How the Great Earth Experiment is Going ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very satisfied with the results of the experiment that planet Earth has been and continues to be. Earth has been seeded by beings from all across the galaxy and beyond, and look at how you are managing to harmonize all of those energies. It has been challenging, of course. There have been a lot of issues, including attempts at genocide and the loss of species of animals, but yet, there you are, still floating in space, still finding a way to make it work, in spite of all of your differences and all of your highly charged emotions. This is something to feel very proud of. Certainly, there are lots of things going on right now there on Earth to not feel so proud of, but the truth is you are co-existing, maybe not with as much acceptance, forgiveness, and unconditional love as you will someday, but at least those of you who are awake know that is the goal. And more and more humans are awakening every single day, so you don’t have to worry about carrying the load all by yourselves. This is and always was meant to be a group effort for all of the various energies that are there on Earth. You are all attempting something that has gigantic implications. The ripple effect will be felt throughout the galaxy when there is peace on Earth, and there will be peace on Earth. And we are not talking about hundreds of years from now. We are talking about within the next decade. That is how much peaceful energy you have been downloading and generating from within you. And of course, you have the help of your plant and animal kingdoms. You have the help of many extra-terrestrial beings, and you have the help of many non-physical collectives and beings, like ourselves. We are not so obsessed with the finish line, however, that we can’t enjoy this moment of acknowledgment. You have come so far just to be in the fourth dimension and on the verge of shifting to the fifth. Congratulate yourselves. Pat yourselves on the back, and know that it’s going to get better, and it’s going to get easier, and you all are a humongous part of that. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Source: https://danielscranton.com/how-the-great-earth-experiment-is-going-%E2%88%9Ethe-9d-arcturian-council/
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