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LIFE ON FIFTH-DIMENSIONAL EARTH: plants, pets, animals, element of water, air, fire, biosphere.

We will continue the conversation about the man of the Fifth Dimension and talk about his relationship with nature, the elements, the animal and plant world of the renewed Earth.

As you already know, your life in the new high-vibration space will radically change not only spiritually, but also your physical existence will take place under completely different conditions.

Not only a person will throw off the burden of the past – all the negative energies and programs of the three-dimensional world.

But the Earth will also gain a second wind thanks to people’s use of highly developed alien technologies in all areas of their lives.

Its flesh will no longer be tormented by the extraction of minerals, its air will not be poisoned by the toxic fumes of chemical plants, its waters, not polluted by industrial waste, will again regain their original purity.

Thanks to this, your planet will be reborn and will delight people with its beauty and natural gifts.

And of course, the attitude of a Fifth Dimensional person to his nurse, the Earth, will play a big role in this.

People who have made the Transition will live in complete Unity with their planet.

They will feel her as themselves: her energy, her needs, her Soul…

And such energetic and spiritual Unity will result in a harmonious Divine Union between the Earth and its children.

People who not only love it, but also protect it from any harmful effects will work on the land.

There will be some kind of energetic interaction and mutual understanding at the level of intuition between them and the Earth.

Just as people begin to communicate with each other telepathically, so they will “talk” to the Earth, receiving from it answers to their questions in the form of clairvoyance and clairvoyance.

Farming will be a fascinating and truly magical activity in which both people and the Earth will take part.

The earth will give signs and clues that people will instantly pick up and coordinate their further actions in accordance with them.

As a result, with the least physical cost, humanity will receive rich harvests of wonderful grains, vegetables and fruits.

Many new varieties of plants and fruits, not yet known to you, will appear, which will significantly enrich your diet, which from now on will be pranic and vegetarian.

What is pranic nutrition?

This is not necessarily a complete refusal of food, as many imagine.

Agree, my dear ones, that food is one of the main pleasures in life for you, and you shouldn’t deny yourself this pleasure on the new Earth.

But healthy, pure, high-vibration agricultural products already contain prana – Divine energy, which permeates the entire space of the Earth of the Fifth Dimension.

Natural gifts are a symbiosis of pure prana and the fruits themselves, which gives people not only wonderful taste sensations, but also strength and health.

In the Fifth Dimension, a person will be able to choose for himself: to eat only prana, which is suitable for people who are indifferent to food, or to enjoy the gifts of the Earth, which will become a real paradise for gourmets and those who like to cook delicious dishes.

Thus, even in relation to food, Freedom of choice will be shown in accordance with your personal preferences.


Now we will continue the conversation about the interaction of the Fifth Dimensional man with the renewed Earth and now we will dwell on his relationship with plants.

You already know, my dear ones, that even in the three-dimensional world these relationships are noticeably different and largely depend on human energy.

Some people have a “light hand,” as you used to say, while others have a “heavy hand.”

And such expressions did not arise out of nowhere.

A “light hand” occurs in people with high vibrations – with strong energy, whose field is more rarefied.

Conversely, people with negative “heavy” energy have a denser aura.

All living beings, which include plants, feel this perfectly and react in their own way to people with different energies.

For some, even sick plants bloom and feel great, but in the presence of others, healthy and strong plants begin to wither.

Why is this happening?

What is the energetic mechanism of this interaction?

First of all, this is a clear example of how the Laws of the Universe work – such as “Like attracts like,” the Law of Unity, and the Law of Cause and Effect.

Any plant resonates with the field of the person who cares for it or is simply nearby.

And since its own natural vibrations are always high, then, when it comes into contact with the same high vibrations of a person, it becomes energetically even stronger.

Getting into a person’s low-vibration field, the plant is subjected to a strong energy attack from him, which destroys his aura and leads to death.

The same thing happens with plant seeds.

In people with a “light hand” they quickly sprout and bring a rich harvest, but in people with a “heavy hand” they most often die.

Now imagine the society of the Fifth Dimension Earth, where people and plants exist in a single high-vibration space and where there is no place for any negative energy.

In addition, on this renewed planet, farming and gardening will be carried out by people at the call of the Soul – those who choose this as the main business of their lives.

Imagine with what Love they will envelop the seeds and shoots of each plant and with what trepidation they will treat the resulting harvest.

The same thing will happen in people’s attitude towards wild nature.

The high vibrations of a person and every blade of grass, every flower, every tree will resonate with each other, and thus a constant energetic mutual enrichment will occur.

