Note From Universal Lighthouse: During these times of Change, Universal Lighthouse is also going through shifts. We will now be sharing Channeled Messages from many different Authors. I will still be sharing my channeled messages as well, giving you a variety of Information coming from several sources. If you too are a channel and would like the messages you receive, to be placed on our website and YouTube. You can send them to this Email. UniversalLighthouse@mail.com (Note: This is not gmail. Just @mail.com) Please include your Name, that you prefer to use, and the Link to your website if any. Credit is always given to the Author and their website. The message must be of Love, Light, and truth. No Fearmongering or Negative Based material will be excepted.
Thank you for hanging in there through all of this shifting. We Love you all so Much. and Thank you all for all your Love healing and prayers.
David and Chellea and Patty @ UniversalLighthouse.com
Please Enjoy the message.
The Pleiadian Message for February 2025, Channeled By Christine Day, at ChristineDayOnline.com
Beloved ones, we greet you,
There are vast flows of multidimensional frames of light descending from the higher realms of this resident Universe. These flows of consciousness are enabled to blend within a vast Network that has been recently anchored around and throughout your earth plane. Your Earth is expanding, going through an enormous transmutation process through this shifted formation of Network energy.
This Network energy has been created by a group of human beings, and carries a unique makeup of consciousness. because of the creation elemental foundation that was formed at the very moment of manifestation.
Through the action of the collective consciousness power of human Heart’s, this Network, carries the pure vibrational signature of resurrection for this time on Earth.
Let go and expect the unexpected. Much is about to be revealed to you as you commit to moments of alignment within your multidimensional Heart. Sacred tools are about to be restored to you as you commit to aligning within the intelligence of your Heart space. You are being called to return. To come back home to the clarity and multidimensional aspect of your higher consciousness that is accessed within your Heart. One moment at a time within your Heart is all that is required.
The sacred Network is designed to support your realignment to home. Witness the sacred forms and lights within the night sky, they are interacting through the Network to bring reflections of mirrored consciousness back to you.
This is the time to arise and meet yourself once more, to move beyond the limitations of your ego mind’s illusionary stories. To claim your brilliance and to take your place within the collective consciousness of your universal home!
Know all is in hand. We witness you.
The Pleiadians
Thank you for Watching.
During these times of Change, Universal Lighthouse is also going through shifts. We will now be sharing Channeled Messages from many different Authors. I will still be sharing my channeled messages as well, giving you a variety of Information coming from several sources. If you too are a channel and would like the messages you receive, to be placed on our website and YouTube. You can send them to this Email. UniversalLighthouse@mail.com (Note: This is not gmail. Just @mail.com) Please include your Name, that you prefer to use, and the Link to your website if any. Credit is always given to the Author and their website. The message must be of Love, Light, and truth. No Fearmongering or Negative Based material will be excepted.
Remember to Please Use your own "Personal Discernment" on all content posted.
Please remember to Like and Subscribe. Full Article, along with the Video, can be viewed at http://UniversalLighthouse.com/blog We are a Beacon of Light in Total Service.
Music By... Chellea Wilder Created with http://bandlab.com
Video clips by http://Pexels.com
Join The LIGHT FORCE, and connect with Other Lightworkers from around the World. Universal Lighthouse Light Force, are a Team/Family of individuals, who are actively sharing and Projecting Love and Light to Raise Humanity and this Earth. We have 2 Different Groups, Private/Open that you can Join. The Private Group is Much more personal with a Chat Room. We share Posts and Videos, and chat about, Positive Inspiration, Spiritual Understanding, Channelings, Important Information on Disclosure, and To Learn from One another. We are the Force of Light.
LIGHT FORCE PRIVATE GROUP ( The Private group has Group Chat. Stay instantly connected )
RUMBLE CHANNEL https://rumble.com/c/c-1778111
Connect with us on Twitter: Universal Lighthouse: https://twitter.com/ULight1123
Please Use your own "Personal Discernment" on all content posted. What doesn’t resonate for you, May well be, a message for someone else.
Please bear with us... In these Moments, taking care of Our Family is becoming Priority. I Chellea am also, an in Home Care Provider for my aging Mother.
All Channeling for Video’s is being done by Chellea Wilder, offering Daily Information and spiritual Insights from our Star Families.
We offer our Channeled messages for Free, to All who are seeking the Light.
The Website and the Radio do cost us monthly to operate. We do except Love donations, which are greatly needed and appreciated
You Can Share your Love Here.
Donations are greatly needed and appreciated.
Thank you for your Continued Support. We Love you, and Honor you. We are Beacons of Light in Total Service
LIVE Schumann Resonance Graphs and LIVE Sun and Space Weather!!!
We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity
We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.
Thank you... in so Much Love and Light.. https://universallighthouse.com/blog