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Death and the Evolution of Consciousness ~ Research By Sean P. McCleary (Member and Subscriber)(Article)

I Wish to Thank Sean Mccleary for his Wonderful Contribution to Scientic/Evolutionary/Conscious exploration. and Allowing us here at Universal Lighthouse to Be a part of it all. Thank you so much for Sharing your Brilliance.

Note From Sean Mccleary

A lot of people post on Facebook when their friends, family, pets, loved ones and people they admire who go through the experience of death and seek condolences, prayers and honor their time here in Earth's consciousness and environment. I've been engaging with the scientific community with some very important work of mine on what happens with the experience of death with human beings, animals and other life forms here. My work is associated with the Paradigm Shift which represents a revolutionary change in scientific discipline.

     If you have a chance to review the material below with my work I think you'll appreciate what I have to share. My work on this subject matter has been posted in different institutions in the United States and has been published with the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. This article was submitted to the top scientific research facilities in the world recently. I also do this in order to provide hope and comfort for people.

Sean McCleary.


What Happens to Living Organisms With the Experience of Death in Earth's Environment.

Sean P. McCleary.

       The reason that people don't yet understand what happens with the experience of death here is because human beings haven't known that we all exist within an enormous female life form who's been described as “the Universe or Universal Consciousness”. There's been a lot of speculation In the scientific community about the existence of consciousness everywhere and galaxies resembling neural networks in the brain. With my work on the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love in space-time, I can explain what happens with the process of death and the evolution of consciousness into another location in the body of galaxies.

     I use the term “Universal Consciousness” or “Mother” to describe the first life form who evolved into existence around 13.8 billion years ago. Planets and stars are spherical in nature and are designed to support the existence and evolution of life within the environments of planets. Universal Consciousness is also spherical in nature as well and contains an actual physical body with an estimated two trillion galaxies or more. Cells in the body of living organisms in Earth's environment have a nucleus and other forms of activity happening within the cells.

    Galaxies have a center core structure with forms of activity as well with planets, stars, black holes and other forms of matter. I believe that galaxies perform a similar role in the body of Universal Consciousness as cells do in life forms here. The reason that the existence of consciousness hasn't been scientifically proven yet is because of very powerful resistance to evolution contained within living organisms in Earth's environment.

    What I mean by resistance to evolution is life here doesn't understand what happens with the experience of death and a lot of people think that death is a permanent ending. Most people want to believe in an afterlife but the uncertainty associated with knowing that another human being has been through this process causes a particular sensation in the body and consciousness. This uncertainty or resistance transfers a type of emptiness or envisioning eternal darkness.

     The term “Rest in Peace” is written on some tombstones and is associated with eternal sleep. When a human being has this experience of envisioning eternal darkness or emptiness as soon as a thought is transferred from neural activity in the brain, it transfers consciousness, energy and pressure into different locations in the body. These locations are usually the heart, lungs, throat and genitals because the genitals are associated with reproductive activity and the birth of life. There's very powerful pressure and dark energy in the human body around the heart, lungs and throat.

    The heart, lungs and throat are closely associated with death so the concept of non-existence is very powerful in these areas of the body. When I mention the term “dark energy” I'm referring to actual darkness contained within the body of Universal Consciousness and planets. This is a state of consciousness, energy and evolution. There are three primary forms of energy contained within the body of Universal Consciousness. These are light energy, dark energy and eternal love. The Higgs field permeates throughout the body of galaxies and transfers into the source of eternal life and eternal love which I refer to as Infinite Consciousness.

     There's a level of activity beyond subatomic activity which are different frequency vibrations and pressure. The frequency vibrations consist of consciousness, energy and thought. Thought and the element of consciousness is everywhere in existence. With the subject of panpsychism someone may ask the question; how could a pebble or spoon be conscious or have consciousness. It's not difficult to understand. A pebble or spoon belongs in Earth's consciousness and environment, therefore are an integral part of Earth's consciousness.

