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How to Manifest Everything You Desire

Do you find it hard to manifest the things you want into your life? Perhaps you follow the Law of Attraction and just can’t quite conquer manifestation? It can be tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, manifesting can become second nature to you. Maybe you are unsure of what manifestation really means. Or maybe you need clarity on what the purpose of manifestation is! In order to succeed in your manifestations, you need to truly believe in them.

So, it’s worth knowing the ins and outs of what exactly manifestation is and how to properly manifest what you want.


What Does ‘Manifestation’ Mean?

There are many different ‘definitions’ of the word manifest, but the simplest would be that a manifestation is ‘something that is put into your physical reality through our thoughts, feelings, actions, and beliefs’.

This means that whatever you focus on is what you are bringing into your reality. You may focus and manifest through meditation, visualization or just via your conscious or subconscious.

This process is called manifesting!

For example, if you have been thinking about getting a new job and you focused on exactly what you wanted and when you wanted it, your thoughts and feelings would be strong surrounding this. You could then try to meditate or visualize your goal and this can help to manifest it into your reality.

If you then got your new job and it was everything you wanted, you would have successfully manifested it into your life. So, now that you know what manifestation means, it’s time to find out how manifestation works.


How Does Manifestation Work?

Like with the Law of Attraction, manifestation is where your thoughts and your energy can create your reality. If you are constantly being negative and feeling down, then you are going to attract and manifest negative energy.

The first thing to do when manifesting is to take a look at your thoughts and feelings. Are you feeling negative? Do your thoughts surround negativity? If so, you could begin to manifest things you don’t want in your reality. This is why it’s important to clear your mind and have a positive mind when you are wanting to manifest.

Manifestation doesn’t just work with your thoughts, there has to be a form of action on your part. This could be actually applying for the jobs that suit what you are looking for and going to the interviews.

Trying to visualize your thoughts and feelings about your job; this will then help you to feel more positive and motivated to make these changes a reality. This will then push you to take some action and, ultimately, manifest your goals into your life.


Here is an easy 5 Step Guide to Manifesting your Desires

Manifestation Step 1: Choose What You Want To Manifest

When picking a thing to manifest, ask yourself the following questions:

Do I really want this, in my heart of hearts? Who will benefit from having this? We must understand that we can not think and act selfishly while trying to manifest. We must focus on the betterment of all involved. When I think about having this, does it feel right? How will it be good for me and for others?

Whatever want should be the greater good, and something you want in itself; most likely something that’s a significant step on the journey towards a greater manifestation goal.

So, in sum: decide what you want, really connect with the intention to have it, and believe that you will receive what you ask for.

Manifestation Step 2: Get Rid Of Things That Stand In Your Way

Unfortunately, almost always there will be something standing in your way to success. This shouldn’t scare you, this is just part of the whole manifestation process.

Keep an eye out for these three most common manifestation blocks:

Negative beliefs/mindset

If you are in a bad place emotionally, you need to first get yourself into the right mindset before you can successfully manifest anything. You can’t be focusing on negativity and expect to attract good things into your life. So take some time to clear anything that is not needed.

Toxic people

When you are working on manifesting your dream you need to make sure no one is holding you back. People who don’t believe in you, always criticize you and/or complain about everything are blocks that will keep you from doing your best.


Sometimes you just need to be patient. Everything you want will happen. but it will happen at the right time and for the right reasons. So if something isn’t happening for you right now, it doesn’t mean it never will. Keep believing and keep working on your goal.

Sit back and think about how your manifestation process is going at the moment.

Do you feel like you’re on the right path or is something holding you back?

Manifestation Step 3: Visualize What You Want To Manifest

You probably already know the basics of visualization and have at least tried to practice those techniques a couple of times. On your current manifestation quest, start by going somewhere that’s quiet and private, and spend just a minute on visualizing the thing you want.

Pour all your energy and concentration into seeing it with your mind’s eye, and let all the good feelings about the object or outcome well up inside you

This step works best if you do a multi-sensory visualization; if you can see, hear, smell, touch and (if relevant) taste the outcome you’re looking to create. Make it as real as you possibly can, so it’s almost like it’s yours already.

Add as many details as you can, and don’t try to imagine exactly how the thing or outcome becomes yours; instead, focus solely on the end result of receiving what you desire.

Don’t think about how your desired object or outcome will manifest and don’t try to see it coming to you through any particular person or means. Your focus should be on the end result of receiving the thing of your desire.

Manifestation Step 4: Take Action To Manifest What You Want

You can spend the rest of your day pretty much living as you normally would; there isn’t any particular action you need to take in order to make the manifestation possible (your intentions are what will determine your success). Rather, once you’ve finished steps 1-2 as described above, you are just waiting for what you want to appear.

However, if you feel the urge to do something specific; whether it immediately makes sense or it’s more of an intuition-based yearning. Then consider following your gut and taking that action. If it feels natural, do it!

Sometimes, writing down what you want (and some of the answers to the specific questions posed) can give the universe the extra nudge it needs to fuel your manifestation.

There are some common reasons why you might not be manifesting quickly. In particular, consider whether you’re doubting the process; do you either not believe you’ll get what you ask for because you don’t think you deserve it, or perhaps doubt whether it’s possible to manifest using the Law of Attraction?

Any kind of negative feelings (e.g. anxiety, worry, anger, and doubt) or negative beliefs can inhibit your results.

Manifestation Step 5: Recognize And Appreciate

Although this final step might not look that significant at first glance, it can actually do a lot to shape your manifestation potential in the future. Basically, the key thought here is that you need to fully appreciate what you have once you achieve your goal. The vibration of Gratitude shows the Universe that you are pleased with the given results. This tells the universe to create more of that same energy. It can be easy to forget that you asked for what you received, so take proactive steps to prevent this.

Go back to what you first thought and felt when you were visualizing your desired object or outcome, and connect those experiences with the new experience of having what you want. Consider the tangible proof you have that thoughts are things, and that thinking in a certain way can create concrete changes in the world around you.

The more you make this connection and emphasize it, the better you’ll be at manifesting in the future (as you’ll replace negative, limiting beliefs and doubts with confident, positive thoughts and feelings).


On The Verge Of Manifestation?

So, you’ve finished all of our manifestation steps and you feel positive and motivated… now what? Well, as long as you can hold on to this feeling and stay positive, focus on your goals and take some form of action – then you’ve done all you can!

This means that you are on the verge of manifestation, and there are some signs that you should look out for in order to know your manifestation is close. It may feel like nothing has happened after you’ve set aside time to really think and feel your manifestations, but that’s only the beginning.

These signs are likely to just appear to you, even if you aren’t looking for them.


Signs Your Manifestation Is Close

When you are trying to manifest something into your life, there are many signs that you should be looking out for in order to know that your manifestation is close. Some will be small signs, and others might be staring you right in the face, without you knowing.

Here are some of the signs that may come to you when your manifestation is close:

Hearing about your desires. This could be overhearing someone’s conversation or listening to the radio, where they are talking about the very thing that you want.

Feeling excited. If you start to develop a sense of excitement despite there not being a reason, this could be a sign that your manifestation is close.

You see repeating numbers. Repeating numbers have important meanings and these are a good sign that your manifestation is close. Pay attention to the numbers you see.

Other people talking about your goals. The people in your life might bring up your goals in conversation, telling you that you would be good at something (even if they are unaware that this is your goal).

These are just a few signs to show that your manifestation is close to being in your reality. Make sure to keep note of the signs you are seeing and feel excited that your manifestations are close.

(Source) Modified by Universal Lighthouse


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