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Getting To "KNOW" Your Intuition

Every person on the planet has intuition but not every person chooses to listen to it.

What is Intuition?

Intuition is the ability to know or understand something, through your instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.

Intuition is a form of knowledge that appears in consciousness without obvious deliberation. It is not magical but rather a faculty in which hunches are generated by the unconscious mind rapidly sifting through past experience and cumulative knowledge. Often referred to as “gut feelings,” intuition tends to arise holistically and quickly, without awareness of the underlying mental processing of information. Scientists have repeatedly demonstrated how information can register on the brain without conscious awareness and positively influence decision-making and other behavior. by Psychology Today


Where Does Intuition Come from?

"Many will argue scientific evidence about where our Intuition actually comes from, " Is it from the Brain or The Gut?" That isn't what I am referring to here. Our Intuition and Instincts comes from something much deeper within us. Some say that it is our Sixth Sense, while others claim it to be from our Spirit Guides, Angels, or even God, quietly giving us Intuitive Guidance. In either sense, intuition is a part of who we are and How we Instinctively "KNOW".things."


The Evidence that Intuition Does exist

A team of researchers from the University of New South Wales has come up with a novel technique demonstrating just how much unconscious intuition can inform — and even improve — our decision-making. The research team — psychological scientists Galang Lufityanto, Chris Donkin, and Joel Pearson — recently published their findings in Psychological Science.

“Many people use the phrase ‘intuition’ to describe a sensation or feeling they have when making decisions, but these are only descriptions, they don’t provide strong evidence that we can use unconscious information in our brain or body to guide our behavior,” Pearson explains. “This is the first time we have been able to show strong evidence that something like intuition does actually exist.”

To measure intuition, the researchers designed an experiment in which participants were exposed to emotional images outside conscious awareness as they attempted to make accurate decisions. The results of the study demonstrate that even when people were unaware of the images, they were still able to use information from the images to make more confident and accurate decisions.

“These data suggest that we can use unconscious information in our body or brain to help guide us through life, to enable better decisions, faster decisions, and be more confident in the decisions we make,” Pearson says.

In the experiment, groups of college students were shown stimuli composed of a cloud of many moving dots, which looked like the noisy “snow” you might see on an old TV. Participants had to report which general direction the cloud of dots was moving in, left or right.

“While our subjects were making these decisions, we presented one of their eyes with emotional photographs, then we utilize another technique called continuous flash suppression to render these emotional photographs invisible or unconscious,” Pearson explains. “So while the subjects were making these sensory decisions, they never knew they were being presented with these emotional photographs.”

Participants were fitted with a mirror stereoscope during the experiment, which allowed the continuous flash suppression to mask emotional images in the other eye.

The emotion-provoking photographs included both positive images, like adorable puppies, as well as disturbing negative images, such as a snake about to strike. The type of image, positive or negative, indicated which direction the cloud of dots was moving.

Across four different experiments, Pearson and colleagues found that people were able to make faster and more accurate decisions when they unconsciously viewed the emotional images. Essentially, people’s brains were able to process and utilize information from the images to improve their decisions.

“Another interesting finding in this study is that intuition improved over time, suggesting that the mechanisms of intuition can be improved with practice,” Pearson adds.


Intuition Is The Highest Form Of Intelligence

Intuition, argues Gerd Gigerenzer, a director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, is less about suddenly "knowing" the right answer and more about instinctively understanding what information is unimportant and can thus be discarded.

Gigerenzer, author of the book Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious, says that he is both intuitive and rational. "In my scientific work, I have hunches. I can’t explain always why I think a certain path is the right way, but I need to trust it and go ahead. I also have the ability to check these hunches and find out what they are about. That’s the science part. Now, in private life, I rely on instinct. For instance, when I first met my wife, I didn’t do computations. Nor did she."

I'm telling you this because recently one of my readers, Joy Boleda, posed a question that stopped me in my tracks:

What about intuition? It has never been titled as a form of intelligence, but would you think that someone who has great intuition in things, has more intelligence?

My "gut instinct" is to say yes, especially when we are talking about people who are already intellectually curious, rigorous in their pursuit of knowledge, and willing to challenge their own assumptions.

