Divine Golden Race Codes ~ Higher Levels of Awakening ~ UNFOLDING MYSTERIES ~ HARMONIC CONVERGENCE and Quetzalcoatl
444 ~ With these massive Photonic Waves flowing in we had a powerful Activation in China today with a magnitude 7.3 earthquake synchronic with our Angelic Code of 37 into the 73 Heaven on Earth..A’Ho!! We had a 23 hz manifestation on the Schumann Charts as we are still experiencing a geomagnetic storm. With these energies we may be feeling heart palpitations, ringing in the ears, phantom pains, crown/ brain expansions or pressure, anxiety, nausea, spinning. Many people experiencing spinning and falling to the left. Keep riding these higher dimensional waves into the New Earth!! http://eaglelovecondor.com <span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span> Right now: Moon at 28°04′ Virgo, Sun at 1°05′ Gemini Current Sabian Symbols Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon A man gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll he is reading.Sabian Symbol for 29º VirgoThe current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 29º Virgo. Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun Santa clause filling stockings furtively.Sabian Symbol for 2º GeminiThe current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 2º Gemini. source: www.astrologyweekly.com -SA Smith A Girl in the Universe ENERGIES HAVE BEEN PULSING IN ALL NIGHT. It has been an interesting last 8 hours. Big Energies Bringing YOU Upgrades and of course Ascension Symptoms.. Hot and cold sweats Head pressure Lights in your vision (eyes open or closed) BLOATING! Restless limbs Toe and foot pain Stomach cramps Nausea and many more. These energies are helping YOU reach your goals for your Lightworker Ascension Mission. Remember… YOU ARE AN ASCENDED MASTER If this mission was easy, you wouldn’t have to be here. You were called in because this Ascension needed the best and most powerful. THAT IS YOU! Feel that understanding, don’t shrug it off, let it in! You Are A Light Being on a Mission The deeper you begin to understand that, the easier it will become. Finding your footing in these energies is happening every day. Nine more days until you step into part two of ascension. Exciting times Divine One!! aGirlintheUniverse.com A Gift From Gaia The Sun (Law of Mentalism) now conflicts with Jupiter (Law of Polarity) in a square aspect, and this gifts a magical implosion in which we get to realise more unseen polarity so to collapse another spectrum, and shift the current core frequency held and all its beliefs into the the Sun’s guidance, knowing that all reality is created from the mind and the beliefs currently held. The mask of our self deceit slips. Jupiter is an abundant planet, have you been playing in its polarity of scarcity? Have you been saving? Holding, storing, fixing and focused on the weak? Perhaps making do and accepting less for your Greatness? Release this beloved’s, this is no time for sentiment, this is a time of greatness in which we tune into the power energetics of the all and realise the infinite opportunities available once we end the belief that any one thing is fixed and/or external from self. Life is happening from you, through you, and you get to choose, once you understand that it all begins with you, and that there is ultimately only you. The key is to hold enough respect to learn and enough responsibility to implement what is learned and by doing so we create a new experience which in turn transforms to light wisdom, and from here, the point of experience, thats when we get to share, and care, and pass on the torch of self empowerment. That’s how we enlighten the world, that is how we assist more who wish to catch up, open up, and bloom in the light. Spectrums will be collapsing, we have a few days space in this portal and this portal is also being supported by a fresh new sun in its 25th cycle, slightly crackling with opportunity to flare or storm enough energy and create a clearing, whilst it is also positioned in conjunction with our Seven Sisters. This time, instead of allowing the external to force or guide you, how about you harness the energies as the Master Creator that you are. Take the reins and drive that cosmic stallion into the fields of freedom. Elizabeth Peru If you’re feeling unsettled or on ‘the bridge between worlds’ it could be because you’re right on the verge of a major up-scaling in your spiritual presence on this planet. This weekend, I have a deep sense that many in our community of light are about to experience a wave of humble and ‘welcome’ authenticity… With only 4 DAYS until the second Super Full Moon of the year, energy is vibrant (which could also seem erratic). Natalia Alba Pleiadian Portal Beloved Ones, We are immersed this week in the Pleiadian portal, until May 24, as we have the Seven Sisters in alignment with our Central Sun. As you know this doorway will last for more than a week, for the energies will continue to be very present within our Planet, for us to consciously align with them, and integrate the unconditional love and ancient wisdom that these frequencies hold. This energetic door is a representation, as