Ascension Event update for March 7th, 2024
Blessings Dear Family of Light,
For several of your Days, Your Mother Earth, has been very quiet and in a rebalancing preparation. She has now shifted into a new phase of Energy Fluxes, has begun the Next Verse of her song, the Next Stage of her ascension Process.
However, during her quiet time she dropped very low vibrationally, Dropping below 7 hertz, This indicated she was preparing for a new wave of Vibration. She began with her 4th degree ascent, ranging from 7 to 31 hertz.
It began on March 4th. within your Timespace.
The first significant peak was Power 12 hertz around 3:30 am UTC, followed by Power 17 hertz shortly after 4 UTC, and finally the maximum value of Power 21 hertz at 6:30am UTC.
On March 5th, The primary frequency returned on the base value from the early hours but then raised back up to Power 15 by 4:30pm UTC.
On the 6th it had raised to Power 31 Hertz and was recorded at 5:30pm UTC. but has dropped back down to 14 hertz today, registering at 12 midnight UTC.
Your Mother Earth has shifted into the next stage, Beyond the Tipping point. From this moment on, she will begin to lift again into the higher vibrations. and As she purges the old 3rd dimensional energies, she is releasing them through her surface.
Since the End of your Month of February, during this frequency Shift, 3 new Volcanic Fissures have opened up on the Earth Service, since the 28th within your Timespace.
On the Lewotolok Lembata Island, A Volcano increased activity and open a new fissure on the 28th.
The Reykjanes Peninsula, also had a massive eruption on the 29th of Feburary.
And the Fernandina Isla, Fernandina, Galapagos, Had an eruption that Began around 11:50 PM UTC on 2 March from a circumferential fissure on the upper South East flank. The fissure possibly propagated 3-5 km and produced a gas emission with low ash content that rose 2-3 km above the summit.
Your Solar Logos has also been unusually quiet, indicating it too was within a rebalancing stage. However, within the last 12 of your Earth hours, it has pushed 6 large C class Flares, which is more activity than it has shown within the last few of your Earth Days. Nevertheless, we feel that these light burst are also an ascent into a new Shift of Vibration. The Beginning of the next Stage of Divine Light yet to come.
The Energy bursts, that's happening on the surface of the Earth, will begin to increase as Your Mother Earth continues to purge and clear old vibrations. Resulting in more volcanic activity and earthquakes.
Humanity is also experiencing this shifting into new Vibrations, causing the purging of old energies as well. As the Old Programming surfaces, One must let go of all vibrations and emotions, that do not serve your higher light. Old ideas and old ways of thinking and old belief systems are all Things that will begin to dissolve.
As the Earth and Humanity Move Forward in the Light, all that is of the 3D illusion will fall away. It will dissolve or disappear from your Lives. This is what is happening Now, in these moments. As the Old Falls away in your Life, you will begin to see with different eyes. With a different perspective. This Purge of the old, allows for your Light to Shine through, it takes away any blocks that may be in your way for your ascension. Many have called these moments of realization, and a profound consciousness shift, as the Dark night of the Soul. The reason is that, if you choose to hold on to the old beliefs, your perception begins to crumble with them when the Old Beliefs begin to dissolve within the Light. Old beliefs are not Truth, and are Not from within you, They come from books, others opinions, and research within a 3D illusion.
The only way to truth is through Spirit. By Going within. Everything else will fall away. All That is Left is the Love of our Infinite Creator.
We Love you and Honor you.
We are the Galactic Federation.
This has been the Ascension Event update for March 7th, 2024
Channeled By Chellea Wilder, at UniversalLighthouse.com.
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