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It is Official... Becoming a Galactic Community~ The 9D Arcturian Council

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have crossed another threshold there on planet Earth, and you have awakened enough of your population to consider yourselves in the galactic community. This is why you will see more and more UFOs, or UAPs, in your skies. It is because now it is official. Now, just because it is official that you are members of the galactic community doesn’t mean that everything will change overnight. It doesn’t mean that you’re going to see massive changes occurring tomorrow, but it does mean that you have big changes coming and more sightings coming, and you can absolutely count on yourselves having more e.t. encounters.

You have awakened your fellow humans with your consciousness, and we want to assure you of that. This is no accident; you are experiencing this reality now because of what you have been doing, saying, thinking and believing, and you deserve to have that pat on the back that we are giving you and that your higher selves are certainly giving you as well. You as a collective, which we have referred to as The Awakened Collective, have done more than your fair share to bring this about. Now yes, of course, everyone has their own journey and will awaken when they are meant to awaken, but you all get to play your part in that, and you shift to the reality that best reflects where you have gotten to on your spiritual evolutionary journey.

And so, you do get to take credit for this threshold being crossed, this tipping point being reached, and we say to you now, expect more e.t. contact experiences moving forward, especially those of you who have been asking for them. Those of you who want to make contact have understood that you need to release certain fears and certain blockages, and heaviness, in order to be ready for that experience, and you have been doing that work.

We, and others like us in the nonphysical have felt it, and we experience you all the time in the astral plane. We are speaking from direct experience with you when we say that. There are others who will have their awakening through e.t. contact experiences and UFO/UAP sightings. This is something to get very excited about, and of course it is bringing you closer to first contact. This is something that we have been talking about for years, and now we can say with certainty that it is absolutely happening and on the radar for all of you right now.

You don’t have to wait very much longer. and you do get to have your own personal e.t. contact experiences because you have encouraged the collective consciousness, of which you are a part, to open their minds. As you know, there has been a lot of soft disclosure happening as well, and that certainly has helped. But we give the credit where the credit is due, and you all deserve to feel very good about where you are and what you have been doing. and because you have reached and crossed this threshold, you can expect much more to come.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

UFOs, UAPs & Entering the Galactic Community. ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, at


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