well as a welcoming into our new harmonic space, of all that is already taking place within our micro reality – the merging of our Unified Self and hence, its wisdom, within a new reality that sustain our new desire to live peacefully and lovingly. The Sun represents the Illumined Aspect of us, our Unified Self. While Pleiades represent unconditional love, compassion and the wisdom that we all carry within, as cosmic travelers. This is a message for us to commune with our Unified Self, and begin to work on not just the integration/activation of ancient knowledge, but into the embodiment of higher levels of love, which is what triggers awakening, our compassionate Christos seed, and the opportunity to live consciously, within a new harmonic timeline. During this week, especially with the coming of the Eclipse in Sagittarius, we are going to be navigating under very intense energies that we could direct towards the creation of more love for ourselves, for our lives and all Creation. Love is from where all we desire as humans, such as a abundance, balanced relationships and anything else we may desire to create, descends. When there is no authentic love for the self, as another aspect of God-Source, then there can not be real love for others. As what we often call love is nothing but egoic one, which is very hard to identify, especially when we are not yet fully awake, or in the initial stage of our ascension journey. Learning to love and nurture ourselves is one of the messages that our brothers and sisters from Pleiades have been constantly reminding us, during eons, for they have learnt how to live within Divine Love and compassion, and in this new timeline that many have chosen to step into, at this time, it is pivotal to release all egoic desires and begin to think within Divine Unity, if we desire to co-create a free and loving space, where all can inhabit lovingly and with equality. At a physical level, this portal connects with the upper chakras and hence from where we begin to descend the information from our Unified Self and the ethereal realms. Therefore, it is also a wonderful time for those who are working on the expansion of their upper senses, especially the crown one, using the blue/purple frequency to connect with Pleiadian’s energies. Using these frequencies for the purpose of awakening more their non-physical senses, or to simply going further into the connection with other realities, communing with the many benevolent forces that are there for us to assist is regain knowledge of who we are, of our human history as well as of our own path as planetary workers. A time to also connect with the Earth, as the only way to be fully grounded, so all we have been descending from our Illumined Aspect and realms, can be anchored within ourselves, and physical reality, for if not, we will continue to dwell in the non-physical, unable to create a stable reality where we can grow and expand. Our connection with Earth is pivotal, for we are not balanced until the flow of both Earth and Divine energies are in constant motion and unity within ourselves. This is a wonderful time for all of us to remember who we are, connecting to our soul lineage, to the aspect of us that has traveled through many civilizations, regaining knowledge of all we have learnt and mastered within all of them. A time for us to connect with these frequencies with the purpose of anchoring more love, for as planetary healers, it is one of our main tasks. There are many reunions happening at this time all around the globe, not just physically, but in other spaces, that make possible as well the many soul encounters necessary for us to expand the love that we are, and that this new harmonic space that we are consciously creating needs to be fully anchored. We have the opportunity and blessing with this benevolent and loving portal to be able to act as One, from our heart space, creating a common vision of how our new Home is going to be. Not just for us, but for the ones that come after us, and that we, as New Earth’s seeders, have the responsibility to build, for that was our conscious choice before coming into this Planet and that is what we are finally beginning to manifest. This is the beginning with this massive influx of unconditional love, of a new loving reality, a more harmonic one, a more compassionate and respectful one for All. Our daily inner devotion to consciously infuse it with more love and appreciation, is pivotal at this time, as so is our pure intention and hence, will, to devote ourselves, despite all the challenges, to continue choosing in what frequency we desire to dwell: a fearful or a loving one. Therefore, choose wisely for All, Beloved Ones. Within Infinite Love, Natalia Alba starseedsoul.com Karen Lithika 3D – 5D EXPANSION Know the gifts are available for your Personal Expansion. To FEEL the presence of your Light Body, aligning to the Higher Dimensional frequencies of your world. To integrate your Light Body to a Higher Level of Assimilation, as you interact with others, as you reach Higher and Higher Levels of Awakening. This Simple task in this Now Moment Light Expansion Exercise As