India is Looking for Answers From NASA About, 10,000 YR OLD, ALIEN AND UFO CAVE PAINTINGS.
Charama, Chhattisgarh India:
Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture plans to seek help from Nasa and Isro for research on 10,000 year old rock Paintings, depicting Extraterrestrials, and UFO's. According to archaeologist J.R. Bhagat, these paintings have depicted Aliens like those shown in Hollywood. The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen these beings. Extensive research is needed for further findings. Local Villagers speak of their Ancestors teaching of the Rohela people, The Small Ones, who used to land in round shaped objects. These beings would also take Villagers away. Never to return again. Local Testimonies are very important in these findings. The State Departments Plans to Seek Nasas and Isros Help, show that the Alien and UFO topic is going mainstream. People are now Wanting Real Answers, not some made up, cover up Story.
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