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Importance of Music in Spiritual Practice

It begins from within — the rhythmic thump, thump of the heart. Music guides us right from life’s inception, starting with the rhythm of our mother’s heartbeat echoing around us within the womb. Music triggers our pleasure centers, releasing ‘feel happy’ chemicals in the brain. In addition to making us feel joyous and elated, music has also been associated with an increase in physical wellness. Music is truly universal in a way that connects us to each other and to Spirit. When created from the heart and with truth and pure intention, it is a spiritual expression of the most universal nature and the highest order. It precedes and transcends culture, religion, and genre, and is a powerful vehicle that carries energetic frequencies to break through the myriad of barriers that separate us. I have always been passionate about music and sounds, and how they interlace to move the soul. Each beat, lyric, and instrument symbiotically intertwine to give life to the sounds of the Universe. Music has been my constant companion, elevating my life state to higher realms, aiding in my spiritual work, and tenderly moving me like gentle, flowing water. Music has played a significant role throughout time and continents — Buddhist and Gregorian chants, shamanic journeying, battle chants, rituals, celebrations, and more — it has always been present. I often play a variety of sounds and songs during my rituals, classes, celebrations, and events here at SG, and I have heard from many of you how much you, too, appreciate and connect with the music. I’ve learned to appreciate music from all over the world, even if I don’t always understand the words being sung. I open myself to the melody and energy in the singer’s voice, or tempo and vibrations of the instruments, allowing them to work their magic on and through me. When I close my eyes, I’m immediately transported into the time those sounds were created. Sometimes I’m dancing in the forest with my Celtic sisters. Other times I’m sitting in a circle with my indigenous American ancestors, as my heart echoes the rhythm of the drums. Music just has that effect on me. It’s my lifeline to the spirit world, to my spiritual work. Music in spirituality has to move me. It has to transport me to different realms. It has to activate and ignite my emotional body. I find that songs filled with negative lyrics can lower my vibrations. The opposite is true of songs of love, kindness, and connection, that carry high frequencies. While I don’t want to impose my musical preferences on you, I do encourage you to experiment within your spiritual practice — expand your mind to experience new rhythms and sounds, and open your heart to the cultures that created them. In the words of Hazrat Inayat Khan, “Music should be healing; music should uplift the soul; music should inspire. There is no better way of getting closer to God, of rising higher towards the spirit, of attaining spiritual perfection than music, if only it is rightly understood.” And so it is.


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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
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