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**Important Transmission** OUR MISSION ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council

Greetings in the Light, and Love of our Infinite Creator,

This is a Transmission of Importance, to understand the Mission of The Andromeda Intergalactic Council.

The Andromeda Intergalactic Council, is a Delegation of Many different species from multiple Galaxies. All of the Council members are of 9th Degree or Higher in the spectrum of this Universe. These Council Members hold the Spiritual Hierarchy of their Species and work directly with the Divines Purpose.

The 9th degree Arcturians are a part of this Council. As well as The Pleiadian High Council and many Others who are of 9th Degree or higher spectrum, That speak through your Channels on Earth.

The ones you know as the Andromedans and many other species from the Andromeda Galaxy, and even The ones you Know as the Angelic's of 12 degree or beyond the pleroma are also a Part of the Andromeda Intergalactic Council.

This Council is often confused with the ones you know as the Andromedan species, Only the Higher 9th degree or above of the Andromedan species is part of this delegation. The Ones you refer to as the Andromedan Species are just one of Many Species within The Andromeda Galaxy. They are very Highly advanced spiritually and technologically, being able to travel from galaxy to galaxy, and are one of the First species to form the Intergalactic Council.

The many different species who are part of this higher council are from all over this Universe, from many different realms of the Higher spectrums. We all work as one for the Divines Purpose.

This is the Highest Council of delegates that interact with your Earth. Through the Intergalactic Council we speak for all That is part of this delegation. We Speak as One. We speak for the divine.

This Council is dedicated to the Divines Plan and Purpose. We as One, work to bring forth the Divine Will. Our Infinite Creator directs our service.

We come through this Channel because she is of Angelic origins and is a wanderer who came here many thousands of years ago to try and stop the Darks agenda from playing out on your Earth.

Her Angelic origins allow us to directly communicate with her, through her higherself. She has connected easily because of her direct connection with her higherself. She has been working with our team during her sleeping hours to locate all the Darks bases within your Solar System. Which we can confirm them all to be destroyed.

She just recently has been assigned to be our Ambassador, or our voice, throughout Humanities and this Earth's Transformation. The reason for this is, there are many beings on your planet that does not want you to hear our Messages. The channels we have connected with before has lost the vibration of the transmission. Most have tried to monetize our messages, for selfish reasons, rather than giving them to humanity freely. or they have allowed their ego to think them superior to others. This also goes against the Divine Purpose so we can no longer speak through those individuals.

Our Mission here in This sacred Timespace, is to implement the Divines Will, and to help guide humanity through the veil and into the Higher spectrums of Light.

Humans have been a slave species being controlled by the Darker Races of this Universe. The Andromeda Intergalactic Council, have been guided by the Infinite Creator to Free Humanity from its Enslavement by these dark species. Many Wanderers and Starseeds Came here to help change the course that the Earth was headed in. Just with their presence on Earth, it raised her up to a point where the Humans could start lifting themselves out of the Darkness. Now Humanity is well on their way to becoming a Galactic Species. Free to evolve as they wish. The Divines Plan is for humanity to be raised out of the darkness away from the Grasp of The Dark ones. This is Now Happening very quickly. Humans are now standing up for their freedoms on a much bigger scale. They are starting to understand their connection with each other and beginning to change their perspective of one another. This is the First steps to The Oneness of 5th Degree Consciousness.

Humanities journey as a young species has been a rough one, but things have changed for you. You will be free to adventure and experience the Higher Light as a Galactic Species.

Our Dear Wanderers and Starseeds of Light, from all over this Universe, your Time here on Earth has been one of the roughest missions yet. You have worked very hard to raise this Earth and Humanity out of the Darkness. Your Rewards are Great within the Light.

We await you in Joyous reunion.

You are the Masters Returning Home.

We love you and Honor you.

In The Love and Light of The Infinite Creator.

We are The Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to Serve The Divine.

. Channeled By Chellea, at


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