Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.
Thank you, for joining us for this Transmission.
Many individuals who have embarked on this journey of awakening are deeply concerned about their fellow Humans. Most of Humanity are still unaware of the transformative process unfolding around them.
The urgency of this awakening stems from the realization, that the Earth's Ascension is a process that cannot be delayed indefinitely. And so, as well, Humanities Ascension also can not be delayed any longer.
As your world disclosure is taking place, Many layers are being peeled away, exposing the hidden truth beneath. This is also happening within each of you.
The awakening process is a journey that unfolds gradually, revealing new insights and connections at every turn. It is a multi-faceted experience that operates on various levels, each one peeling back a layer of understanding, and revealing a deeper connection to the greater whole.
As individuals embark on this awakening journey, they are confronted with the task, of peeling back the Layers of beliefs and attachments, that have been deeply ingrained within them over time.
These beliefs, embedded over generations of reincarnation, have kept them separated from their true essence and the universal truth that binds all beings together.
When a soul takes its first steps into the earthly realm, it is shrouded in a veil of forgetfulness, losing touch with its innate connection to the infinite Light that permeates all existence.
This Illusional separation from the divine source leads the soul to navigate a world that seems fragmented and lacking in meaning.
In this belief of disconnection, souls are drawn into the material realm, seeking fulfillment and purpose. They do this through relationships, possessions, and experiences that ultimately perpetuate the cycle of reincarnation.
However, as the awakening process unfolds, individuals begin to remember their true nature and reclaim their connection to the divine. This remembrance sparks a profound inner transformation, leading them to question the illusions of separation and limitation that have clouded their perception for so long.
As the awakening process unfolds, the First layer that is shed is the belief That Life is random and useless. This pivotal realization ignites the spark of purpose within the individual, propelling them towards a deeper awakening. Understanding that all life is sacred and imbued with the essence of the Creator, marks the beginning of their personal transformation.
Even if one's awakening journey progresses only to this point, the shift in consciousness towards recognizing the divine essence in all beings, elevates them to a higher state of awareness. Embracing the interconnected nature of all life, initiates the journey towards embodying true Oneness.
There will be those who can not grasp this understanding because they are not ready to let go of the separation, and wish to continue their spiritual learning. This is a choice that they have made to stay within the Lower dimensions, rather than ascending with the earth. These souls will be removed from Earth, and will continue in a third dimensional reality.
The interconnected nature of all Life, is a fundamental understanding that serves as the gateway to ascending into the higher realms of the 4th dimension. Once attuned to the frequencies of this elevated state, the Jump into the 5th Dimension will unfold with greater ease and grace.
An individual becomes awakened, when they can perceive their connection to all Life. Through introspection, meditation, and spiritual practices, they start to dissolve the layers of beliefs, ego, and attachments, that have kept them bound to the cycle of suffering and reincarnation.
Love, compassion, and unity naturally blossom within individuals who have embraced the profound knowing of their interconnectedness with all life. This deep sense of unity, and harmony with the universe, paves the way for your ascension towards higher states of consciousness and existence.
Even if you personally can not see the changes in Others, know that It is happening.
There are many more awakening to these truths, than what you perceive.
There are numerous individuals who are awakening in these precious moments, all over Earth, to the Knowing of their connection with others. They are beginning to stand up for their fellow Humans. This is a massive transformation, in the Collective consciousness of Humanity.
Humanities Ascension has already begun, There is No More Delay.
It doesn't take years of Meditation or Spiritual practice to Ascend. It only takes the knowing that all Life is sacred, and a spark of the Infinite Light of the Creator.
The Layers are being peeled away, exposing the Love within you. Humanity is awakening to the understanding that you are One People, One Earth, and One Love.
We Love you, and Honor you, We are the High Council of Sirius.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at UniversalLighthouse.com
((NEW)) Voices of... Chellea & David Wilder
Music By... Chellea Wilder at http://UniversalLighthouse.com
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Thank you... in so Much Love and Light.. https://universallighthouse.com/blog
Everything what was/is messaged for humanity, nothing new for me. All my life I was thinking about true being / connecting betvine is humans and aliens, and God what we are taking from bible and in real life.
Yesterday I got something new, wave very strong energy to my back and in one second I been on the floor, it's been strong cramps on my back, went to hospital - everything was fine. So I'm thinking what it was?