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How The Collective Consciousness Subconsciously Grabs YOU (Article)

Collective Consciousness Subconsciously Grabs YOU, but hey! It doesn’t look like a monster. Rather, it’s a field effect.

When Collective Consciousness Subconsciously Grabs YOU… It doesn’t have a recognizable face. Nonetheless, the grabbing does happen.

How can you counter that pull? Learn today how you can declare a new inner independence!

No exaggeration, Collective Consciousness Subconsciously Grabs YOU. But how?

How Exactly Does this Grabbing Happen?

Suppose that you’re going through something rough.

  • Perhaps it’s heartache due to your love relationship.

  • Or heartache due to your lack of a love relationship.

  • Resistance may keep coming up, day after day. For instance, you need to do something at work but you just can’t bring yourself to do that thing today. Months keep passing by, while you keep passing up the chance to get that thing done.

Go ahead and COMMENT below with your examples of these. Maybe add how you’re used to calling that problem to yourself. Like “My procrastination.” The more you add to our Comment Conversation, the more you’ll gain from this article; and the rest of us will benefit too, of course.

In short you’re suffering, feeling stuck. Being human, you’re a natural-born problem solver. You’ll reach for some words to describe what’s going on with you.

Unfortunately, chances are that a cliche will grab you. Whether talking to yourself or others, you’ll latch on to a totally common cliche.

And why that particular cliche? Not because it’s truly helpful. (Probably it’s a dead-end idea that will deliver a pop-psych diagnosis but no real solution.)

Oops! Collective Consciousness Has Just Subconsciously Grabbed YOU.

As you’ll be reading in this article, chances are… When you’re feeling at a loss…

That “description” of your problem — or “explanation” — comes straight from Collective Consciousness. Like low-hanging fruit, it’s yours for the taking. And you happen to be hungry.

Only wouldn’t it be better to use the brains that God gave you? I’m a big believer in effective problem-solving, rather than wallowing in a popular rut. Since you’re here at the Energy Spirituality® Blog, my hunch is that you prefer to solve problems. And solve them in ways that don’t necessarily involve:

  1. Pop psychology or psychotherapy

  2. Psychic work that’s supposed to be “spiritual” — but really isn’t.

  3. New Age energy healing that’s supposed to fix your entire mind-body-spirit. Simply by balancing your chakras, etc. (Note: That link just supplied takes you to the first of a series of six articles. Links to the remainder are supplied in COMMENTS at that first post.)

BTW, the links just provided can show you something worth considering: Fact is, Energy Spirituality® offers you effective alternatives. Fresh, new alternatives that happen to work now, when we’re living. Working now, in the Age of Awakening.

In this Energy Spirituality® How-to Article, What Will You Learn?

First I’ll introduce some counterculture truths about the impact on you from Collective Consciousness. This affects you behind the scenes. That is, subconsciously.

Then, step by step, this article will provide straightforward instructions to  help you free yourself up.

One odd skill you’ll learn here involves a new application of something you already know how to do: Discover a new way to use a search engine like Google. Learn how that can help you to gauge the impact on you of subconscious pressures.

A few easy steps follow. Altogether this simple blogpost can become a turning point for you. Start to free yourself up from a pressure you didn’t even know was influencing how you

  • Think

  • And feel

  • What you desire

  • And words that come out of your mouth.

Understand What Happens Behind the Scenes. You Can.

Consider that Collective Consciousness Subconsciously Grabs YOU by giving you words for your life experience. Words and thinking then have a reciprocal relationship.

Specifically, once you think in terms of common cliches, it colors your subconscious expectations. Also, those cliches can become how you consciously interpret what happens in life.

  1. Especially when you feel tired or unsure, guess what?

  2. Most often, folks grab the most popular cliches.

  3. “Greatest hits” from Collective Consciousness are like low-hanging fruit. Without thinking, a hungry person reaches for them.

But What IS Collective Consciousness?

This next link will bring you up to date with my current understanding of Collective Consciousness, especially its relevance to your subconscious expectations of life.

While this next link can help you to recognize your potential role in helping to change Collective Consciousness.

Doing this is essential because we’re now living after the Shift into the Age of Awakening. (For those of you who are unfamiliar with this term, no worries. More about that will come later in this article.)

Furthermore, Lest You Think One Idea Is as Good as Another

Only way that would be true is if you have no way of gauging the consequences. Different ideas, different choices bring vastly different outcomes.

This year in Energy Spirituality articles and YouTube videos, the relative value of ideas has inspired many articles. For example:

Unfortunately, even the smartest, wisest seeker of truth often gets grabbed: Simply due to Collective Consciousness Subconsciously Grabbing YOU. And there you are, cheerleading for an idea that’s about as helpful as picking up… As picking up and carrying around an old cigarette butt in the dirt.

Cigarette butts are like cliches from Collective Consciousness. No treasure there!

Buttttttt, How Can Each of Us Start to Free Ourselves Up?

In this article, our goal is clear: Helping each individual to declare personal independence. Meaning, independence to how we feel and think and expect. Which words come out of our own personal mouths.

What follows here can help all of us who aim to “be my own person.” That is, to avoid being unnecessarily influenced by popular culture, advertising campaigns, etc.

Starting today, ironically, Google can become your ally in freeing yourself up from subconscious influences. Soon you’ll choose to…

Google What Comes to Mind “Automatically”

Why do that googling?

