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Newly Discovered “Co-Orbital Objects” Could Be Extraterrestrial Probes Watching Us

A Visualization Of Every Object In Earth’s Orbit

In a recently published paper by Physicist Dr James Benford in the Astronomical Journal hypothesizes that newly discovered near-Earth objects (there are many thousands) might be a hub for extraterrestrial 'probes' to monitor the human race.

Given what's been disclosed, and what's being disclosed about life on other planets and intelligent life perhaps visiting our planet, and life that has been visiting for a long time, is this theory really "out there?"

Are we alone in the universe? It’s one of the most important questions of our time, a question whose answer has huge implications for the human race, and truly leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. The general scientific consensus within the mainstream world is that no, we are clearly not alone and there is definitely, not only life, but intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

On the other hand, we have a great deal of information that has yet to hit the mainstream alluding to the fact that we, or at least some of us, know for a fact that we are not alone, and have been privy to the evidence suggesting that we have been visited in the past, and are being visited now.

This evidence comes in the form of witness testimony from astronauts like Dr. Edgar Mitchell, for example, who has told the world on multiple occasions that deep within the Department of Defense and the Military Industrial Complex, it’s well known that we are being visited and have been visited, and that a massive cover-up has been on going for a number of years. Dr. Brian O’Leary is another great example of an astronaut who has spoken out. There have been multiple insider leaks, as well as academicians and hundreds of high ranking military personnel from around the world who have also said the same thing.

It’s Virtually Mainstream

In the mainstream, it’s well known that the militaries of the world have had encounters with UFOs, objects that travel at tremendous speeds and perform maneuvers that defy our understanding of aerodynamics. Christopher Mellon, who served 30 years in the federal government and was Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002 and in security and information operations from 1998 to 1999 published a highly credible Washington post article that detailed a number of UFO encounters with the military. This has been corroborated by millions of pages of declassified documents, electro-optical data and more for decades.

Louis Elizondo, a former high ranking Department of Defense official and part of the TTSA academy that released multiple videos of UFOs from the Navy (which the Navy recently confirmed were real) has said that he believes these objects are extraterrestrial, but officially, they’ve purposefully stayed away from this question because a lot of people have “feelings” towards it.

Many believe the current mainstream UFO disclosure is being used the same way terrorism has been used–as some sort of ulterior motive agenda where they are taking a real phenomenon and manipulating it for their own benefit. That remains to be seen, but many believe they are going to use and perpetuate a threatening type of narrative that doesn’t really exist, in order to justify a more heightened national security state, or to weaponize space. You can read more about that possibility here.

Are We There Yet?

Having been a researcher in this and other fields for over a decade, it’s quite clear that we can’t really trust any information that comes from establishment media mouthpieces. That being said, I believe that we are and have been visited and that there is ample evidence to come to that conclusion. It’s also known that there has been a long and deliberate campaign of ridicule and denial that has suddenly ended. The current presentation from mainstream media is a complete 180 degree flip from years past, where what we saw mostly was shaming and ridiculing of the subject, despite the fact that “everything” seems to be in a “process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world.” (General Carlos Castro Cavero, 1979, source)

“It is time for the truth to be brought out… Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense… I urge immediate Congressional action to reduce the dangers from secrecy about Unidentified Flying Objects…” (Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter (First Director, CIA, 1947-1950) (source)

Apart from all of the information above, you can go into indigenous lore, ancient Greek lore and much more that detail stories of beings from other worlds visiting ours. For example, Richard Wagamese, one of Canada’s foremost authors and storytellers from the Wabaseemoong First Nation in Northwestern Ontario, writes:

“My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago. The Star people brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these freely. They were kind, loving and set a great example. When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other.” (source)

There are many such stories. The truth at the end of the day is that “there is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations.(Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (source))

Again, is any of this proof of an extraterrestrial presence? No. We have proof of a strong UFO presence via radar trackings, videos, and public disclosure. As Dr. Brian O’Leary says, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that “we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.”

Are Newly Discovered “Co-Orbital Objects” Extraterrestrial Probes?

If you’re willing to entertain the idea that we are being visited, and have been visited for a very long time, this begs the question, where are they? Based on my research, it’s not far fetched to hypothesize that these intelligent beings, and there might be many, are not quite interested in contact with the human race at the present moment and prefer their presence to remain unknown to us, or at least disclosed discretely.

Disclosure of this type of reality, in my opinion, is happening and will happen to each individual in a different way. One day, we will all come to know we are not alone, and when we do we will perhaps manifest a ‘contact’ situation. But right now, it’s happening in several ways, be it individual contact, whistleblowers, or information about UFOs etc. It’s a process.

Physicist Dr James Benford, a member of SETI, recently published a paper hypothesizing that we are perhaps being monitored. The study was published in the Astronomical Journal.

There are many who share this belief, including former Senator Mike Gravel, who said in an interview that ‘Something is monitoring the planet, and they Are monitoring it very cautiously.’ I personally believe that our race has been known about for a very long time and we are indeed being monitored by an extraterrestrial presence. Why? Well, perhaps the planet is more important than we are. Perhaps we are a threat to others and the planet? There are a number of different scenarios one could hypothesize.

