Nama'ste, my Earth Family.
My name is Kuan Yin...
I have ascended beyond my Human form, and I embody the qualities of mercy and compassion. This channel has opened up to my energy, creating a beautiful connection, for those who seek solace and guidance...
Many individuals have felt drawn to me, recognizing me as the Goddess of Mercy, revered for my loving and nurturing nature.
Originating from the Realms of the Ascended Ones, I am part of a collective of enlightened beings who have traversed the path of ascension within your ancient time. While some of us may be familiar to you, the majority of our group remains unknown, silently working behind the scenes, to support and uplift humanity.
My decision to remain in the realms, close to Earth, stems from a deep-rooted compassion and a profound sense of duty towards my Earthly Family. I am intricately connected to your human existence, observing with unwavering dedication as you navigate the complexities of the physical realm.
Through the ebb and flow of time, spanning many generations, I have stood witness to the profound evolution of the human consciousness. Each individual's journey, is marked by moments of enlightenment, and awakening, as well as by challenges and obstacles that have tested the very essence of your being.
Within Your Earthly existence, there have always been negative forces at play. Most, driven by fear and ignorance, seeking to impede the spiritual growth and collective progress of humanity.
Despite the relentless pursuit of those who aim to halt your ascent towards higher understanding and enlightenment, the human spirit has persevered.
It has been in the face of adversity, that you have discovered your true strength and resilience. Each setback has only fueled your determination to continue on the path of growth and Inner Knowing.
In the intricate beauty of existence, Many of you have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to expanding your consciousness and embracing the interconnectedness of all beings. It is through this journey of exploration and inner discovery, that you have come to realize the inherent power and beauty of your interconnected nature, transcending the limitations of individuality to embrace a more holistic and harmonious existence.
As you navigate the complexities of your existence, remember that the evolution of the human consciousness is also a collective endeavor, one that requires you to stand united in your pursuit of truth, wisdom, and spiritual growth. Together, you will overcome any obstacle and continue to evolve towards a more enlightened and compassionate future for all of Earth.
But before you can assist the collective, you must awaken to your own Inner Guidance. This is an individual journey towards your personal ascension, that in itself assists the Whole of the Collective.
As you continue to embark on your personal journeys of inner knowing and transformation, I will stand steadfast as a guardian, a beacon of light amidst the shadows of uncertainty. The challenges you face are not merely obstacles but opportunities for growth, each trial a stepping stone towards greater enlightenment. I offer you not only solace and guidance, but also the unwavering belief in your innate potential to transcend limitations and embrace your true essence.
Embrace the radiance that emanates from within you, for it is a reflection of the divine spark that ignites the soul of every living being. Those of you who are already awakened must forge ahead on your path of spiritual evolution. Go Forth, hand in hand, united by a common purpose and a shared commitment to fostering compassion, understanding, and unity.
On your journey towards enlightenment, know that I am here, a silent presence of love and support, guiding you towards the boundless brilliance that awaits at the culmination of your ascension.
I Kuan Yin, representative of the Seventh Ray, embody the Higher Light qualities of mercy, forgiveness and compassion.
Embracing the transformative power of the Seventh Ray allows for a shift in consciousness. It enables you to transcend limitations, release old patterns, and embrace a more expansive and compassionate way of being. Through this sacred connection, you can experience a profound sense of inner peace, harmony, and alignment with the divine.
Soon, My Dear Family, you will walk with us as the Ascended ones. We will all walk together within the 5th Dimension. Leading and guiding one another into even Higher Light.
May Love and Peace be with you.
Message to The Awakened ones, from Kuan yin.
Transmission Received By Chellea Wilder, at UniversalLighthouse.com
((NEW)) Voices of... Chellea & David Wilder
Music By... Chellea Wilder at http://UniversalLighthouse.com
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