The Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure set out to accomplish what the U.S. Congress had failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time - evidence pointing toward an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. Forty researchers along with military/agency/political persons of high rank and station came to the National Press Club in Washington, DC to testify to six former members of the United States Congress. The main ballroom of the National Press Club was configured to resemble a Senate hearing room. There were press areas, an audience area, witness tables and committee tables. Protocols for congressional hearings were followed as closely as possible during the testimony. Committee members received written statements from witnesses, heard oral statements and asked whatever questions they wished about the subject matter at hand. Hearing witnesses testified for thirty hours over five days in five morning and five afternoon sessions, each composed of two panels of witnesses, each panel lasting approximately ninety minutes. In the evenings, additional lectures were given by a number of top researchers in the field up Ufology. The Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure was a historic event. We are excited to be able to make the footage available, and allow these brave testimonies to become part of the public record on the topic of UFOs. Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure: "IF THE CONGRESS WON'T DO ITS JOB, THE PEOPLE WILL." http://www.citizenhearing.org
UFOs : History & Background / Part 1
OPENING STATEMENTS by Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and Honorable Paul Hellyer. HISTORY & BACKGROUND PART I with Richard Dolan, Grant Cameron, Stanton Friedman, Linda Moulton Howe Held at the National Press Club, Washington D.C. April 29th - May 3rd, 2013
UFOs : History & Background / Part 2
HISTORY & BACKGROUND PART II with Richard Dolan, Antonio Huneeus, Daniel Sheehan, Col. Richard French
UFOs : Truth, Lies & The Coverup / Part 1
Truth, Lies & The Coverup / Part 1 with Grant Cameron, Dr. Steven M. Greer, Antonio Huneeus, and Danny Sheehan
UFOs : Truth, Lies & The Coverup / Part 2
UFOs : Truth, Lies & The Coverup / Part 2 with Grant Cameron, Linda Moulton Howe, Dr. Steven M. Greer,
UFOs : Rendlesham Forest Encounter / Part 1
UFOs : Rendlesham Forest Encounter / Part 1 with Sgt. John Burroughs, Sgt. Jim Penniston, Patrick Frascogna and Nick Pope.
UFOs : Rendlesham Forest Encounter / Part 2
UFOs : Rendlesham Forest Encounter / Part 2 with Sgt. John Burroughs, Sgt. Jim Penniston, Patrick Frascogna and Nick Pope.
UFOs - Nuclear Tampering / Part 1
UFOs - Nuclear Tampering / Part 1 with with Capt. Bruce Fenstermacher, Capt. David Schindele, Capt. Robert Salas, Sgt. David Scott and Richard Dolan
UFOs - Nuclear Tampering / Part 2
UFOs - Nuclear Tampering / Part 2 with with Capt. Bruce Fenstermacher, Capt. David Schindele, Capt. Robert Salas, Sgt. David Scott and Richard Dolan
UFOs - Associated Phenomena
UFOs - Associated Phenomena with Peter Davenport, Peter Robbins, Gary Heseltine, Linda Moulton Howe
UFOs : Documents & Proof
UFOs : Documents & Proof with Robert Wood, Stanton Friedman, Linda Moulton Howe and Grant Cameron
UFOs - Roswell / Part 1
UFOs : Roswell / Part 1 - with Donald R. Schmitt, Stanton Friedman, Lt. Col. Kevin Randle, Col. Jesse Marcel Jr., Jesse Marcel III and Denice Marcel
UFOs : Roswell / Part 2
UFOs : Roswell / Part 2 with Donald R. Schmitt, Stanton Friedman, Lt. Col. Kevin Randle, Col. Jesse Marcel Jr., Jesse Marcel III and Denice Marcel
UFOs - South American Encounters / Part 1
UFOs - South American Encounters / Part 1 with A.J. Gevaerd, Antonio Huneeus, Ariel Sanchez, Anthony Choy, Oscar Santa-Maria and Alex Chionetti
UFOs - South American Encounters / Part 2
UFOs - South American Encounters / Part 2 with A.J. Gevaerd, Antonio Huneeus, Ariel Sanchez, Anthony Choy, Oscar Santa-Maria and Alex Chionetti
UFOs - A Global Phenomenon / Part 1
UFOs - A Global Phenomenon / Part 1 with Roberto Pinotti, Shi-Li Sun, Grant Cameron, Nick Pope and Antonio Huneeus
UFOs - A Global Phenomenon / Part 2
UFOs - A Global Phenomenon / Part 2 with Roberto Pinotti, Shi-Li Sun, Grant Cameron, Nick Pope and Antonio Huneeus
UFOs - Pilots & Aviation Experts
UFOs - Pilots & Aviation Experts with Col. Richard French, Maj. George Filer, John Callahan, Jim Courant and Steve Allen
UFOs - The Truth Embargo
UFOs - The Truth Embargo with Richard Dolan, Geoffrey Torres, Linda Moulton Howe and Anonymous
UFOS - Science & Technology
UFOS - Science & Technology with Dr. Steven M. Greer, Dr. Thomas Valone, Dr. Robert Wood and Dr. Roger Leir
UFOs - Citizen Hearing Closing Remarks
UFOs - Citizen Hearing Closing Remarks with Honorable Paul Hellyer, Richard Dolan, Daniel Sheehan
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The Extraterrestrial Interference Series.
Part 1 What's Really Happening behind the Curtain - https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/what-s-really-happening-behind-the-curtain-the-extraterrestrial-interference
Part 2 The Good The Bad and the Ugly - https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-part-2-of-the-extraterrestrial-interference
Part 3 Truth is Stranger than Fiction https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/truth-is-stranger-than-fiction-part-3-of-the-extraterrestrial-interference
Part 4 The Free Nation, Has Never Been Free. https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/the-free-nation-has-never-been-free-~-the-extraterrestrial-interference
Part 5 WE ARE ALL HYBRIDS https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/we-are-all-hybrids-the-extraterrestrial-interference
Part 6 The Extraterrestrial Races Already Interacting with Earth https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/the-extraterrestrial-races-already-interacting-with-earth-the-extraterrestrial-interference
Part 7 The Karistus - The Ones Known as the ANGELS
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Video footage By https://www.pexels.com/
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