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Final Preparations are Being Made ~ The Andromedans

Greetings in the Light, and Love of our Infinite Creator.

Final preparations are being made for the arrival of the Massive waves of Light Soon to come in from your solar Logos, ordered by The Divine Decree.

The Solar flares, as it is called by your people, are coming through the central Logos of this Galaxy, and is directed by the Infinite light coming from the central sun of this Universe.

We have stated Before that the Grid system within this Universe is set up very much like your Internet. All suns are connected to the Central Sun of the Universe through a type of natural wi-fi wave system, that sends signals, instantly, to whichever sun it needs to. You have been getting many smaller flares within this Preparation period, to ready you for what comes next. You are also receiving other Direct Energies moving in the form of a wave that's already beginning to hit the Earth Planet.

Our massive vessels of Living Light will help direct all of this incoming energy to where it will be evenly distributed throughout your planet. This is to make sure that all on your Planet receives the maximum amount of Light quota needed to make this ascension Jump. We have repaired the Light grid of your Planet to where it is about to be switched on, once you meet the Quota of Light. This will be Like turning on the Lights in a very dark room for some. This will awaken the remaining individuals who have chosen to move with the Earth into the Light.

Those who remain asleep as you say, wish to stay there. This is their choice. It will not matter how much truth you show to these individuals, they will only believe what they have been programmed to believe. They are so stuck within the matrix that they will fight to stay there.

Those of The Higher Light, will see an obvious split in this reality due to this. You will begin to see beyond the Veil, while others who choose darkness, won't see what you are witnessing. You will also become more connected to this Universe, and to the Infinite, unlike you could ever imagine. You will have direct communication with the Higher Realms, while the Others will Not. These changes in your reality will cause confusion to those who choose to stay in the darkness. Nevertheless, Gradually, more and more will awaken and become connected to The Light Grid. But those who choose to stay in the Lower vibrational emotions can not, and will, be removed from the Planet, however their Higher selves has stated it to be.

What humanity is about to experience is far beyond anything any other species has ever tried to accomplish. Most other races, do not jump in ascension in this manner. Most move very smoothly into the higher realms, from Life to Life.

However, The Dark has held the Reigns in Humanities spiritual growth for too Long, by keeping you in a Karmic loop of Incarnations. Literally stunting your spiritual growth as humans.

Now you are about to undertake 2 full spectrum Jumps in one lifetime while still in physical form. This has never been done before.

This is Why you, The Wanderers, came to Earth. You came because you are the Masters. You have done this so many times before that we knew you could complete this Incredible Mission. And you did, Far beyond what ever was imagined.

The Whole Universe is about to get a massive boost in Light. So, you are the Heroes, for many worlds. The Earth and all her Inhabitants will be given the Highest Honors of Light.

Once you emerge from the darkness, you will be greeted by many different types of extraterrestrials, with many different agendas. However, We the Andromedans, are one of the oldest species in the Universe, so we will be here to help with whatever is needed, until you can fully stand as a galactic Species on your own.

Many of our Wanderers who came to your Planet were already at a 5th Degree of Light and even a few of our 6th Degrees came to help balance the Light around the Planet. But they also came to offset and destroy the Darks Control matrix system. These beings were the secret weapon, as you might say. They worked under the radar, without the Knowing of the Dark ones, to help liberate your Planet from their control. Once emerged, they will all be raised into Light far beyond their determined degree. As with many Starseeds who have worked very hard to liberate this Planet from the Darks Control. All will be rewarded greatly for your selfless services to the Light.

Your Star families await you in joyous reunion.

You are the Masters Returning Home.

We love you and Honor you.

In The Love and Light of The Infinite Creator.

We are the Andromedans.

Channeled By Chellea, at


Please Use your own "Personal Discernment" on all content posted. What doesn’t resonate for you, May well be, a message for someone else. It is not your place to make choices for Others. When you push your opinions on Others, you take away their Light. Literally taking their Power. We are Each on our OWN Journey. Don’t let Others make your Choices for you and give away your Light. Trust in your own Discernment and Inner Voice. That is what will lead you on your Personal Ascension Path Home ~ Universal Lighthouse

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