Planetary Clearing Report, Laura Eisenhower Joins Ground Crew Command Radio for ‘The Saturn Entity’ & how it effects us + Liberation News Analysis
Laura Eisenhower's appearance on Ground Crew Command Radio was revealing … insightful … and above all; An EMPOWERING discussion where they all get into:
The ‘Pre Adamites’ … the progenitors of the bloodline families of today who resided on the rings of Saturn (and then got chased to the moon) have anything to do with Saturn as an entity ‘going dark’?
What is the potential of the 13th astrological sign we're entering into now and what this will mean for us.
What stage of DNA activation is possible for humanity at this time.
Why Laura went into the wilderness to live in a state of harmony with nature... how long she was there living on the land... what that experience was like... and what the greatest gift of this was for her. Does being out in nature accellerate DNA Activation?
The Gaia-Sophia and Magdalene energies of love and wisdom and how we can learn to embody them to further our Ascension ... especially as it relates to the Venus transits that have their impact when they come around.
Laura Eisenhower's new podcast and TV show and what topics she'll be delving into there for our support & empowerment..
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