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PAY ATTENTION to the SIGNS ~ Archangel Michael

Blessings Beloved Ones,

Thank you for this transmission. It is wonderful to be speaking with you.

Through this awakening you have heard many times, You are never alone. But yet, many of you still do not acknowledge, that you have assistance along this journey.

Your Star Families, Ascended Masters, or Angels are consistently reminding you that they are with you. As a human, your existence often obscures your ability to perceive the constant presence of the Force of Light that surrounds you.

I wish to remind you today of this presence of the team of Light that you have supporting you, and how you can perceive their presence.

As most of you may already know, Your many guides and ancestral kin, are always with you and are constantly sending you subtle messages throughout your Spiritual Journey.

They can be Angels, ancestors, animal spirits, or other unseen companions such as your Star families, that resonate with your energy. Their presence often encourages you to stay on your spiritual path of inner-discovery.

Many people report specific feelings when in awareness of the presence of their spirit guides, like a warm breeze or a sense of calm. Others may receive messages through meditation, dreams, or even during everyday activities. They use your physical surroundings to leave these subtle messages. Repeating numbers, reoccurring words or messages, and meaningful synchronicities or coincidences are often ways they communicate.

Understanding how to connect with your guides can unlock invaluable insights and foster significant personal growth.

Have you ever felt a sudden urge to take a different route while driving, only to discover that an accident had happened on the route, you normally would have taken? This is just one example of how your Angels and spirit guides communicate with you. Through the use of synchronicities, nudges, and signs, you are given guidance to lead you on the Path of Light.

There are many beings that are playing a role in supporting your personal journey of growth and transformation.

Understanding their influence can be vital in aligning yourselves with a path that serves your highest good.

Synchronicity refers to meaningful coincidences that often signal you are on the right path. For instance, if you are contemplating a career change and suddenly see an ad for your dream job multiple times, this could be a sign from your guides.

Your Many Guides also leave other signs along your journey in various forms, such as recurring symbols, animals, dreams, or unexpected encounters. For instance, if you keep seeing a specific animal--like a butterfly--during significant moments, it may be a symbol of transformation, encouraging you to embrace changes in your life.

When you notice patterns, especially when experiencing it 3 or more times, pause and reflect on their meanings. Ask yourself what message your spirit guides may be trying to convey. It could be a nudge toward an opportunity, a warning about a negative influence, or simply a reminder to stay open to possibilities.

Each person’s journey of transformation is unique and often filled with challenges. Embracing transformation means surrendering to the process and allowing yourself to grow. Your many different Guides assist in navigating these changes by offering valuable support, insight, and encouragement.

Letting go of old beliefs that no longer serve you, can be difficult. For instance, if you’ve always thought you’re not good enough to pursue your dreams, it’s time to release that mindset. Trust your spirit guides; they shine a light on the path that aligns with your highest potential.

As you advance on your ascension journey, it is crucial to be aware of negative influences that may hinder your progress. These influences might show up as self-doubt, fear, or distractions that distract you from your goals. Recognizing these challenges is key to maintaining focus on your journey.

Your Angels and Guides can provide clarity when faced with such obstacles. They illuminate dark areas, empowering you to release negative attachments. Trust your intuition; feel free to reach out to your guides for protection or guidance when encountering challenges. This practice strengthens your relationship with them, allowing their wisdom to flow more effortlessly into your life.

Navigating life’s complexities can be overwhelming. Yet, understanding that you are Not Alone, and receiving many messages from your guides, can make the journey enriching. Pay attention to the signs, embrace your transformation, and consciously choose your path. Every step you take is a chance to learn and grow, not just for yourself, but also contributing to the collective shift toward the New Earth.

Trust the surrounding guidance, along with the guidance that comes from within, and remember that your many guides and Angels are always ready to assist you on this incredible journey of transformation.

I Love you, and I am Always with you.

I Am Archangel Michael.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at


Each Channeled and Scribed Transmission is received Daily, offering up-to-date Messages from your Many Galactic Families.

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Music By... Chellea Wilder Created with




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Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..





A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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