The Earth and its inhabitants will exist in a single energy space of Love and Gratitude, and therefore in complete harmony with each other.


We will talk about the relationship between Fifth Dimensional humans and animals.

Communication with them will move to a completely different level.

It can be called a relationship of equals, and this is what I mean by this expression.

If in the three-dimensional world animals can understand a person without words, guided by their intuition, that is, by reading a person’s energies, then in the world of the Fifth Dimension people will already have this ability.

But first I would like to tell you about which animals will be able to move into the world of the Fifth Dimension.

First of all, these are domestic animals – such as dogs and cats, who are accustomed to existing in the human energetic space and who have all the qualities necessary to adapt to life in a high-vibrational space.

But among them the same natural selection will occur as among people.

In other words, those animals that are able to resonate with the new vibrations of the Earth will make the Transition together with their owners.

But for this to happen, it is very important that the owner of the animal himself is in such vibrations.

The fact is that your pets are accustomed to existing in your energy field, that is, to tune in to your vibrations, and if you yourself are ready for the Transition, you will help your pets make it too .

But another option is also possible.

If the owner cannot overcome the barrier separating the third dimension from the Fifth, then his dog or cat, no matter what wonderful natural qualities it possesses, will remain with its owner to the end, not wanting to part with him.

Therefore, my dear ones, remember that you are responsible for these creatures devoted to you, who, out of love for you, can make any sacrifice.

But there are also animals that, as a result of living for a long time in the three-dimensional world, became its victims, adopting qualities and habits that were not characteristic of them.

This especially affects artificially bred breeds of cats and dogs that are not adapted to life in natural conditions for animals.

Unfortunately, man has perverted entire species of animals, making them his toy, without thinking that such interference in nature makes these creatures completely dependent on them unhappy, who lose not only their original natural instincts and abilities, but are also doomed to inevitable degeneration .

And this non-viability will not allow artificially bred breeds of cats and dogs to move into a new high-vibration space, since their bodies will not be able to accept energies that are too strong for them, and therefore, tune in with the vibrations of the Earth and people of the new formation.


We will continue our conversation about the animal world on the Earth of the Fifth Dimension and this time we will talk about wild animals and birds.

What will a person’s communication with them be like?

The same as with domestic animals – on equal terms.

Since fear will disappear from the lives of both people and animals in the new high-vibration space, they will no longer avoid each other, but, on the contrary, will strive for communication, and here’s why.

With direct communication, both people and animals will learn to feel each other even more subtly, while simultaneously becoming enriched energetically.

You can even say that there will no longer be WILD animals and birds on the Fifth Dimension Earth, since their fear of people will disappear.

In the three-dimensional world, this fear of man was transmitted genetically in almost all species of animals and birds, since for centuries and millennia people killed animals not only for their food, but also for fun.

Hunting has long been considered a favorite pastime of the so-called “elite of society,” which, as you now know, consisted mainly of NON-humans.

A pure human Soul will never commit murder for the sake of entertainment, intuitively feeling how much this contradicts the very nature of man and what a terrible crime it is.

Having moved into the space of the Fifth Dimension, animals, instead of danger, will feel the energy of Love emanating from a person, which will, like a magnet, attract them to him.

You will be able to feed any animals or birds from the palm of your hand, as well as study their habits and desires by telepathically communicating with them.

And they, in turn, will study you.

There will be no predators on the new Earth, since the killing of living beings carries energies of too low vibrations that cannot exist in the unipolar world of the Fifth Dimension.

Thus, only those animals and birds that eat plant foods will live on the new Earth.

A person will be able to tame them, which will not be difficult, and those animals that want to live next to people will become their favorite pets.

But the choice will be up to the animals themselves, since the Law of Free Will in the worlds of high vibrations is strictly observed for all living beings .

People will develop a special relationship with dolphins – these amazing creatures who, even in the world of the third dimension, have managed to prove their Love and devotion to people.

A rich underwater world will open before you, which also includes highly developed underwater civilizations.

All this will happen gradually, as you get accustomed to this new space for you, where completely different laws apply – physical, energetic, spiritual…

Every living creature living on the new Earth will be perceived by you as a miracle, revealing a new unknown world to you, which you will study with endless interest and great pleasure.


We will talk about what the climate will be like on the planet of the Fifth Dimension and how man and the five natural elements will coexist on it.

We will begin with the fact that the fifth element – the Element of Love – will become the general background on the new Earth and absolutely everything will be saturated with its energy: nature, people, animals, birds and, of course, the other four elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.

We have already talked about man’s relationship with the Earth in my recent message , and now we will talk in more detail about your relationship with the Element of Water , of which man himself is a part.