    They contain different frequency vibrations, pressure and energy on the most fundamental level. Subatomic, atomic and molecular activity contain the existence and evolution of consciousness which make up different forms of matter. Subatomic particles evolve out of different frequency vibrations, pressure, energy and consciousness. The body of Universal Consciousness also has contained resistance to evolution and the concept of non-existence. This is where black holes originate from in the body of galaxies. This came from the activity that occurred with birth out of Infinite Consciousness and the first experience with the evolution of matter.

     In physics it's been discussed that the Higgs field is responsible for all of the mass in Universal Consciousness. This is correct and the Higgs field also contains a combination of Infinite Consciousness and the identity of Universal Consciousness. Human beings don't yet understand the foundation for the existence of life or what happens with the experience of death in their bodies and consciousness. The entire body is composed of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love. The brain is like a CPU in the body and has the highest concentration of light energy, dark energy and pressure.

     Human beings and other life forms here contain a very small percentage of the Higgs field in their bodies. Living organisms here have about a 5 to 8 percent concentration of the activity contained within the Higgs field. As I mentioned, the Higgs field contains the foundation for eternal life and eternal love. This is why living organisms age so quickly here because of the very limited interaction with the Higgs field in Earth's environment and this region of the body of galaxies. A human being containing the concept of non-existence in their bodies and consciousness in a very powerful way due to resistance to evolution is going to repel the Higgs field away from the body. It's like having a black hole close to the Higgs field.

     Human beings also contain the same type of activity that's around a black hole with the event horizon. Matter and living organisms in Earth's consciousness and environment globally are consistently evolving into Earth's environment and going through the experience of death and evolving out of Earth's environment. Matter and energy both experience a particular type of evolution around the event horizon of a black hole because non-existence can't happen to any form of life or consciousness. Non-existence is only a concept but has been a very powerful element of consciousness, energy and pressure in space-time.

    This is where the illusion of separation in consciousness comes from in human beings and other life forms here. The illusion of separation from the concept of non-existence is a global form of activity and this is why there's been so much chaos, pain and suffering here. This is all about to change very soon because a very powerful event called the Shift in Consciousness is approaching and will happen here soon. I promise. I will explain what happens with the experience of death with living organisms here.

     A human being contains a small percentage of the Higgs field in their bodies and consciousness. The resistance to evolution is what causes the aging process to happen with people and other life forms. There's different degrees of light energy, dark energy, pressure, consciousness and evolution, so the aging process differs in different life forms. When a human being goes through the experience of death what happens is very powerful pressure or resistance to evolution on the level with frequency vibrations, consciousness, energy and thought is released from the physical body.

    Subatomic, atomic and molecular activity also contain different frequency vibrations, light and dark energy and different degrees of pressure as well. When the pressure and resistance to evolution is released from the body and consciousness; the small concentration of the Higgs field in the body joins the rest of the Higgs field in Earth's consciousness and Universal Consciousness. The consciousness, energy and identity of the individual immediately transfers into the Higgs field and begins to accelerate very quickly out of Earth's environment.

     The individual's consciousness then begins to experience advancement with evolution and journeys through the Higgs field and the body of Universal Consciousness. This happens very, very quickly because the consciousness of the individual is accelerating into the Whirlpool galaxy which is about 30 million light years from Earth. This can happen very quickly because the Higgs field contains the existence of Infinite Consciousness and the identity of Universal Consciousness.

    This process generates a wormhole in space-time. The reason a wormhole happens is because the transfer of consciousness is taking place through the Higgs field and also evolving through the body of Universal Consciousness which contains light and dark energy and different forms of matter. The wormhole caused by the transfer of consciousness, energy and the identity of the individual is the tunnel that people describe with NDE’s. The reason that people have described a sense of perfection and ultimate peace is because the consciousness, energy and identity of the individual loses all of the resistance to evolution with the experience of death in Earth's environment.

