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How to Embody the Light ~ Channeling and Gnostic Guidance

How to Embody the Light

The New Earth of Light, Channeling, and Gnostic Guidance.

Blessings Beautiful Family of Light,

David and I have Noticed Shifts in the frequencies, and the Energies are through the roof today. I am being shown that we are being lit up by our Galactic Families and our Infinite creator, along with the Christos who is here in these moments to assist the Great Mother Sophia in her Ascension into the Higher Vibrations. This is greatly affecting us in a surge of Light energies. We can connect to them and embody them or reject them, depending on your personal Levels at this moment. To connect to them or embody them, we just need to surrender to "becoming Love'. To do this is to become of Service to Others. There is a big difference between Loving the Self and Becoming Love which can only involve an action towards Others. By Becoming Love we are actually creating an action. Action creates Positive or Negative Energies or what most know as Positive or Negative Karma. By Acting in Love towards Others, We are Pulling in the Divine Light Energies into our Body to be of Service. When we "Become" Love, we are Embodying The Divine Light. This is how you Raise in Frequency and rise into Higher Consciousness.

Loving the Self is not the same, Their Claim is that all humanity receives Love through the collective. This is False information that the dark has infiltrated the Light-worker communities with. While yes Our Consciousness is Connected through the Collective, Just Loving the self, only involves you, and barely if any actual love trickles down to others, because there is no action involved. Others deserve more than just your Scraps of Love. They Deserve Your Highest respect and Highest Unconditional Love because they too are part of the Infinite Consciousness we Call God. Just Loving the Self is Not being Service to Others. According to the ancient Writing of the Nag Hammadi Codices, We should Never Put ourselves before others in any way, even offering our Bed and food if needed. These were the actual Practices and teachings of Jesus.

As We Grow in the Light, We Learn to see One another through the Eyes of our Infinite Creator, we see Unconditional Love. By becoming Love we actually are Becoming the Light. We as humans can only experience This Kind of Love as Parents, who have unconditional Love for their Children, or Children who have unconditional Love for their Parents. This is not the same type of Love as a Romantic type of Love. The Parent and child relationship involves Love no matter what they do in life, There will always be Love. This is as close as we can understand the intense Light vibrations that we are now receiving. Soon, We will become the vibration of Light that surrounds us, meaning we will only be able to emit Love vibrations ourselves. Anything else will cause discomfort and chaos, within the body and mind.

I am being shown Through the Divine, By Fighting the Light energies or rejecting them, you will soon find out that your bodies will begin to deteriorate or have dis "ease" and illness. The Only way to stop this from happening is to surrender to the Love Vibration, by actually being Love.

We can emit Love to others and be of service in many different ways. The more you act Through Love, the Higher in vibration you will become. You Brighten your Light within with every action of Love you Create.

In Ancient Times when Jesus actually Taught and Preached this information, He knew that there was only One way to the Light, and That is becoming The Light through becoming Love. His Service was that of Unconditional Love. He Fed the Hungry, Healed the sick, Washed the feet of Strangers, and even within the Nag Hammadi Codices, he Cared for his Human Father Joseph until his death. None of his Actions was Love for himself, it was his unconditional Love for all Others. The Dark wants you to forget about what Jesus actually did and taught about in his Life. They only wanted you to remember his Murder. Jesus just wanted Humanity to Remember the Light from whence we came. To Return to that Light we Must Become Love. During this moment, we are experiencing the Rise in Vibration of our Mother Earth, Gaia Sophia. As she rises, she is giving us a chance to Rise as well into a Higher state of being. The only way to do this is by embodying the Light that surrounds us, And to do this We must Become Love, which is Service to Others.

and so it is and it is so,

in so much Love and Light,

Chellea, Mystic, and Channel of the Aeon Sophia through Divine Light. The New Earth of Light, Channeling and Gnostic Guidance @


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