you walk outside Be conscious of your breath Feel the air gently through your nose and lungs Air expanding beyond the construct Reaching your cells, moving throughout your physical form Expanding your light body Feel the Sunlight reaching you The vibrational frequency of the air and sun Feel the integration, the light expansion The availabilty in this moment The EXPANSION The Elementals, the Sun and Air, their role in Ascension. The True Meaning of You The opportunity for expansion in every moment. As the Expansion Flows To reach the Higher Dimensional Light Alignment Love and Blessings Light Family The Arcturians and Karen Lithika source: KarenLithika.com Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd – https://amzn.to/2KRJTTr Gene Key 20 May 21st – May 26th 2021 Superficiality – Self-Assurance – Presence Once you can stand apart from your role and witness your life playing out, you become an exponent of executive magic. The word ‘executive’ literally means ‘to follow out’; so executive magic really means to follow your own magic out into the material world. My personal definition of magic is also very simple, it is the art of doing nothing outside your own nature. What this means is that magic is everywhere and in everything, and if you simply move from your heart, then magic is the result. The Pearl Sequence course “The two trigrams that make up this hexagram are ‘the gentle wind’ and ‘the earth’, so we have to listen to the whispering wind of awareness, and let it blow into all the corners of our life.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways source: genekeys.com Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd – https://amzn.to/2KRJTTr Adrienne Elise GAIA DAILY – May 21-24 – UNFOLDING MYSTERIES Pressure is building as we come into the energy of next week’s Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. This fiery, inspirational Eclipse will be square to Jupiter at the beginning of Pisces. To get back on our quest, we must expand back into direct connection with Source, and choose to live with full human expression. With Mercury will turning retrograde next week, this Eclipse marks the beginning of a crucial six week period of time. Mercury will be in square with Neptune in Pisces for close to three weeks. This transit can bring enlightenment, or total confusion, or both. It is an opportunity to break free from all mind control, or fall deeper asleep. Either way, it’s bound to be a strange time, as the cognitive dissonance of the collective increases, amid the continual revealing of shocking truths. Mercury will come back into square with Neptune after it turns direct, a couple of days after the June Solstice. Mercury will exit his retrograde shadow, with a final week of square with Neptune, for the first week of July. July 7, 7/7 is the official end of this next chapter, as the Mercury retrograde saga completes. This is also the day that we will be feeling a completion of the influence of Saturn in square to Uranus. This transit has been with us since mid-January bringing a feeling squeeze and pressure to shift into new energies, and face to face with what has been holding us back. Saturn and Uranus came into exact square in February, and have stayed close in this transit ever since. They will come back into exact square from June 13th to 16th, smack dab in between the Solar Eclipse and the Solstice. It’s time to turn the corner. These next six weeks offer an important opportunity for a complete psychic rearranging. Much will come to light. Psychic healing is happening rapidly as all the old stories fall away. Are you ready to meet who you really are? Mysteries unfold, if you are ready. source: adrienneelise.com Leah Whitehorse: Lua Astrology Sun in Gemini square Jupiter in Pisces – The atmosphere is restless and changeable. The tide’s coming in, the tide’s going out, the wind blows in the wrong direction, can’t seem to catch a break. We’re dreaming of a bigger life; a better life; filled with inspiration, riding waves of optimism but then beached, questioning our direction. Mental overwhelm is possible, especially if we’re attempting to escape deeper feelings bubbling up from the unconscious. This is the Sun’s first aspect to Jupiter since the Great God entered Pisces. We’re getting a glimmer of what this transit may mean for us personally but as the light is coming from side on, we’re only seeing part of the big picture. Judgement may be skewed. Be easy on yourself. Give yourself time to think before barrelling ahead. Check your assumptions. Work on your beliefs. Progress comes from combining reason with intuition. Use your imagination to come up with ideas without feeling pressured to instigate them immediately. Trust the universe but back it up with common sense. Listen to the cosmic signals quietly beeping in the background. Degrees and Time Sun 00°Ge46′, Jupiter 00°Pi46′ – 16:03 (BST) source: LeahWhiteHorse.com Painting – ‘White Pegasus’ by Odilon Redon Harmonic Convergence 2020–2028 The Earth is going now through major evolutionary shifts and 2020-2021 have been years of intense changes. Parallel to the chaotic deconstruction and dissolution of