Greetings, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
It is wonderful to speak with you. Thank you for this Transmission.
Through this moment of sacred Transformation, you are experiencing an emotional alignment and refinement, that is both intense and necessary for your spiritual growth. This period is a significant shift in your Awareness, allowing for a greater understanding of yourself and the dynamics of your reality.
As you step into this new chapter of your existence, recognize that this is not just a simple transition, it is a metamorphosis that encompasses all aspects of your life.
You are in the process of shedding old layers of your identity. Which is a transformative journey, that involves letting go of past beliefs, habits, and aspects of yourself that no longer serve your spiritual growth. This shedding is an act of introspection, where you are actively engaging in the work of understanding who you truly are beneath the accumulated experiences and societal expectations.
As you release these outdated layers, you create a fertile ground for new energies to flow into your life. This influx of fresh perspectives and experiences opens up possibilities that you may not have previously considered. It invites a sense of renewal and rejuvenation, allowing you to embrace what resonates, with your evolving self.
Moreover, as you make space for these new energies, you may find that your interactions with others also shift. Relationships that once felt stagnant may become invigorated, while connections that no longer align with your new awareness may naturally fade away. This natural process of evolution allows you to surround yourself with experiences and individuals who support and uplift your journey.
This journey of the ascension is about your spiritual growth, and it requires courage and commitment to move forward into the unknown. To spiritually grow, you must raise yourself in the higher understanding of Love, embracing your true divine essence, from the Prime Creator.
It is vital to understand that nothing will remain the same within or without, throughout this transformative process. Change is an inherent aspect of this ascension, and it permeates every facet of your existence, both internally and externally. Your reality, is now in a constant state of flux.
Extreme changes are occurring, and all is transforming around you and within you. These changes can manifest in various forms, from the subtle shifts in personal perspectives and emotions, to the more pronounced alterations in societal structures and technological advancements.
Moreover, the societal norms and values that once seemed steadfast are increasingly being questioned and redefined. Movements advocating for social justice, equality, and transparency are gaining momentum, prompting a reevaluation of the control structure, and long-held beliefs.
Internally, individuals experience their own personal transformations, influenced by life events, relationships, and self-reflection. Emotions are shifting dramatically, and your understanding of yourselves and your reality, is evolving as you encounter new challenges and opportunities. The journey of the ascension is ongoing, and it is essential to embrace the changes that come with it.
Many individuals, including yourself, have asked for and prayed for change within your reality, and now you are beginning to see the fruits of those prayers manifesting before your eyes.
The Changes are occurring as a reflection of your inner work and the collective energy of those around you. This is a time to celebrate the unfolding of your truth, and the infinite possibilities that lie ahead. The ascension is an ongoing journey towards Higher forms of Love. Embrace this transformation with an open heart and mind.
We Love you, and are here with you.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Pleiadians of Alcyone.
Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder, at UniversalLighthouse.com.
Each Transmission is received Daily, offering up-to-date Messages from your Many Galactic Families. All Channeled Messages are received by Chellea Wilder (Channel and Scribe).
Please remember to Like and Subscribe. Full Article, along with the Video, can be viewed at http://UniversalLighthouse.com/blog We are a Beacon of Light in Total Service.
Music By... Chellea Wilder Created with bandlab.com
Voices of... Chellea & David Wilder
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