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Extraterrestrials & Spirituality ~ What is the Connection? ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council

Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator,

We are very happy to commune with you today on a subject that is peaking in many hearts. We wish to bring the truth of the extraterrestrial existence and how it is connected to Spirituality.

Throughout the Multi-verse, There are many different vibrational races, that reside throughout the many Levels of Light.

These Levels or the degrees of Light, or what you understand as the dimensions, is the advancement of the spiritual spectrum of Existence. Every single being, and every single Race as a collective, are on a spiritual journey whether they understand it or not. As these races become galactic societies, they are faced with their own inner discovery of their Oneness with the all of Creation. If a Race Collective chooses to not follow their spiritual calling, they stay as a stagnant species within the 3rd and lower 4th dimensions.

As Humans encounter the extraterrestrial Phenomenon. They too are Faced with their Own Spiritual Awakening.

Many individuals, especially those who are just now exploring the extraterrestrial phenomena and UFOs, often find themselves engulfed in the intersection of spirituality and Ascension Awareness within this topic. This fusion of spirituality and cosmic awareness can be both intriguing and confusing for those who are newly awakened.

As individuals dive deeper into the extraterrestrial phenomena, they may encounter a sense of hesitation or reluctance due to the perceived lack of understanding surrounding the spiritual and ascension aspects intertwined with our presence. This lack of understanding can sometimes deter individuals from fully embracing the extraterrestrial narrative.

Throughout Humanities History, true spiritual enlightenment and awareness has been hindered by The Controllers through their Matrix of deception, aiming to manipulate and dominate the thoughts and beliefs of the Human Collective. This manipulation has led to a distortion of true spiritual teachings, obscuring the essence of Love and Oneness that underlies the fabric of existence. The dissemination of diluted and fragmented spiritual knowledge has created a disconnect between humanity and their God within, leading them down a path of ignorance and separation.

The perversion of spiritual teachings has resulted in a loss of connection with the fundamental principles that bind all beings together in a harmonious web of existence. True spiritual wisdom emphasizes the oneness of all life forms and the interdependence of every aspect of the cosmos.

This is the recognition of the inherent divinity within yourselves and all living beings. This fosters the understanding of compassion, empathy, and a sense of Oneness that transcends individual egos and separateness.

This is why we are here and why we share our Knowledge and wisdom with you.

You are very important to us, because we see you as our family, and we see you as part of the One Infinite Light. We are here to awaken the spark within you, so you can remember your ascension, and to remember your purpose in existence.

As the Earth elevates in Light and raises her frequency to higher levels of existence, she is bringing humanity along with her. The lack of understanding about Ascension has become a priority for members of your Star Families who desire to witness humanity ascending in the Light alongside Mother Earth. Therefore, without sharing our wisdom and knowledge, humanity would not be ascending at this time.

Extraterrestrial Interaction with humanity commenced many thousands of years ago in your timespace, aiming to initiate the awakening of your Inner Light and to aid in remembering the Truth of your Ascension. You know these beings who Brought Truth, as your many Ascended Masters and Teachers that very bravely lit the path of Light.

Many Humans are not yet prepared to transition to a higher state of consciousness. They fail to recognize their Oneness with the all, and can only perceive reality through a 3D perspective.

Humanity has reached a crucial moment where each human must decide whether to embrace Love and Oneness or to remain in separation and chaos.

By embracing Love and attuning to the deeper realization of Unity, you transcend the boundaries of the physical realm. Love, in its purest form, becomes a guiding force that leads you towards a higher state of consciousness. As you open your heart to the interconnectedness of the all, you begin to experience a profound sense of oneness within and without, establishing a Deep connection to the Infinite Creator and all that is.

The moment of your Return to oneness is very, very, soon. Stay focused in Light and Love.

We Witness you, we celebrate you, and we Honor you.

 In the Love and the Light of the Infinite Creator.

We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to serve the Divine.

Intuitive Transmission by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse.


Join The LIGHT FORCE, and connect with Other Lightworkers from around the World. Universal Lighthouse Light Force, are a Team/Family of individuals, who are actively sharing and Projecting Love and Light to Raise Humanity and this Earth. We have 2 Different Groups, Private/Open that you can Join. The Private Group is Much more personal with a Chat Room. We share Posts and Videos, and chat about, Positive Inspiration, Spiritual Understanding, Channelings, Important Information on Disclosure, and To Learn from One another. We are the Force of Light.


LIGHT FORCE PRIVATE GROUP ( The Private group has Group Chat. Stay instantly connected )




Please Use your own "Personal Discernment" on all content posted. What doesn’t resonate for you, May well be, a message for someone else.

Please bear with us... In these Moments, taking care of Our Family is becoming Priority. All Channeling for Video’s is being done by Chellea Wilder, offering Daily Information and spiritual Insights from our Star Families.

We also are Now offering other Channeled Messages and or Spiritual Teachings, on our Website, with Audio.

We offer our Channeled messages for Free, to All who are seeking the Light.  

If you enjoy the work of the different Authors that is shared on the website, Be sure to subscribe to Their Content as well. Please use your own personal discernment on all content posted. We hold copyright only on our video content.

The Website and the Radio do cost us monthly to operate. We do except Love donations, which are greatly needed and appreciated

You Can Share your Love Here.


Donations are greatly needed and appreciated.


Thank you for your Continued Support. We Love you, and Honor you. We are Beacons of Light in Total Service



 Music By...

Music promoted by Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 

Video footage By

Compilation, Video editing, and 3D & Graphic artwork and Voice over, By


{{{NEW}}} COSMIC CRYSTAL HEALING -FULL AUDIO COURSE (certificate upon completion)


LIVE Schumann Resonance Graphs and LIVE Sun and Space Weather!!!



We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity

We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..



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