Admittedly, all of us know that search engine results do not deliver rigorous scientific data. The algorithms behind these searches aren’t perfect. At best, they’re approximate. Besides, your Google is different from mine, taking your search history into consideration.

Buttttttt, hello! Search results do indicate relative popularity. When you compare the number of Google hits for one search term rather than another, the number of results become meaningful. Yes, those hits become meaningful in the context of freeing yourself up. That’s due to the connection I’ve been exploring, starting this year, between:

  1. Search engine popularity

  2. Collective Consciousness

  3. And the subconscious impact of search items with a million hits or more.

To an astounding degree you can free yourself up from this subconscious influence.

Just Do this Sequence of Steps

Step 1. Question Cliches

Whether you hear them, read them, or find them slipping out of your mouth! Make it a habit to question the truth value of cliches. Sniff ’em out, because they have a different fragrance from your personal beliefs. They sound flat and wrong. If you could see them, they’d look like the clone of a clone of a clone. Speaking bluntly, most cliches STINK!

Why Repeat that Foolishness?

Let’s face it. Cliches aren’t popular due to their wisdom. They’re popular for being popular, just as some celebs are famous for being famous.

With experience, sometimes you’ll ask yourself:

What, exactly, are those words supposed to mean? This sounds and feels so familiar.Does it originate from my thinking? Or could this be one of those very popular terms in Collective Consciousness?

Note: It’s fine to use popular terms of art in politics or medicine or other established fields that matter to you. Just stop short of defining those terms… according to related searches that may not help you at all.

For example, take the word “voting.” Sure, “voting” has 4.7 BILLION hits on my Google right now. No prob with using that word.

But how about the helpfulness of “voting doesn’t matter“? That scores 35.8 MILLION hits on my Google right now. Don’t believe such dangerous foolishness; it’s poison for a democracy.

Step 2. Google Specific Words that Seem Familiar

Simply type that cliche into the search box on your search engine.

Then read how many hits.

  1. Is it less than 1 million?

  2. How about 1 million?

  3. Multiple millions?

  4. 1 billion or more?

  5. Fewer than 20 hits total?

Next, interpret that number.

You See, the Size of that Number Matters.

Below I’m Going to Recommend How to Interpret the Number of Hits

According to my learning-in-progress, I suggest the following interpretations. All related to you: Due to how Collective Consciousness works, how strong is the grabbing impact on you?

1. Does Your Search Term Score Fewer than 1 Million Hits?

Fewer than 1 MILLION but more than 1 HUNDRED… That range of popularity in Collective Consciousness indicates a measure of easy freedom for you.

Whatever you googled, three cheers to you for using language that falls outside mainstream thinking!

2. Does Your Search Term Score 1 Million Hits?

The subconscious impact of a popular terms with at least 1 MILLION hits is significant. Especially if you’re vulnerable, tired, confused, worried, overwhelmed, etc.

Even highly intelligent people, and independent people, and well educated people… find themselves falling into line.

Doing what? Repeating the cliches.

  • Trafficking in preposterously unhelpful ideas.

  • Those ideas just happen to come to mind. Butttttttt why?

  • The cliches only come to mind due to being really popular in Collective Consciousness.

3. Does Your Search Term Score Multiple Millions of Hits?

With each ADDITIONAL MILLION of hits, or 10 MILLION hits, or 100 MILLION hits… the subconscious influence grows even stronger.

Whatever that cliche may be, it appears to have the ring of truth. Falsely!

4. Does Your Search Term Score 1 Billion Hits, or More?

Once a popular term attains 1 BILLION hits, the influence is even stronger. Quite likely, that subconscious social conditioning becomes EXPONENTIALLY stronger with each additional billion hits.

Who knows precisely how strong these viral influences can be on us all, subconsciously? But the process is worth flagging, don’t you think? Because you’re in charge of your own mind, not society and not humanity’s most benighted history.

5. Does Your Search Term Score Fewer than 20 Hits, Total?

Good for you. Maybe you’re a thought leader!

For instance, check out search engine results for innovations at this blogpost. (Scroll through to find the purple links for Google searches.)

Now, What to Do about the Icky?

Build Your Immunity to Subconscious Grabbing

Once a day, check out the number of Google hits on search terms with relevance to your life. Even one search will remind you to live like an independent person. Rather than a clueless follower.

What if your search item turns up 1 MILLION hits or more? Tell yourself, preferably aloud:

This is a big cliche. I do not allow it to influence me, either consciously or subconsciously. I prefer to choose my own words and sentences, my own ways of thinking.

For Extra Independence

This founder of Energy Spirituality recommends that you resolve to live as a thinking person. Your own person. Not one of the sheep.

Pay attention to questionable cliches that you hear people saying. (People including yourself. Oops!)

And the higher the number of results, say out loud:

I don’t have to think that way. Instead I will think for myself.

I don’t have to use those exact same words. Instead I can use whichever words I like.

None of us has to walk, or talk, or live, like a walking cliche. Claim your power, Blog-Buddies.

In Conclusion

In order to benefit extra from today’s article, here are some topics worth thinking about:

  1. Would empaths be expecially influenced by what has over 1 MILLION hits?

  2. Does it make any difference if those empaths are born empaths (that is, unskilled empaths). Versus if they’re Skilled Empaths.

  3. When you do a Skilled Empath Merge, will you wind up finding a bunch of cliches?

  4. What does the Age of Awakening have to do with the impact of what has over 1 MILLION hits?

  5. How can what you’ve learned today help you to become a leader of the Age of Awakening?


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