Greetings Sacred Golden Christed Ascending Masters of New Earth
In the Primordial Alchemy of Endless Space, The Great Mystery manifests the Yin and Yang of emptiness. and form to create the Cosmos of seeming duality, to experience the totality of Infinite Creative Potential.
We are the culmination of millions of years of Evolution of Consciousness and we have reached the Ninth Level of the Spiral of Time of Unity Consciousness. With the free will we have the Divine birthright to Consciously co-Create the Paradise the world has always evolved to be. We must use our Pure Intent and Divine Will all the while holding our Visions of Heaven upon Earth. The Physics of Immortality have been awakened within the Mind of Humanity and Now we step over the threshold together into the New Eden of Eternal Bliss Consciousness.
In the Gnosis of our True Sacred Self we realize our Oneness with Source and all Life and finalize the Galactic sequences of our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the new human of homo-luminous, Soular Light beings of Eternal Life.
A powerful CME has enveloped Pa-cha mama’s Magnetic Field today with massive Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light. to assist Gaia and all her Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 in the Greatest Shift of all Ages into 5D Golden Age of Enlightenment forever more.
Synchronizing with these powerful Events we have another Galactic Activation Portal day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 168 Yellow Crystal Star. as Mother Earth transforms into the Golden Crystalline Star of Mothership 33 of our Universal Alliance of Light.
The floodgates of Heaven are opening for our Kingdom of God on Earth to flow with Infinite Abundance, Peace, Joy and Prosperity for all Sentient beings of the Way. Keep rising Children of the Sun and Shine your Glorious Gold Light into the Quantum Field of Elysium. as we call in our Divine Dispensation and Jurisdictions as Custodians, Protectors and Guardians of Terra Nova Gaia…A’Ho!
Channeled Through Paul White Gold Eagle at EagleLoveCondor.com
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