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It's Happening Now! Put On The Fast Track ~ The 7 of the One

We greet You in The Love, and Through Service, of our Infinite Creator,

We are the 7 of the One,

We are those you know as the 7 High Archangels, Guardians of the 7 Dimensional Human Realms. Many channel our Messages individually, here we speak as One.

We come to you in these moments, to bring Light, Truth, and Love, to Humanity and the Earth. We are here now surrounding the Earth at this Moment, to help with the amplifying of the energies the Earth is Now receiving. This will also help Humanity move through this current shift a little faster. There have been some recent attacks on Humanity by the Dark Ones, that has caused an influx of lower vibrational Emotions.

In these very precious moments in your Timespace, We are projecting 6th Dimensional frequencies towards the Earth Core. These energies are also amplified towards the hearts of all who are on the ascension path. This will Open your heart chakra center for the next steps of your Ascension process. By being receptive to these energies, you allow for the 6th degree Light to penetrate your very being, raising you into a higher Spectrum of Love. Love is often confused on your planet as an emotion. Many feel the Lack of these feelings because they are limited energies. Energies that have boundaries.

However, Love, isn't an emotion, or even a limited feeling. Love is action. When you Love someone, you do everything in your power to care, for that individual. Your Care becomes actions of Love. Love is vibrational energies that never Stops. It is the very essence that creation is made of. It is what animates you in physical form. It is what holds all things together. it is the substance that everything is made of, and it never stops vibrating, it never stops moving. The Essence of Love is Unconditional. It can vibrate at a low frequency supporting the Darkness, and it can Vibrate at The Highest Frequency supporting all the beautiful beings of Light. Love is never ending and eternal, it is This Love that is of Our Infinite Creator.

As you receive this Love, understand it is not a limited feeling or emotion. It is frequency, and it will vibrate you into action. Into Loving actions towards others and towards this Earth.

You don't have to do anything but be present, to receive, Present in this Moment of Now. But What this Love will do is make you want to be of Service for this Earth and your fellow Humans. It will make you want to CARE...

Many Humans on your Planet have damaged DNA due to Dark Manipulation, Medicines and Injections. This Love Frequency will heal and repair, if you will, your DNA.

Humans whose DNA has been damaged through the Injections, This will allow for the repair and to be cleared of unwanted nanotechnology. But they do need to be aware, and receptive to receiving these energies. It's all about your Intention.

This amplification of The Energies is putting the Planet and Humanity on what you would understand as a Fast Track to 5th Dimension.

Many of you are ready and have been anticipating a Big Event to Push you over the finish line. This is just the beginning of what is coming. In This moment, What you will experience is Love, Unconditional Love. As stated before it is Action, or movement, you will feel the desire to Create Peace, create freedom and create Oneness.

All of this Creation starts in your own Heart. The Unconditional Love feels your being, with The Will power to create your Heaven on Earth. Allow this Movement of Love to put you on the Fast Track Home.

Your Ascension process is already taking place, The Big event is already Taking Place. Don't continue to hold on to an expectation of What you think will happen. It's already happening.

144,000 Angelic incarnates are positioned very purposely around your Planet to Hold and anchor, these 6th Dimensional Frequencies we are sending.

We are here Now in total service, surrounding your Earth, and all of Humanity with the Love of the Infinite Creator. Soon we will walk amongst you as we did in your ancient history. Side by side.

We are here with you. Many will see us Through your minds eye when looking to the skies. You will see us as 7 Rays of Brilliant Light, and in The colors of The Rainbow.

We love you, and shield you with our wings of Light.

Be at Peace.

We are the 7 of the One, in total service.

Channeled By Chellea at


Please Use your own "Personal Discernment" on all content posted. What doesn’t resonate for you, May well be, a message for someone else.

The Grammar and Punctuation are corrected for the Videos, and the Titles are changed due to copied Titles on Youtube. Others also post these Galactic Messages.

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We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity

We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..

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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
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