Ascension Event Update for February 9, 2024
Greetings Dear Family of Light,
Since our Last Update just a few of your Earth Days ago, where we told you that everything has escalated, Your Earth Your Logos and the Cosmic Frequencies, are answering the call.
These frequencies are engulfing the Earth in these moments.
Your Mother Earth began showing extreme activity in the early hours of today, where strong oscillations of all frequencies began. it caused an intense phase of Amplitude movements which lasted approximately seven hours, from 2:00am to 9:00am UTC. The maximum value was reached at 6:00 UTC at Power 49 hertz. After 9:00am, Which is well above 5th degree vibrations. The last notable one being Power 19 hertz at 11:00 UTC This morning
Then to amp today's energies up to the maximum, At 1:10 UTC, today, Your solar Logos has erupted another Massive X class flare measuring at an X3.38. This was following 12 large M class flares within the last 24 hours. Quickly after, as we are doing this update, another Large M Class Flare erupted. These frequent Eruptions are to be expected to increase, in numbers and intensity, Through this preparation.
This particular Flare was the second-strongest solar flare of this your current solar cycle. The coronal mass ejection launched was very impressive, but was not aimed directly toward the Earth. These Energies will still be directed by your Star Families, towards the Earth, to allow for even distribution of frequencies.
However, the eruption did cause a solar radiation storm reaching the threshold, which impacted the Earth at arctic latitudes. Causing a Massive wave which is currently focused at the Poles, and is of very intense energies, reaching 6th degree Frequencies.
These waves were directed mainly for the Earth herself, entering her core. The Increased Energetic activity, is only going to get more intense, with its activity and with its vibration.
As we have stated before, It has begun! These new frequencies are giving you a massive boost in your awareness, your consciousness is rapidly Expanding into the Higher state of Being. All current preparations for the Grand Shift, have been sped up.
Many of you may feel and sense these Energies. Use them to help lift your own vibrations. To absorb them is done by your intention. Your active focus on the receiving of them is all that's needed. All beings on the Earth Sphere are receiving these same energies. However, not all will adapt to them the same. By your focused intentions, you allow these energies to engulf you with grace and ease. Making the transition into the higher vibrations easier for you and your bodies.
All these new heightened energies are speeding up the preparation, for the Grand Shift. You are seeing and feeling all the escalation in the cosmic Frequencies. Everything is amping up and intensifying.
Your Mother Earth Your Solar Logos, and all the cosmic Frequencies are lifting Humanity into Light, into a higher way of Being, and into a new Beginning.
We Love you and Honor You.
We are the Galactic Federation,
This is the Ascension Event Update for February 9th, 2024.
Researched and channeled By Chellea Wilder At UniversalLighthouse.com
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