His new light crystalline body, like the third dimensional human body, will consist primarily of water.

But this water will have a completely different energy structure – perfect, Divine.

Remember the experiments with water: how it reacts to various words and energies.

Her crystals take the most perfect form when the energy of Love and Gratitude is sent to her.

And since it is this energy that will permeate the entire space of the Earth of the Fifth Dimension and all its inhabitants, then the crystals of the human body, mainly consisting of water, will have the same perfect harmonious shape.

Thanks largely to this, you will not only not get sick, but you will also be able to modify your bodies with the power of thought.

It is the water component of your new bodies that will allow them to be beautiful and flexible.

In other words, the energetically changed composition of the water in your new bodies will be the main link between man and the Element of Water.

In the absence of negative energies, which in the world of the third dimension polluted your bodies, disrupting the water structure of your body, which led to various ailments, your new bodies, being in complete harmony with the Element of Water, will no longer know illness and suffering.

So, thanks to the Element of Love that unites you, you will resonate with the Element of Water – so important for human life.

The same thing will happen with rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans.

Having purified themselves energetically, they will change their crystal structure, which means they will radiate the energies of Love and Gratitude.

Having found natural purity, they will regain their lost harmony.

Thanks to this, storms and floods, tsunamis and hail, from which not only people, but also the Element of Water itself, suffered will become a thing of the past.

Thus, following the Laws of the Universe, the harmonious state of a person will be reflected in the harmonious state of the Element of Water in all its manifestations.


We will talk about what a person’s relationship with the Air Element will be like on the new Earth of the Fifth Dimension .

Air, like water, is a vital element for a person, and his physical and mental state depends on what kind of air he breathes.

In other words, air quality is one of the main components of human spiritual health.

And clear proof of this is the current absolutely unacceptable situation with wearing masks.

Much has already been said about the fact that they can bring nothing but harm to a person, and every month this is confirmed more and more.

What happens to the human body when he cannot breathe naturally, when his mouth and nose are literally plugged?

In addition to oxygen starvation, which has a detrimental effect on all organs of the human body, so-called energy starvation also occurs, which leads to severe mental disorders, causing deep depression, panic, or, conversely, aggression in a person.

Why is this happening?

First of all, because if the natural respiratory process is disrupted along the chain, the work and all other functions of the human body are disrupted, as a result of which its energy space is distorted and compacted.

This leads to the fact that human consciousness is also distorted and thickened.

In other words, his vibrations drop sharply, as a result of which a person begins to attract negative energies of all kinds.

This is precisely the goal pursued by those who forced almost the entire population of the Earth to wear masks.

And the increasing incidence of various mental disorders and suicides in recent months is clear evidence that they have largely succeeded in achieving their goal.

What will happen to a person’s breathing in the high-vibration space of the Fifth Dimension?

There, the breathing process will become so natural for a person that he simply will not notice it.

And this will happen for the simple reason that the Element of Air and a person will exist in a single high-vibration space, resonating with each other so much that they will actually become a Single Whole.

If in the world of the third dimension there are many breathing practices and exercises, then in the world of the fifth dimension you will no longer need them.

The general harmonious state of a person will ensure that the saturation of his body with oxygen will occur in a self-regulation mode.

And this is explained by the fact that the rarefied light crystalline body of a person will be able to freely pass through itself air currents of any concentration that a person needs at the moment and which is ideal for him.

To help you better understand this mechanism, imagine that you are climbing a high mountain, but are not out of breath, as happens on the third-dimensional Earth, but breathe as easily and freely as if you were walking on a level place.

And this is explained by the fact that your new rarefied body does not experience physical overload.

You are already able to control it with the power of your thoughts, which means that it becomes light, airy, floating in the air, and you will be able to climb to the top of any mountain without effort, and therefore without interruptions in your breathing.

So, you literally merge with the Element of Air, resonating with it with every cell of your body.

The same principle of interaction with it will extend to the entire space around you, thereby harmonizing natural phenomena.

Since man and the Element of Air will live in the Unified Space of the energy of Love, hurricanes and tornadoes, which brought them so much trouble on the Earth of the third dimension, will forever disappear from people’s lives.


We will talk in more detail about the Element of Fire and how it will manifest itself on the new Earth of the Fifth Dimension .

And this time we will consider this element from the point of view of its presence in man.

So that you better understand how closely you are connected with her, remember such expressions as “the fire of your Soul”, “fiery heart”, “burn with passion”, “mind is boiling”…

All of them are based on the Element of Fire, which, along with the Elements of Water and Air, is an integral part of human life.