Let me put this a bit simpler. If all you do is sit in a chair and trust your intuition, you are not exercising much intelligence. But if you take a deep dive into a subject and study numerous possibilities, you are exercising intelligence when your gut instinct tells you what is - and isn't - important.

In some respects, intuition could be thought of as a clear understanding of collective intelligence. For example, most web sites are today organized in an intuitive way, which means they are easy for most people to understand and navigate. This approach evolved after many years of chaos online, as a common wisdom emerged over what information was superfluous and what was essential (i.e. About Us = essential).

Theo Humphries argues that intuitive design can be described as "understandable without the use of instructions". This is true when an object makes sense to most people because they share a common understanding of the way things work.

You might say that I'm a believer in the power of disciplined intuition. Do your legwork, use your brain, share logical arguments, and I'll trust and respect your intuitive powers. But if you merely sit in your hammock and ask me to trust your intuition, I'll quickly be out the door without saying goodbye.

I say this from personal experience; the more research I do, the better my intuition works.

Although this may be a paraphrase of his thoughts on the subject, Albert Einstein has been widely quoted as saying, "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."

Sometimes, a corporate mandate or group-think or your desire to produce a certain outcome can cause your rational mind to go in the wrong direction. At times like these, it is intuition that holds the power to save you. That "bad feeling" gnawing away at you is your intuition telling you that no matter how badly you might wish to talk yourself into this direction, it is the wrong way to go.

Smart people listen to those feelings. And the smartest people among us - the ones who make great intellectual leaps forward - cannot do this without harnessing the power of intuition. By Forbes


Sharpening Your Intuition

Every person on the planet has intuition but not every person chooses to listen to it.

Intuition is the way the subconscious mind communicates with the conscious mind. The information that informs ‘that feeling’ is real. It’s like any other decision but the workings of it – the collection, the storage, the putting together – happen outside of our conscious mind.

So intuition is a brilliant thing. The sharper it is, the better off you’ll be. Here’s how to feed yours so it’s flourishing and ready to advise …

  • Shhh. Listen. It’s sounds simple enough – and it is. No tricks here. Your intuition can’t talk to you if you’re not listening. When you start to take notice, good things will happen. Just try it and see.

  • Trust your gut feeling. When a word like ‘gut’ teams up with a word like ‘feeling’, you know there has to be a good reason. And there is. Research suggests that emotion and intuition have a physical presence in our gut. The gut is lined with a network of neurons and is often referred to as the ‘second brain.’ It’s known as the enteric nervous system (ENS) and it contains about 100 million neurons, which is more than the spinal chord and peripheral nervous system but less than the brain. This is why we get ‘sick’ about having to make a tough decision or knowing we’ve made a bad one.

  • Feel. You’ll know your intuition is there because you’ll be able to feel it – if you let yourself. You’ll feel it in your belly and it will goosebump your skin, send a shiver down your spine, race your heart and quicken your breath. Sometimes it’s even more subtle and the only way to describe it as a ‘knowing’. You’ll feel when something is right – it will feel clear, nourishing and enriching. And you’ll feel when something is off – for me it’s an ache or a flattening. Trusting your intuition might be difficult at first if you’re not used to it, but give it time and trust it bit by bit, if that feels better. It will be worth it.

  • Be ready to let bad feelings go. Negative emotions wil cloud intuition, which is why when you’re angry or depressed bad decisions can happen so easily. Research has backed this, finding that people made better intuitive choices in a word task when they were in a positive mood as compared to when they were in a negative mood.

  • Be deliberate about the people you hang on to. People who drain you will add to the noise and make it more difficult to hear what your intuition wants you to hear. Chances are that you already know how they are. If not, be still for a moment – your intuition will be trying to tell you. Keep people who enrich and empower you and walk away from those who drain you. Understandably, you can’t always walk away from the troublesome ones and if that’s the case, empower yourself by making it your decision to stay, rather than not theirs because they’ve taken your choice. The difference is subtle in language but big in impact. One lets the power stay with you, one gives it over to them.

  • Pay attention to what’s going on around you. The more information you are able to gather from the environment, the more the intuitive, subconscious part of your brain has to work with – and the more accurately it will inform your decisions.

