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Happening NOW -The Biggest Shift Ever!

Happening NOW -The Biggest Shift Ever!

The Biggest shift ever on the planet is happening NOW: Be in the mission LIVING A MISSION- IT IS TIME NOW.I believe everyone has a MISSION. And when you feel that Mission, in every cell of your body and DNA, your heart and your soul, nothing can stop you!!! It is not like going to ‘work’.A mission can be lived and breathed, day and night… It gives energy and protection. It does not TAKE energy. You need to wake up from a long sleep; we ALL have slept over the last 16.000 years as humanity. WAKE UP. This is the time every human needs to see and hear: the real thing. So YOU make all your friends and everyone you meet aware. We are in this together, the whole of humanity! I want you to feel and stand in self-love. Be love, be part of the change. You ALL are here for the change. Even if you do not know what you are here for today.Free souls, our originWe were born as Free souls in a Free cosmos, as a Free human race- With Power from within, and all connected in the same love and from the same source. We got trapped though, in fear, money, contracts, systems and leaders or books telling us what and who we are, and how we should live. This is the Old. Old masks, old leaders, old stories, and old rules.Only We, as in Today, at this moment, can remind ourselves that We were Gods. We all were.Feel the energy now coming from these words into your body and feel it activating. Wake up, you are here with us, to make Gaia- The Earth- Humanity Shift to who we originally were. You do not need to remember, you feel it Now. We were born to lead ourselves. We were born to listen to our hearts. We were born to live in peace, unity, harmony and Love for us all. Most of all: To remember and tell the truth about our origin, about our DNA, about True Healing and True Wisdom taught from the Source.We did not live in fear, or listen to any other voice, than the voice within.We were all One. We are all one.Know that everyone is connected to each other. There is no separation. This is created, to make us forget who we are and what we are. Your brothers and sisters are all around You. They forgot who they are, a long time ago. See them in light, remind them with love, who they originally are. And You = Me. We can never lie to each other, or make another person sick or mistreat any other organism on planet Gaia, knowing that this is not the highest form or treating yourself, we All are Holy. We all are Masters. We will lead ourselves, and Each Other, Home again. Let us lead the way.We have been mislead, trapped, and far away from ‘ our soul’ for a long time. The change is to stand up, to believe in yourself, in our whole humanity! 99% of the people pray for love & change. Know this! Everyone has lived in fear and disinformation. Choose NOW to stop living in a mass-fear. You are clear, powerful, and connected to your essence. NOW. We all are connected in heart, and we all want a SHIFT now. This is a wake-up call, to reach for your light, your potential. YES, feel this rush in your body NOW. It all starts with YOU.ASK YOUR GUIDES NOW:‘Show me my mission, I want to be in full control, and lead the mission I was born for’. Ask for it, give yourself permission. Also tell your higher self: ‘ I do not want to be a sheep anymore, I will be unique and stand in my own energy. I will not let politicians, the media, commercials, and negative people tell me WHAT TO THINK, WHAT TO BUY, WHAT TO EAT, WHAT TO SAY. I stop with following others- I will lead My way. I will be in full strength, protection, love, and get all the tools I need for my mission. I will break with all the habits that cause me to leak energy, that cause me damage. I believe in myself NOW.’TO ALL MEDIA, SPEAKERS, INSPIRATORS, MUSICIANS, POLITICIANS, LIGHTWORKERS, HEALERS AND EVERYONE WITH A FANBASEIt is time for YOU to stand up for humanity, planet earth, and our truth. Connect with all humans, in love. It is time to spread the light, love, and the truth of your essence. It is time to stop living for money and to stand up for the shift. You know it. Billions of people wait for this and pray for this. You need to stand up for your responsibilities, and to use your tv, media, newspaper, social network to start the shift! You need to work all together and spread the truth, and your light. Today. To all the singers, authors, publishers, artists and journalists: Start writing the truth from today on. Start spreading and connect humanity in the truth. We need you.New energy Wake-Up Callby Leda de Zwaan,


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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
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