old structures and realities, an opposite, more powerful, subtle and constructive process seems to be taking place behind the veil of appearances. Today marks the entrance to a KEY evolutionary node of harmonic resonance through the fabric of LIFE, TIME and SPACE. How is this? On the Tzolkin count of 260 days today (May 20, 2021) marks the entrance to the wavespell of the Earth, the 13th cycle of 13 days powered by Synchronicity, Navigation and Evolution. HARMONIC CONVERGENCE OF THE EARTH, THE SUN and THE MOON This entrance is synchronizing with the Sun-Pleiades-zenith alignment that takes place at Chichen Itza in Yucatan. This is a pivotal time marker for the ancient time keepers of Mesoamerica. According to the work of John Major Jenkins: “The united sun-Pleiades symbolize the serpent-bird deity Quetzalcoatl, and via precession he slowly flies into his throne in the zenith. Like the solstice-galaxy alignment, this sun-Pleiades-zenith alignment was wrapped up in an eschatological doctrine of the world’s future ending. But the entire timing in this model is subject to one’s latitude, which defines the era of convergence. As mentioned, at Teotihuacan, this zenith-passage date is May 17 (and it always remains the same; it doesn’t shift with precession). As a result, the sun-Pleiades-zenith alignment would have occurred over Teotihuacan in the early 1800s. However, when Tula took Teotihuacan’s New Fire tradition and shifted base camp north to Chichen Itza, they effectively recalibrated their end-date. At Chichen the zenith-passage begins on May 20th (there’s a six-day range), resulting in a sun-Pleiades-zenith convergence to begin in the 21 st century. Incredibly, this brought the two precession-tracking method into agreement, for the solstice-galaxy alignment also occurs in the 21st century.” https://grahamhancock.com/alignment-2012-jenkins/ EVOLUTIONARY FRACTAL THRESHOLD This 13-DAY cycle of the Earth will reach a peak point of harmonic resonance on May 26-27, 2021. This 2-day window corresponds precisely to the 25th and 26th days of the 11th Moon of the 13-Moon year and marks the entrance to the first eclipse season of 2021 and the completion of 11 Tzolkins of 260 days since we crossed the Galactic Synchronization event horizon of July 26, 2013 • NS1.26.1.1. KIN 164 Yellow Galactic Seed, for a holonomic nested fractal milestone of 2600+260 DAYS. As celestial pre-amble to the completion of this fractal milestone of unique harmonic resonance, a TOTAL Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius will take place on May 26, 2021 (NS1.33.11.25) right at the intersection with Galactic Center. On the 13-Moon Calendar the eclipse will take place at the heart of the 44th week of the year, the last week of this 11th moon. On the Tzolkin count this day corresponds to the heart of this 13-day cycle of the Earth and synchronize with the completion of 11 Tzolkins since Day Out of Time of July 25, 2013 (NS1.26.0.0). This portal was the EXACT midpoint of the current 52-YEAR cycle known as New Sirius Cycle 1 (1987-2039)… In other words: The coming lunar eclipse of May 26 will mark the completion of 2600 + 260 days from crossing the 26-year midpoint of the current 52 year cycle of July 26, 2013. Time is ART! According to the “biosphere-noosphere transition timeline”, this day signaled the arrival of the “New Galactic Synchronization Beam”, marking the entrance into higher resonance with the new 13:20 timing frequency and the activation of new evolutionary programs on Earth. WHAT IS THE GALACTIC SYNCHRONIZATION BEAM? The Galactic Synchronization portal of July 26, 2013 is the most important evolutionary threshold after the closing the 13-Baktun cycle of history on 2012-21-12 (OMEGA Point of 13-Baktun map of recorded history). In the Mayan Factor (1987), José Arguelles described the significance of our passage through this beam as follows: “But what is this beam? How do we describe it? What does it synchronize and how? In Mayan terms, this beam, the Great Cycle, measures 5,200 tun in diameter. In terms of kin or days, a tun consists of 360 kin/days each, or five days short of a vague solar year. An actual solar year is 365.2422 days. Thus 5,200 tun equals 5,125 vague solar years or 1,872,000 days. As we have emphasized, the Mayan concern was with calibrating an equivalence between the calendar marking Earth’s solar passage and the actual galactic harmonic. The 5,200-tun cycle represents a fractal of the 52-unit key, the Loom of Maya, synthesizing the galactic harmonic. As a fractal, the 5,200-tun cycle can be broken into 260 units of 20 tun each called katuns, and 13 units of 400 tun each called baktuns. While the key harmonic number of a tun is 360 kin and the katun is 7,200 kin, the baktun is 144,000 kin. It is very important to keep in mind that Mayan numbers are multi-dimensional. Their translation into days or years does not mean that the numbers cease being operational for other factors or values. The cycle of history as a 5,200-tun diameter harmonic wave-pattern is but one slice of a multi-dimensional galactic hologram. The Mayan Matrix, the Tzolkin or Harmonic Module, bearing the code of