  • Connect with others. There are so many things that inform our opinions and decisions other than speech. Tone, volume of speech, body language, gestures – they all contribute to the meaning we give to our interactions with people. Sometimes, we have a feeling about people but can’t quite put a finger on what it is. People might seem distant, distracted, uninterested, and often these aren’t spoken but are ‘picked up’ through in different ways. The ability to pick up on the thoughts, feelings and intentions of others is referred to as ‘empathic accuracy’. The more time we spend with people, the more we can finely tune or empathic accuracy. Being able to pick on the signals of others will all add to intuition. [irp posts=”1142″ name=”Want to Be Happier? Letting Go of These Will Make it Happen”]

  • Find time to be silent and still. Having solitude turns down the clamour of the world and allows you to tune in to your intuition. Our intuition is always sending warnings and encouragement but often we are too busy to notice. Let your mind wander and be open to what comes to you – feelings, thoughts or words. One of the ways to do this is through mindfulness. By focusing your thoughts on your own experience in the present moment, mindfulness gets rid of mental clutter and makes way for you to connect with your intuition.

  • Use your dream time well.

  • Dreams are the brain’s way of processing information that’s left over from the day. They are rich with valuable data – experiences, memories, learnings – so they can work hard if we let them. Paying attention to dreams can provide information that we may not have access due when we are awake. Before you fall asleep, turn your thoughts to any unresolved issues or problems. Think about possible options or resolutions as you’re falling asleep. Close your eyes and let your brain do the rest. Source:


Meditation and Intuition

Yoga, mindfulness and meditation are supposed to increase your powers of intuition.

If our minds are busy it's hard to tap into our natural intuition that is, deep down, able to answer the important and small questions in our lives. This is a meditation to activate your gut instinct in such a profound way it can truly "wow" you. Sit in a relaxed way with your back straight and the top of your head facing up. Gently close your eyes. To ground yourself and focus your mind, spend a few minutes concentrating on the sensations of your breath as it comes in and out of your nostrils. (For a detailed instruction of this meditation, please click here.) Now you're going to begin a body scan. Start with the top of your head and spend a minute or two really focusing on all of the sensations at the very top of your head. What do you notice? We're made of molecules so if you concentrate enough you will find sensations here. Are they tingly or painful or pleasant or .. what do you feel? Hone in on this one area of your body and experience all the sensations here. If you feel nothing, that's ok, within in a week or two of doing this meditation you will have trained your mind to pick up more subtle sensations, and you'll notice something then! After a minute or two here move down to your forehead area, the front and back and if you can, the middle too. What sensations do you notice? Spend a minute or two focusing on any or all sensations in this area. You might feel wind, an air conditioner or heat, tightness or a relaxation. Sensations are there, we're just training our minds now to notice them. After the forehead, move down to the eyes, then to the nose, then the area under the nose and above the lips. On two silent retreats, I've spent an entire day, ten hours of meditation, just on this area above the lips. For the first two hours, I would think this was crazy, there were no sensations there, but eventually, I would realize that this is the place where you can, if you concentrate, feel the breath from the nostrils hitting the skin beneath the nose. And you can feel the wind from a fan hitting this area. After five hours of meditating on this area, I would pick up a tingling feeling, too. So I promise there are sensations there, we just have to train our minds to pick them up! Now you can scan the lips for a minute or two, then the chin, neck, top of the shoulders and chest. Spend a minute or two focusing on each area of the body, feeling any sensations that come up or are present. Then you can do the torso, stomach and the top of both arms, at the same time if you'd like, and slowly, down the arms and the rest of your body, body part by body part, intensely scanning for sensations. After you've finished your feet and toes, you can start again from the top of your head, going down body part by body part. A large body of wisdom says everything that's happened in our lives is stored in our body, so as we uncover layers in this way, important memories that can teach us lessons begin emerging, and we start to gain insight into important questions in our lives.

Once on a silent retreat, I saw a memory of being bullied at summer camp emerge like a string from Dumbledore's Pensieve! I had never thought about this memory before since I was a kid. But there was an important lesson for me to learn from this, and it came up just at the right time when I was ready to process it.

You may experience insights during this meditation or they may come up during the day or even a week later. But this meditation also helps you to become more tuned in overall and, as an added benefit, to experience the present moment exactly as it is, with no judgment and no reaction to any positive or negative sensations that come up. By Forbes


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