Greetings In the Light, and the Love, of our Infinite Creator.
With all that's happening on your Planet, many humans have lost hope. They look to the skies, asking their many different perspectives of God, to help them. And we have heard their Cries. No matter where the Prayer is directed, it is all towards the Infinite Light, So we do hear you. At the Degree of a 6th dimensional being, you can hear the Call and cries from all over the Universe from Beings crying out for help in one way or another. We are of Total service, and are a vessel of light for our Infinite Creator. And we try our best to answer those calls from the Many wayward souls. Of course, this is without stepping on the Universal Law of Non-interference. We are doing the Work of the Divine and when the Divine directs us to intervene on the behalf of a Planet and their inhabitants, then we can do so.
This is what has taken place for the Earth and Humanity. The Infinite Creator, or what many on your planet refer to as Mother/Father God, has sent a message to intervene on the behalf of the Planet Earth and Humanity.
Therefore, It Has Begun ! Your Prayer's have been heard. The Earth Planet will rise back to the Higher Dimensions, where She will be reconnected with her Higher Self. All of Humanity has been given the Chance to accept The Light and Love of our Infinite Creator. Those who choose this will Rise with your Mother Earth.
We have been asked by this channel as to what will happen once you cross that threshold of Vibration into The Higher Spectrum of Light. As you move into the Higher Vibration, your physical Body will undergo a few changes. Your DNA will be upgraded to handle the New Frequencies. This will cause your body, to turn from a carbon based form to a crystalline form, which is much less dense in vibration. Your Third eye will be fully opened, to where you can view into other dimensional Light spectrums. Your intuitive abilities will also be enhanced greatly. All will have empathic abilities, and understand what one another are feeling. These upgrades will be the First signs of the crossover.
Many will also develop telepathy and clairvoyance abilities. Dreams will also become more vivid and realistic. They will be used more as a Tool to help with your Life Changes. Your Angels and guides will continue to connect with you, but it will be more directly speaking. However, they will still use your Dreams as a Tool for your continued learning. You will never stop evolving until your return to The Infinite Creator.
Upon the Crossover into the Light, Your senses will change. Some will become more enhanced, like your vision, your sense of touch, and hearing.
Those who choose to cross that threshold of Light, will no longer have illness or disease, and will be able to live very long lives.
All things in Nature will begin to shift. The animal kingdom will change. You will see new species emerging, while others may disappear. Some species from your ancient times will reappear, like the Unicorns and Pegasus, and even what you might consider as 5th dimensional Dragons. And Many of the Higher Dimensional Elementals, like Elves, Gnomes and Fairies, Will be able to emerge from their hiding. Even the Plant and Tree Life will evolve in this Shift.
Your 3D world systems of Control will no longer exist. Money will not be needed on a planet where everything is given Freely. Hunger, poverty, Homelessness, and all suffering that has been created on your Planet stems from a very unbalanced financial system. Hate, Greed and Total Enslavement grows from this type of system. It was put in place on your planet by the dark ones. This is their form of Forever control of a planet. This will be the Biggest and the Hardest part of the Shift. Even though Humans wish to advance, They will find it hard to let go of this old control system. All societies still depend on this type of structure. So it will take some time for the transformation. Many are so stuck in this control matrix, that they will fight to keep it. However, what that will do is make the choice for them, not to move into the Higher Light spectrum of the 5th Degree consciousness vibration. This is the trap that the Dark Ones have set for Humanity. The Universe does have a type of trading system that involves trade between planets. These are resources that each planet can offer the Whole of the Universe. Those who have controlled you, has profited big on the Slavery of Humans. Now those profits are Humanities to do with as they wish. The Dark ones will be stripped of all profits made from the abuse of Humanity. These trading goods will be helpful starting your new Earth. Even your secret space programs, will no longer be secret. They will be taken out of the Government's hands and given to the good of Humanity. This will include all inventions that have been held away from humanity. This is by the Decree of the Divine's Will. And will be enforced.
Your Spiritual Advancement will also come with Technology and Science Advancements.
As you grow in spiritual understanding, your technologies will match that understanding. You won't need to implant any type of AI chip in your brain to work telepathically, you will be able to control your New Technology directly with your Naturally advanced Consciousness. This is your Natural Evolution. Which is a Natural advancement higher in the Light Spectrum of This Universe. As you gain in degree of Light, you are advanced in the spiritual spectrum.
So Much is changing for you.
All of the Universe celebrates your Transformation. Your Ascension as a Planet and as a species has begun! And we are here to witness Humanity, as You cross that Threshold of Light.
Your Star families await you in joyous reunion.
You are the Masters Returning Home.
We love you and Honor you.
In The Love and Light of The Infinite Creator.
We are the Andromedans.
Channeled By Chellea, at UniversalLighthouseBlog.com
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