the galactic harmonic, informs all systems with a common regulatory resonance called the light body. Just as each living organism possesses a light body—the D N A infrastructure—and even the entire species has its common collective light body, so the planet, as a conscious organism, is also characterized by its evolving light body. Like the light body of individual and collective organisms, the planetary light body is the consciously articulated resonant structure that regulates and allows for the fulfillment of evolutionary destiny. It is important to bear in mind that the planetary light body, embedded in the planet memory program, can only be activated by conscious, cooperative effort. As we shall see, the key to the conscious articulation of the planet light body in the science generically known as geomancy—Earth acupuncture.” José Arguelles “The Mayan Factor” (1987) FROM HOMO SAPIENS TO HOMO NOOSPHERICUS For the past 8 YEARS we have been comparing on this page our evolutionary journey to a collective initiation or rite of passage: “Humanity’s Collective Journey of Initiation from the Unconscious to the Conscious, to the SuperConscious. From Homo Sapiens to Homo Noosphericus…” This process has been enabling us to bring an element of coherence to the events unfolding on Earth within this multi-dimensional narrative of evolution. José Arguelles described it back in 2002 as follows: “We have to understand that through the medium of universal cosmic time the Earth, the Sun, and every star, constellation, and galaxy is coordinated in this way by the synchronic 13:20 frequency of time. It is the 13:20 frequency that establishes holonomic consistency in time throughout the universe. The Earth’s noosphere is a lens of time. All cosmic information is focused through this lens. It is this noospheric lens of time that makes Earth into a geocosmic thought form. The noospheric lens of time and mind has been operating ceaselessly, but un-consciously, since the beginning of the evolution of the Earth. Since the noosphere is a function of the universal synchronic timing frequency, its conscious activation must also come about through a superior mental coordination with this correct synchronizing timing frequency. The psi bank 13:20 frequency is consciously activated and registered at the human level by the mental engagement of the 13:20 matrix as enacted through the 260-day cycle. The interaction of the 260-day galactic cycle with the 365-day solar biotelepathic cycle defines one noospheric year, or one solar- galactic cycle of fifty-two human years fifty-two 365-day solar orbits = seventy- three 260-day galactic cycles). […] What is important in coming to understand the noosphere as Earth’s geocosmic time lens and rainbow brain, is that we must change our perspective altogether from anthropocentric to noospherocentric, and in this way evolve into Homo noosphericus.” Jose Arguelles Time and the Technosphere (2002) To celebrate this 13-day passage of compressed fractal resonance we will be posting new timemaps and insights that can assist us in the current transition. Please stay tuned for updates! TO BE CONTINUED… The Tzolkin Times Kin 158 ~ White Lunar Mirror ‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its key words are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize.’ The 2nd day of a wavespell is always challenging but don’t fret… it is important to take a look at what holds you back from time to time. Who doesn’t avoid problems and stress? Practice self discipline today and tackle issues you’ve been putting off. Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflect, Order and Endlessness.’ The harsh reality can be a shock and when it falls on a ‘Lunar’ day, it’s unforgiving. Brace yourself for some truths you won’t like. Don’t feel sorry for yourself but instead take action to resolve things. Knowing the truth is always better than being kept in the dark. The Guide today is the White Dog which symbolizes ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. If you have some harsh truths to deliver today make sure it comes from the heart in a loving way. The Challenge today is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty and Art’. If you are a Yellow Star you won’t enjoy today so much. You don’t like the truth if it interferes with your beautiful view of the world. That’s OK, just don’t judge yourself too harshly when you look in the mirror…try to see your inner beauty rather than focusing on imperfections. The Occult power is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’ and when in the magical position, the Blue Night is encouraging us all to dream big and to believe in our dreams, so all you dreamers out there, this is your day. How big can you dream? The Ally is the Red Dragon which symbolizes ‘Nurturing and Birth’. These kind caring people make great friends to have around today. If the truth has hurt you and you need some nurturing, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. Christina Papageorgiou WHITE LUNAR MIRROR 2 ETZNAB – KIN 158 21 MAY 2021 REVEALING TRUTH MANTRA I polarize in order to reflect Stabilizing order I seal the matrix of