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PROPHECIES & THE END TIMES ~ Master Sananda Christos

Dear Ones, I Greet you with Love,

It is truly an honor to have this opportunity to engage in a conversation with you once again.

One of the most intriguing questions that continuously captivates the community is the discussion around Prophecies and what is ahead for Humanity. Across centuries, these profound concepts and teachings have been deeply rooted in the human consciousness, shaping beliefs and worldviews all over Earth

Today, I, Sananda Christos, who is known by the name Jesus, come forth to offer insights and guidance to help ease the concerns and uncertainties that prevail in these times of Great Change.

From the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece to the apocalyptic prophecies of Nostradamus, To the well known book of Revelation within the Bible, these foretellings have not only fascinated individuals but have also been used by those in power as a means of control. By instilling fear and uncertainty in the hearts of the masses, prophecies have been wielded as a powerful tool to manipulate thoughts and actions, ensuring compliance and obedience.

The impact of prophecies from religious scriptures has been significant, often instilling fear and anxiety among believers as they contemplate the potential outcomes of these foretold events.

These prophecies, at times distorted by false interpretations and misused by religious institutions, have contributed to a sense of dread that has lingered within the collective consciousness of humanity for generations.

Throughout history, prophecies have played a crucial role in shaping religious beliefs and practices.

The issue at hand is that most humans do not study or research information about their Own religious beliefs because they are taught not to through the Church. They are told not to look at anything that might discredit the Bible that they hold dear. However, the Manipulation throughout the centuries from various kings and rulers, have distorted, manipulated, and even added to these ancient documents for their own reasons.

When I say that they were added to, This was done with the Book of Revelation. This prophecy was added within the 16th century to all western bible texts, it is not Part of the Eastern Orthodox Bible. It was never a part of the real biblical texts. It was discovered in Turkey, and the Rulers of the Time felt they could create this scenario when the time was right. And they knew they could use it as a tool to sow fear and keep the Masses under their Control.

The Prophecies from the Book of revelation are sinister and end up with the total destruction of the Majority of Humanity. It is an attempt to bring in a so called Anti-Christ that will rule over the Planet and Yes it also talks of my return, that I come and cause Mass War destroying all who are evil. I am telling you Now, I Sananda Christos, Your Jesus, am not Bound by any Prophecy that the Dark ones have placed on me, and Neither is Humanity.

The horrific prophecy of Revelations, foresees a dictator that will come into power. This person is not as he appears. He will fool all Christians into thinking he is of God. He will fool everyone in the World, bringing in a world Peace for a short amount of Time. Then he will turn on the Christians and Israel and it is their demise. This person is who is considered the Anti-Christ. Those who believe this Prophecy are in Great fear of this, but still believe it and will cause it for themselves. They have already Chosen their Anti-Christ.

Many are still very stuck in these beliefs and will create these prophecies and scenarios for themselves.

For many generations, the Dark ones have used these prophecies to sow fear of the so-called End Times. The only End that is coming is the End of the Ruler's control. Yes, it is an End Time for them.

I have stated before, within these messages, that the Laws of the Universe govern your reality. Through the Law of Attraction, Humanity are actually the Ones creating and bringing in to fruition these prophecies. They are being created through the Fear and actions of those still asleep and unaware.

They have served as a source of control, warning, and fear for followers, influencing their decisions and behaviors.

 False prophecies can be used to manipulate and control individuals, instilling a sense of fear and dependency on religious institutions. This misuse of prophecies can have detrimental effects on people's lives, leading to disillusionment and a loss of trust in their own inner guidance.

When I return to Earth, I will not come wielding a sword as foreseen by your prophecies. I will not bring harm to anyone. Those of Darkness who are still on Earth are being removed through The Power of the Great Spirit's Light. It is their End times.

As Stated Before, I am not Bound by the Darks Prophecies and neither are you. Let go of any Fears you may have concerning these events. You create your own personal reality. So if you do not give energy or your attention to them, then you will not experience it.

I Love you all, so very much, Soon we will walk together once again.

I Am.

Message from Sananda Christos.

Intuitive Transmission By Chellea Wilder, at Universal Lighthouse


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By Chellea Wilder

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