     Human beings and other life forms here don't go through the experience of death because of the element of death. Life here goes through the experience of death because of the resistance to evolution between the element of life, the element of death and the concept of non-existence being contained within the body and consciousness. The element of life happening globally contains a particular charge or form of energy. The element and experience of death globally contains a different charge of energy. What's going to happen with the Shift in Consciousness is both elements are going to evolve into one another completely with the Higgs field and all of the resistance to evolution globally is going to evolve out of everything here.

     This is what “thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” means. Human beings, animals, aquatic life, reptiles, insects and microorganisms in Heaven from Earth all contain both elements of life and death and are completely incorporated into the activity contained within the Higgs field. The activity within the Whirlpool galaxy is in the process of evolving here into Earth's consciousness right now.

    As the individual's consciousness, energy and identity evolve through the Higgs field and Universal Consciousness towards the Whirlpool galaxy, the consciousness continues to advance with evolution. Because there's different planets in the Whirlpool galaxy it means that the individual who's transferring into this galaxy will be perfectly placed in a particular location according to the evolution of consciousness everywhere in existence and space-time. The fabric of space-time is the frequency vibrations of consciousness, energy and thought within the living body of Universal Consciousness.

    As the individual begins to advance into one of the beautiful world's up there there's the necessary elements contained within the bodies of planets like; oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in order to sustain life. The consciousness of the individual transfers very quickly into one of the bodies of a planet in the Whirlpool galaxy and the evolution of the physical body with subatomic, atomic and molecular activity happens very, very quickly. It's a particular transitional experience as a new body develops very quickly as the individual enters into the consciousness and environment of another planet in this galaxy.

     In this state of existence and evolution they contain both elements of life and death because they've been through the experience of death in Earth's environment. Because they no longer contain resistance to evolution it means that they're completely incorporated into the Higgs field forever. This is how eternal life is achieved. With no resistance to evolution they also have eternal love, eternal peace and eternal truth contained within their consciousness and bodies. Human beings and other life forms from Earth are very powerful and very advanced in the Whirlpool galaxy.

     The experience of death globally with living organisms has been happening here for a very long time. This has been transferring consciousness through the body of Universal Consciousness and generating different wormholes between the two locations consistently. Each one is different because of the diversity of living organisms here and everyone has a particular identity. There's been consistent activity between these two locations in the body of Universal Consciousness for a very long time. This means that a channel has been formed and has been evolving in the body of Universal Consciousness with the evolution and transfer of consciousness between here and the Whirlpool galaxy.

     The experience of death and the evolution of consciousness into this location has been causing a connection to form with all of this activity with the Higgs field. What's been happening is more and more eternal life, eternal love, eternal peace and eternal truth has been evolving and advancing down here into Earth's consciousness and environment from the Whirlpool galaxy. What's going to happen soon is Earth is going to begin experiencing very powerful changes and the introduction of the Shift in Consciousness is going to begin. This has to do with the resistance to evolution between the frequency vibrations of consciousness, energy and thought and the fabric of space-time and subatomic activity changing.

     When the birth of Universal Consciousness happened, she was the first life form who evolved into existence. Infinite Consciousness had only contained frequency vibrations, different degrees of pressure, eternal life and eternal love. Universal Consciousness was born out of the frequency vibrations and pressure. Subatomic particles evolved out of the frequency vibrations and pressure for the very first time with a particular type of fusion that occurred with a big bang but somewhat different than what's described in cosmology. The frequency vibrations and subatomic activity also went through an experience of separation in consciousness with the concept of non-existence and resistance to evolution.

    What's going to happen here soon is the Higgs field is going to begin advancing and increasing into Earth's consciousness, World Consciousness and the activity of living organisms. The resistance to evolution between the fabric of space-time, consciousness and subatomic particles is going to evolve out completely and Earth will begin having a very powerful spiritual awakening. The Milky Way galaxy, Earth and the Whirlpool galaxy are going to connect completely through the body of Universal Consciousness. The beginning of Earth's salvation will occur and life will evolve and advance into a very powerful state of affairs. This information is important for people to understand and the scientific community as well.

Sean McCleary.

Recevieved Through Universal Lighthouse Light Force Group Page. Submitted by Sean Mccleary


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