endlessness With the Lunar tone of challenge I AM guided by the power of Heart 21/5/2021= 3/5/5= 3/10=13=4 21- Crown of the Magi/Victory after challenges 5- Freedom/Change/Transformation/Liberation/Movement 3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Creativity 10 – Manifestation/Power/Authority 4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth KIN 158 = 14=5 LIBERATION Buckle up!! A challenging day – to get you out of your comfort zone and face DIVINE TRUTH! Day 2 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythyms and cycles of Nova Gaia. Today we are responding to the Earth’s impulses in order to anchor that energy into the physical plane, into our PHYSICAL bodies, environment and creations. TONE OF CREATION LUNAR- Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy and today we anchor that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies and physical environment. The LUNAR tone may also reveal challenges, any distortions in the Mirror world, in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from navigating our TRUE PATH – the Divine path desired by Spirit for our personal and collective destiny. CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE MIRROR – ETZNAB the WHITE MIRROR is a portal to other dimensions and realms, transporting you through the MAYA of illusion in one world and catapulting you into another. It is time to REFLECT on our world and current reality. If it does not suit then we are FREE to choose another from the multidimensional field of existence and bring that into our reality. ETZNAB reflects the patterns, in order for us to recognize and integrate them. WHITE MIRROR operating on the PHYSICAL plane relates to the Art of Feng Shui (A subject close to my Heart!) Our homes and external environment are a direct REFLECTION of our inner state of being. The MIRROR will reveal the polarization today between our inner and outer worlds. As these distortions are revealed we seek to bring our physical body and the physical dimension into ALIGNMENT. Anything that is not in alignment will be stripped away and discarded. The LUNAR MIRROR is a very powerful passage to navigate as it is like a DOUBLE MIRROR! The MIRROR reflects – and the LUNAR tone MAGNIFIES the forces of polarity – so the resistance, obstacles, lies and distortions will be in our FACE!! There is nowhere to hide from DIVINE TRUTH! The sword of TRUTH cleanly cuts away all distortions leaving you with a clean foundation upon which to build. So by LISTENING to the energies in your home and environment you will sense what you need to attend to in order to create stability and PEACE.. Space clearing, decluttering, reorganizing and activating or enhancing sectors will support you in your new journey. Clearing all that is not needed anymore, that does not support you, all that has stayed with you for too long, that you no longer have any attachment to both internally and externally MUST GO NOW! As you keep evolving, your home needs to match your higher frequency, in order to provide a solid and supportive foundation to manifest your new life. If your old space is not up to the job, then it is TIME to MOVE along and find a new abode on RED EARTH. Do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed in order to reflect and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe. EXPECT THE BEST and EXPECT MIRACLES! HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE LUNAR DOG – as we are clearing our temples today, both the inner and outer, we are focused on stabilizing a LOVING environment. The LUNAR DOG will reveal all challenges that stem from betrayal, dishonesty, abuse and neglect within our relationships, our lives and our World. The lies, deceit and cruelty, will OPENLY be EXPOSED today. Keep your EYES open to ensure you can SEE and read the SIGNS that are being revealed to you. You may also see more dogs (and white dogs) today which indicate you are well aligned with LOVE and DEVOTION to Spirit – which is the highest path of expressing LOVE on the Earth plane. As we connect to the unconditional DIVINE LOVE of – ALL THAT IS, within our Heart space we radiate that outwardly. The places we inhabit, both at home, at work and at play, need to anchor this unconditional love that permeates the walls, floors, ceiling and everything therein. As this LOVE embeds within, others are drawn to this space to converge in and comfortably inhabit. The higher the frequency of the space, the higher the vibration of people we attract. Now is the time to create the Sacred spaces to nourish and nurture our souls. IMAGINE A WHOLE WORLD IMBUED WITH UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & DEVOTION. SUPPORT: RED LUNAR DRAGON – IMIX – Mother IMIX is assisting us in birthing our new Sacred spaces today. Responding to the Earth’s calling for sacredness and respect in a world that we honour and CHERISH.. Respecting our Pachamama and all souls who call her HOME! Whatever opposes the new foundation of our nurturing Planet will be revealed in order to be rejected and discarded for a more balanced and harmonious paradigm, where everyone can be equally LOVED and nurtured unconditionally. As