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It's About to EXPLODE ~ The Pleiadian Council of Light

Blessings, We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

It's wonderful to be speaking with you. What exciting times You are experiencing. 

We have detected that the Human Collective Energies are amping up, in anticipation of upcoming events. This energy that is being amped up can go either towards Love and Unity or towards fear and upheaval. This will be the catalyst for the great split in the Human consciousness. There has been an ongoing division happening for several years within the Human Collective. As the Cosmic Energies intensify, it is affecting everything and everyone in its path. These frequencies are bringing up long held negative energies to be released. With it being a collective energy, it will have a lot of momentum behind it.

 As these energies continue to build, individuals may find themselves experiencing more energetic shifts and changes in their own emotional and mental states. The choice between moving towards Love and Unity, or succumbing to fear and upheaval, is a pivotal one that each individual will face during this time of heightened energy expression.

It is a crucial moment for self-reflection and introspection, as one's thoughts and emotions can greatly influence the direction in which you follow the collective energy. By consciously choosing to align with positive and uplifting energies, individuals can contribute to the overall elevation of the collective consciousness. This will direct your path towards the Higher Light of Love and unity.

The understanding of a "great split" in Human consciousness, speaks to the idea of a divergence in perspectives and beliefs, that has been brewing within the collective for quite some time. This split represents a fork in the road, where individuals must confront their own inner conflicts and shadows in order to transcend to a higher level of awareness and understanding.

As the anticipation rises, The collective energy that is about to explode, will bring about monumental changes within your human collective. This will also be the catalyst for the ultimate choice and direction of your Earthly existence.

Many things are about to change and be brought to the forefront, and everyone on Earth Knows it.

Even if you do not see any News or Never communicate with anyone, you are still feeling it.

Much of this upheaval is due to Politics and the rising fear of the upcoming elections.

It is okay to have a favorite candidate, and we understand the importance of a good Candidate, getting into office, to help to benefit the Good of all people. Which will help to bring in the New Earth. But by feeding into the hate of the Other Side or anything different from what you believe, there is No Love there.

These are the energies that are beginning to build up to explode. For many, the anticipation is turning their vibrations into battle mode. They are literally preparing for a fight and the anticipation of fear and stress. This is how the Matrix, is designed to control your feelings and reactions, so the Dark rulers can create chaos and distraction among the Human collective.

All of this is a Distraction. They do not want you to focus on the Light. They want you to forget about loving and caring for your Neighbor. Furthermore, they want you to forget why you are here at this moment. They want you to forget about your Ascension.

Despite the challenges that may arise during this period of heightened energy, it is important to remember that this process of this energetic purification is ultimately for the greater good. The Higher Frequencies, are forcing out all the negative, causing it to come to the surface to be cleared. If this energy is Not Cleared as needed, it will explode from your system, forcing itself out. Resulting in outbursts or negative reactions. Stay within the Heart and clear any negative that may arise, letting go of all that does not serve you in the Highest Light.

Many Spiritual Teachers and Channels claim that there are many directions to The Light. But in actuality, this is not fully true. There is One Direction that leads you towards the Light, and that is Love. Yes, you can take the Long Way Home, and that is your choice. But to finally get there, you Must Choose Love.

In these moments, it's important to stay focused within the Light. Remember, your Neighbor is not your enemy. And Always remember to Hold Love in your Heart no matter what the Outcome of upcoming events. You are in the hands of the Divine, be at peace within.

We Love you, and are here with you.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Pleiadians of Alcyone.

Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder, at


Each Channeled and Scribed Transmission is received Daily, offering up-to-date Messages from your Many Galactic Families.

Please remember to Like and Subscribe. Full Article, along with the Video, can be Viewed at We are a Beacon of Light in Total Service.

Music By... Chellea Wilder Created with




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Please Use your own "Personal Discernment" on all content posted. What doesn’t resonate for you, May well be, a message for someone else.

Please bear with us... In these Moments, taking care of Our Family is becoming Priority. All Channeling for Video’s is being done by Chellea Wilder, offering Daily Information and spiritual Insights from our Star Families.

We also are Now offering other Channeled Messages and or Spiritual Teachings, on our Website, with Audio.

We offer our Channeled messages for Free, to All who are seeking the Light.  

If you enjoy the work of the different Authors that is shared on the website, Be sure to subscribe to Their Content as well. Please use your own personal discernment on all content posted. We hold copyright only on our video content.

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Thank you for your Continued Support. We Love you, and Honor you. We are Beacons of Light in Total Service






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We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity

We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..



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