So, warmth – soft, gentle, pleasant – gives a person joy and a comfortable existence.

It is in this state that a person is when he is calm in his soul and physically he is absolutely healthy.

But what happens to a person when he is overwhelmed by passions and possessed by low energies that destroy his soul and body?

His mind and his body begin to become inflamed, heating up.

He starts to GET HOT.

As a result, the balance between a person and the Element of Fire living in him is disrupted.

Their relationship becomes disharmonious, as the intensity of passions increases, which “burn” a person from the inside.

He gets hot, his face can become covered with red spots, as if “tongues of flame” have come out, his consciousness is so inflamed that he is no longer aware of his actions.

But there is another reaction to unpleasant events in a person’s life.

He can “go cold with horror,” feel a “chill on his skin,” and his consciousness becomes “frozen.”

And this is also a manifestation of the unbalanced fire element in the human body – its reaction to shock.

In both the first and second cases, the consequences are very sad, since any shake-up in one way or another affects the physical and mental state of a person, up to the occurrence of various diseases and dysfunctions of the body.

Moreover, “ignitions” in the souls of thousands, and sometimes millions of people in the three-dimensional world are often reflected outwardly in the form of fires, explosions, volcanic eruptions, since human interaction with the Earth is a single energy mechanism directly related to the Element of Fire.

Now imagine a unipolar world of the Fifth Dimension, in which energies of low vibrations simply cannot exist.

In this high-vibration space, the Earth and its inhabitants, being in harmony with each other and with all natural elements, will be in a comfortable state for them.

The climate on your planet will be warm and mild, and the human body temperature will be exactly what is ideal for him at the moment.

And the “fiery” nature of his nature will manifest itself only in moments of inspiration – that is, excitement associated not with negative energies, but with the emotional uplift necessary for him to fully reveal his creative potential.

This will be the same pleasant excitement in which a person resides in moments of happiness and joy.


To finish the conversation about the interaction of man on the new Earth with natural elements, I would like to tell you about what the biosphere of the Fifth Dimension Earth is.

In short, this is an energy layer separating the planet from space, which contains all the elements necessary for the comfortable existence of all life on Earth.

Despite the fact that all highly developed civilizations exist in a unipolar world of the energy of Love, there are, of course, differences between them.

This is explained by the fact that the location of each planet in the Galaxy is “fixed” in accordance with its features and unique characteristics.

This preserves the uniqueness of each planet, which complements and enriches the life of the Galaxy as a whole.

As for the Earth, it is the rarest creation not only of this Galaxy, but of the entire Universe.

What makes it unique?

First of all, in the exceptional diversity of flora and fauna.

Not a single planet in the Universe can boast of so many species of animals, plants, minerals and such a wealth of the underwater world.

But its main difference is that the Earth is home to a huge number of races and nationalities that carry the genes of many other civilizations and, by crossing with each other, create unique human hybrids.

But, as you already know, after the intervention of the Orions and Draco-Reptilians in this great experiment, evolution on Earth took the path of degradation, up to the complete destruction of man as a Divine being.

Therefore, after the Earth’s Transition into the Fifth Dimension, its biosphere will be modified and transformed in such a way that not a single creature of low vibrations will be able to penetrate the high-vibrational energy curtain separating your planet from the rest of the cosmos.

This will guarantee that planet Earth will become inaccessible to invaders from worlds of low vibrations, as it was before, and the biosphere will become its reliable protective shell.

Thus, only those representatives of highly developed civilizations whose vibrations are not lower than the level of the Fifth Dimension will be able to visit it.

As for the people who moved with the Earth into the space of the Fifth Dimension, they too will become part of this biosphere, since their vibrations will enter into full resonance with it, which means they will form a Single Whole not only with the renewed Earth itself, but also with its protective shell.

This will allow them to easily penetrate through it not only with their consciousness, but also with their bodies, in order to travel to other worlds and dimensions – those that they can reach with their vibrations.

The same applies to representatives of other civilizations – those of them whose vibrations allow this will be able to visit your planet, penetrating the high-vibrational protective shell of the Earth.

Thus, with the Transition of the Earth to a new level of existence, its biosphere will also change, which will acquire the energy characteristics of the Fifth Dimension.

Conventionally, it can be called the subtle bodies of the Earth – already more rarefied, which will meet all the parameters necessary to maintain your planet at the height to which it will rise thanks to the Transition, and at the same time preserve all its unique features and originality.

And all this will happen at the same time: an increase in the vibrations of the Earth, its biosphere and all living beings capable of existing in a new, higher dimension.

To be continued… 

With Love, Liberty


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