we B-Earth more LIGHT in our cell-ves, our homes and our Planet, we are stabilizing a beautiful and nurturing habitat to raise our young ones, benefiting the future generations who will inherit this Paradise. Today we are LISTENING to the SIGNS and synchronicities guiding us to the location of our happily ever after homes! OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE CRYSTAL NIGHT – AKBAL dives deep down into the abyss, bringing LIGHT through the HALL OF MIRRORS to all our deep subconscious distortions. AKBAL and ETZNAB combine for a grand game of TRUTH or DARE! Will you dare to face the TRUTH of what the mirror reflects? The CRYSTAL NIGHT will reveal total transparency for all TRUTH to be revealed, clearly seen and cognized. ALL IS REVEALED through the LIGHT of TRUTH and LOVE today. Use your intuition to attune to the signs that AKBAL is revealing, particularly through your DREAMSTATE. Take the time to REFLECT on the DREAM in order to receive the next steps in your journey. Allow more LIGHT to reveal what has been blocking our personal and collective ABUNDANCE today. CLEAR THE WAY for more ABUNDANCE TO FLOW, unlock the FLOODGATES with your GOLDEN KEY! CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW LUNAR STAR – LAMAT is a portal to the STARS revealing all resistance to creating greater harmony and beauty in our lives and our world. What is blocking you from expressing your heart’s desires and becoming the creative Artist of your life? LAMAT allows the pure luminous reflection of the gifts of creation to SHINE through us today, raising our BLISS barometers! . We are integrating the wisdom of harmonic patterns into our bodies so that we can create from a pure, clean palate. B-Earth-ing – new creative and beauty filled homes, spaces, and common-unities filled with Nature and abundant LIGHT to fuel our LIGHT BODIES and physical vessels. Blurring the lines between the house and garden, creating flowing and Artistic spaces that integrate seamlessly with our natural environment and Mother Earth. Surrounding and immersing our cell-ves in the natural world to anchor greater healing. Honouring the beauty of our Earth Mother and our physical world. So today we are guided by our HEARTS to find and create our sacred places on this beautiful New Earth. WARNING!!! BE CAREFUL – not to get LOST in the shadow games of duality consciousness within this false matrix today – SHINE your LIGHT brightly and attune to your inner truth. Today’s question is “How can I stabilize what is being reflected in the LIGHT of TRUTH, to create sacredness and more LOVE in my physical body and environment?” Divine blessings for the B-Earth-ing of Divine loving spaces to house your beautiful soul! Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 PICTURE CREDITS: Lunar Portal DIVINE GRATITUDE to unknown Artist Sandra Walter YtdolSpsesteonrdagsymlo aaiorit 4a:s55h emtdAugdrMdu · Make the conscious choice to experience Self-Realization. Choose to dedicate some linear time and practice to this process. Have patience with yourself, and know that Source and the Higher Realms are with you – and within you – as you consciously shift to the Creator State. It is your birthright just by being here in a body; claim it in this now. Want to experience DNA Super-radiance? Join us for the Crystalline Convergence June 19-20 in Sedona. Because #Ascension #SedonaCC Posted in Channelling, Featured, Mayan Dreamspell, Metaphysical, Native American, News, Sabian Symbols, Spiritual, The Event, Uncategorized, Videos Tagged awakening, Crystalline Human, Harmonic Convergence, mysteries, Quetzalcoatl, White Lunar Mirror
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Crystals & Stones Rough or Tumbled, Essential Oils, Healing Kits,
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Universal Lighthouse offers our own Writings Plus, other information that is found throughout the Internet, We do try and find the original source for this information. However, the opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily the beliefs of Universal Lighthouse. Please use discernment with all the information given. We offer this knowledge free for Research and Study Purposes. Not all Posts may be a current event but is to be used as a Library of information. It is our goal to raise the consciousness of humanity through knowledge, truth, and love. We are Shining Light On the Path to Universal Enlightenment
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Universal Lighthouse Cosmic Healing REMOTE Reiki Sessions
Universal Lighthouse Cosmic Healing is an Alternative and Complementary health care for the Body, Mind, and Spirit. Offering Remote/Distant Healing using Ancient Egyptian Clearing, Metaphysical Practices, Soul Awakening Techniques & Meditations, Usui Reiki, and Quantum Energy Work.
DNA Repair
Heal Emotional Trauma Past and Present
Lower Stress and Anxiety
Overcome Addictions
Heal Obesity and Other Weight Issues
Reduce Pain and Promote Cell Regeneration
Help Reduce Inflammation, illness, and Disease
Chakra Clearing and Balancing
Entity Attachments
Pet Healing
And Much More...
Schedule a Cosmic Healing Session Today!!!