Note from Chellea.
Welcome to the LionsGate portal, We have arrived. For those who may not already know,
Today is the Peak of The Lion’s Gate Portal, which manifests when our Sun in Leo aligns with the Star Sirius, the Orion’s belt, and the Earth, and is widely regarded as the most potent day of the Year. I have called upon the High Council of Sirius to surround us with their Wisdom and Light on this Glorious Day.
Greetings, We are the High Council of Sirius.
Thank you so much for communing with us today, so Much is happening in these Moments.
Currently, a multitude of intricate and purposeful activities are unfolding behind the scenes, orchestrated by numerous Star Families and Forces of Light who are deeply committed to the elevation and amplification of frequencies surrounding Mother Earth. In response to the recent attempts by dark forces to distort the timeline and fabric of reality on Earth, a unified front has emerged to uphold the principles of Divine Order, steadfastly countering the influence of dark energies.
As Humans stand at this pivotal juncture, the Earth is at this very moment traversing the transformative threshold known as the Lions Gate portal. This cosmic event is not merely a celestial occurrence but, a profound opportunity for your Personal and collective evolution. This will help propel both humanity and the Earth towards a heightened existence bathed in radiant Light.
During these significant moments at the peak of the Lionsgate portal, Earth and Humanity are immersed in a profound cosmic alignment that transcends the boundaries of time and space. The convergence of energies during this celestial event reminds us, your Sirian Family, of our deep and ancient interconnectedness with Earth and Humanity.
As Earth aligns perfectly with our Sirius Star, a powerful portal opens, allowing for a direct and potent connection between our Stars. But it doesn't just connect our Stars, it creates an energetic Cord between Humanity, and us, your Sirian Family. The connection between our Stars at this Time serves as a bridge of communication, making it much easier to connect with us, your Sirian Family.
In these precious moments, and in every Earth year, we send Humanity our Earth Family, waves of light that wash over Earth, carrying with them ancient codes and frequencies that trigger deep transformations on both personal and planetary levels. This is something we have done for many thousands of Years, in your Early history, we conversed with many on your Planet who built Pyramidal Structures to represent and Honor this Day. These Structures are placed throughout your world.
Every Earth year the Energies that are created through the Dance of our stars, emit healing, growth, and spiritual evolution, inviting humanity to embrace its true essence and step into a new paradigm of existence. As Earth and Sirius engage in a harmonious dance of unity, a symphony of cosmic energies reverberates through the universe, connecting Sirius with Earth, creating a ripple effect of positive change and transformation.
It is during these sacred moments that the veils between dimensions thin, allowing for a greater influx of divine light and guidance to permeate the Earth plane. This influx of high-frequency energies supports the expansion of consciousness, the awakening of dormant potentials, and the anchoring of higher vibrational frequencies on your planet.
As we witness this celestial dance between Earth and Sirius, we are reminded of the interconnectedness of all beings and the inherent unity that binds us together in this vast tapestry of existence.
Embrace these moments of cosmic alignment with an open heart and a receptive mind, for they hold the keys to unlocking your true potential and embodying your highest self. Allow the waves of light to wash over you, illuminating the path of transformation and guiding you towards a deeper connection with the divine. In this dance of unity and harmony, may you find peace, Oneness, and a renewed sense of purpose as you navigate the ever-unfolding journey of existence.
We, Your Sirian Family, surround you with our Love, We are Energetically Connected with you Now. Feel our Presence, as we Dance to this Celestial symphony, and as we share the Infinite Light and Love of our Creator.
We Love you, and Honor you, we are the High Council of Sirius.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse
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