraced as the needed preparation for the Sacred Union, that's happening within ourselves.


The Energies of June 2022 ~ A Harmonic Passage

Small Excerpt from

As we enter into this new energetic month of June, we too feel the comfort, and peace that comes with this new harmonic phase. A month of calmness after the intensity of the eclipses, as we are in a break until October when we will welcome the second wave.

June comes with harmonic energies for those who are ready, and willing, to align with the new earth’s future timeline, one of profound love, compassion, and peace, that only we can anchor by mirroring this same frequency within ourselves.


June Energy Forecast 2022 - Feeling Empowered and Brave. Taking the Next Step... Small Excerpt from

Take a big big breath, throw your arms open and then wrap them around yourself. You did it!

It seems we are living at a time when battling your inner and outer demons are everyday tasks and often you can forget to take time to celebrate your commitment, your determination to be more you. For a moment, think back to three years ago and take a quick tour down memory lane. Who were you then? How were you then? And now?

You have grown so much. There is so much more of YOU emerging.


If you don't take the time to celebrate the beauty and wonder of yourself and your own life, then it is impossible to really appreciate and celebrate the beauty and wonder of life itself. And there is so much that is beautiful in our world.


June is about to give us a wonderful time to relax, heal, and open our hearts to whatever this Ascension brings us.

The New Story is about to begin. are you Ready?

And so it is and it is so,

In so much Love and Light,


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By Chellea Wilder

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