Dr. Norman Bergrun, a scientist and engineer who was part of NASA’s voyager program and worked at NASA for decades at the Ames Research Centre,  made it a clear point in his book, “Ringmakers of Saturn” to emphasize that these objects (which are intelligently controlled, according to him, by extraterrestrials) have probably been around much longer than we have. He also states that if there was any ill intent towards our planet, something probably would have happened by now .He also worked at Lockheed Martin where he managed the Polaris missile tests. Unfortunately, he recently passed. I was lucky enough to receive a copy of his book from one of his family members.

I share the belief that if there was any ill intent or that the ET presence represented some sort of threat, something would have already happened by now. Obviously, there is a lot that we don’t know. Benford’s abstract from his paper reads as follows:

A recently discovered group of nearby co-orbital objects is an attractive location for extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) to locate for observing Earth. Near-Earth objects provide an ideal way to watching our world from a secure natural object that provides resources an ETI might need: materials, a firm anchor, concealment. These co-orbital objects have been little studied by astronomy and not at all by SETI or planetary radar observations. I describe the objects found thus far and propose both passive and active observations of them by optical and radio listening, radar imaging and launching probes. We might also broadcast to them.

There are tens of thousands of near Earth objects of unknown origin and composition that are constantly being discovered. This is nothing new, and if Benford is right, sending some type of probe or monitoring device would be a great way to keep an eye on our civilization.


When astronaut Story Musgrave was talking about intelligent extraterrestrial races, he said that if they got their ‘stuff’ together, with regards to morals, cooperation and the collective advancement of their species, they would be capable of great things. He said that there were “trillions” of them that are doing “star travel.” (source). What would happen if we mastered star travel? It wouldn’t seem to be out of the realm of possibility that we would insert probes to monitor different worlds we came across for curiosity reasons? Scientific purposes? Who knows?

As far as we knows there could be guardians of the Earth!

We are truly in a tiny box, perhaps in our infancy and having the same perception of what’s happening around us as an ant crossing the street that does about planet Earth.

With regards to these “Co-orbitals,” as discussed in the paper. they are objects that orbit the sun at about the same distance that Earth does. They’re basically going around the sun at the same rate the Earth is, and they’re very close by. Benford stated that extraterrestrials may have ‘bugged’ these co-orbitals while he was at a conference in Houston last year. He makes some very interesting points and observations in the paper, and ends off explaining how these objects should be subjected to more study and observation.

Again, this kind of stuff isn’t new. Dr. Norman Bergrun, mentioned above, shared evidence of strange objects that are present in our Solar System that, according to him, are undoubtedly intelligently controlled, or even intelligent themselves. He shared pictures from NASA and the Voyager mission to Saturn (which he was a big part of) of very large UFOs seen hovering nearing Saturn. You can see that picture and read more about it here.

Researchers at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics believe that an odd cigar-shaped object discovered in our solar system last year could be an alien craft intentionally sent close to earth. You can read more about that story here.

When it comes to Benford’s paper, he ends off with a general discussion in the form of points made below:

An overall reason to look closer to Earth is that we haven’t seen anything in the rest of the solar system. And we haven’t seen anything communicating from the nearby stars out to about 100 light years. The basic fact is we do not know alien logic, alien instinct, alien intention or anything else about them.  The civilization that sent the probe may be very long-lived, meaning that individuals may live much longer than we do or that they are in fact AI’s. If properly powered, and capable of self-repair (von Neumann probes), they could report science and intelligence back to their origin over very long timescales. Therefore, looking locally near Earth not only explores a new space, but also Deep Time. To study these nearby objects changes the means of inspection from listening to the stars to astronomical diagnostics such as imaging and spectroscopy. This approach involves techniques well developed for the study of asteroids and planets. That means using other technologies and other institutions to pursue this search. This possibility allows a local test of messaging (METI) prospects. We can construct messages and try them against nearby objects, thus circumventing arguments that we might be noticed by or encourage hostile forces in the 12 stars. The SETI and METI landscape is thus transformed into a local experiment. Many of the arguments against interstellar METI (e.g. drawing attention to ourselves) seem less compelling when it comes to attempted messaging of potential Lurker sites that are so close by, since such nearby Lurker will already know of us. Civilizations would not need to be very close to the solar system to send a probe here in the last few centuries. Here are some numbers: Suppose a probe can be launched at 1/10th speed light, which is certainly something we have figured out how to do conceptually by either beam-driven sails (photon beams, neutral particle beams) or nuclear fusion rockets. Traveling over 300 years, such probes could reach us from 30 light years out. About 3000 main sequence stars lie within 100 light years, so plenty of stars that might have civilization. For societies with time horizons beyond a century-long payoff, lower speeds like 0.01 c demand a millennium to take up residence and study Earth. Worlds that take even longer perspectives can use lower speeds and so lower their initial costs. Note that this implies that by searching locally, we extend our quest over both long distances in space and great spans in time, generalizing the entire SETI approach. Even alien societies that have ceased their interstellar interests or are even extinct can still tell us something, through their ancient probes.

The Takeaway

While we have to be wary of the kind of UFO disclosure that is unfolding in the mainstream media, we must nonetheless conclude that we are getting so much closer to the disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence in and around our planet than ever before. If we see this as an intentionally careful, gradual process, governed by a collective intelligence higher than ours, it may become easier to have optimism about what is soon to come. (Source)


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