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Huge non-human craft attempts to land at Iraqi base / Linda Moulton Howe - Earthfiles

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TOPICS: June 23 - Summer Solstice celebration. - 175k subscribers celebration? - impending release of new government UAP info 2:27​ - Saturday, March 13 - “Macron rehearses Star Wars”, “France runs satellite war games” - France carried out first ever military exercise in space - US, France, Germany take part in codename “Asterix” - wargame exercise practicing orbital defence 5:01​ - Mystery boom, shaking reported around San Diego, March 10, 2021 - noise and shaking felt around Southern California - no information about the cause, even from USGS - eyewitness in South Park… “I knew it wasn’t an earthquake”.. “sudden impact” Strange metal sounds coming from the sky in PA on March 13 - Phoenixville, PA witness: “we heard a metallic sound”..”this was not the sound of a sonic boom” 15:48​ - Interview with retired U.S. Any Chief Warrant Office 4 - October, 2009 incident at USA forward operating base Sykes, outside Tal Afar, Iraq - saw huge craft above the runway - no fuselage, boomerang-shaped, floating above the runway - “this thing is like 1/8 mile wide”…”covered the whole runway” - “pale white, eggshell color” - “hovering at the end of the airstrip” - “it was so big”…”it came straight down the runway…made a very gentle turn to the right and started rising…and then it was gone” - “not in a bank… it was flat…going up like an elevator” - “they covered it up” ==== Books mentioned: Inside the Space Ships By George Adamski Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume 2: High Strangeness By Linda Moulton Howe​ ===== Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice New documentary now available:​ Contact Linda directly: Email: Secure ProtonMail: Mail: Linda Moulton Howe P. O. Box 21843 Albuquerque, NM 87154 **Please "Like" and "Subscribe"** **Please "Like" and "Subscribe"** — For more incredible reports on Science, Real X-Files, the Environment and so much more, please visit my site​ — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe​. — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook @EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles. To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at her official Earthfiles store at​ — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer:​ For international translations, please see closed caption video at end of each recorded broadcast. If [CC] is not working, try again later.


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