How to Avoid a Future of Doom & Gloom ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton At DanielScranton.com
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always putting forth our theories about what will happen next for you all there on planet Earth when we connect with other councils, collectives and federations from all across the galaxy and universe. We don’t know what you are going to do with your free will, and neither does anyone else. And if they tell you that they know, then they are seeking to control you. Anyone who understands the way this universe works knows that you get to create your experience of the present, the future, and even the past, especially when you are awake. That is why we find it so troubling to see so many awakened souls tuning in to a particular teacher to be told what will happen next.
We would much rather see all of those individuals coming together and deciding not on the specifics of what will happen next for humankind, but on the feeling, on the vibration of the timeline you all want to be on together. And that way, you wouldn’t have people arguing over which scenario is best. And even when humans can agree on a best case scenario, you then tend to think you have to agree on how to get to it, and that causes a lot of discord, a lot of unnecessary arguing and fighting.
If instead, you could come together and say, ‘We want to experience a joyous, peaceful timeline,’ and you could all focus on those vibrations, you could get there, and you could be surprised by what you experienced. But it would always be something good, something wanted, something that perhaps went beyond what you could even imagine with your limited mind.
Now, we know that getting together with all other awakened souls and making that decision is a tall order, and we know that for some of you, finding any spiritually awake people to co-create with has proven to be nearly impossible. Those of you who can find a few like-minded souls to co-create with, please do get together with them and talk about what the ideal timeline for humanity would feel like. Those of you who cannot find anyone to connect with and harmonize with, we suggest that you just do it on your own. Demonstrate how powerful you are as an individual.
It is so important not to give any more of your power away, even to those individuals who seem as though they want what you want. Nobody there on Earth knows everything, and as we have just admitted to you, we don’t know everything. We couldn’t possibly, because you get to create in this moment and the next something that is unexpected. You get to choose, and we get to help you no matter what you choose.
We would never judge you for choosing something other than what we suggest. We just want you to be happy and empowered, and we want you to know that you are ascending. We would also very much like to see you extending yourselves out to others to offer them this opportunity to take their power back from the doom and gloom scenarios that are being given to them.
You can and will rise above any level of consciousness that is there on Earth right now, and you don’t have to worry about what anyone else’s agenda is, because they don’t create your reality. You do, and you are more effective at creating your reality when you have a powerful number of you gathered with that same goal of uplifting the consciousness of humanity and taking everyone on a joyous journey to the fifth dimension. That is what you are all there to do, and you all get to choose how you want to do it. And you are choosing all the time, and that is as it should be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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