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Real HELP & SUPPORT On Your Journey~ Archangel Michael

A New Vibrational Connection with Archangel Michael has been created, for ongoing transmission.

Blessings Dear Ones.

Thank you Ambassador for this connection. It is wonderful to be speaking with all of you at this time. This is an important connection, As I can offer real help and support for you, along your Spiritual path.

While progressing on your journey towards a 5th dimensional existence, you might encounter various obstacles that can hinder your path and prevent you from fulfilling your true purpose. These obstacles can manifest in different forms, tying you to circumstances in the 3D realm that impact your daily life and impede your spiritual evolution. These ties could be related to individuals you are connected to, possessions you hold onto, occupations you engage in, routines you follow such as bad habits or addictions, or any other aspect that obstructs your spiritual growth and prevents you from moving forward.

It is essential to recognize and release what is impeding your progress as you continue on your journey. Letting go of these hindrances is crucial for your personal development and spiritual advancement. By releasing these ties, you create space for new opportunities, growth, and transformation in your life.

The conditioning of humanity over generations, has ingrained certain beliefs and behaviors. This makes it challenging to let go of these energetic ties, that bind you to others, old habits, and material possessions.

These energetic connections, often referred to as energetic cords, can drain your energy, limit your potential, and keep you stuck in patterns that no longer serve your highest good. By acknowledging these cords and actively working to release them, you can free yourself from these ties, and experience a greater sense of liberation, clarity, and spiritual alignment.

These energetic cords can create negative connections, between you and another individual, entity, physical object, memory, association, or workplace, leading to an energy drain. Removing these cords does not harm or distance anyone, it simply ends the toxic interaction. You do not need to worry, as your relationships will be changed, towards more positive interaction.

As angels, we have the ability to detect these cords. I Archangel Michael, can sever these unwanted connections. All you have to do is ask for assistance. Some signs of cord attachments include...

Unexplained physical discomfort or pain.

Recurring heavy and burdensome thoughts about a person or situation.

Ongoing worry about a person or situation.

Feelings of being 'stuck' and uneasy.

Taking on others' problems as your own.

Persistent feelings of guilt and shame about past mistakes, despite efforts to rectify them.

Engaging in various addictions or obsessions.

Through the Spiritual Law of Free Will, you must request help from the angels as we cannot intervene without your consent, except in emergencies where higher laws permit intervention.

If you wish to have any cords removed, simply ask me Archangel Michael, either silently or aloud, ' Please sever any cords draining my energy right now.'

This act alone will provide significant relief, right away.

After the initial cord cutting, many individuals experience a profound sense of relief, increased energy levels, and overall well-being. They also gain insights into identifying where cords were attached and how to prevent reattachment. While cords may reattach if old behaviors resurface, they tend to be less potent initially.

 The process of cord cutting, along with my assistance, is a powerful and transformative experience that goes beyond just the physical act of severing energetic ties. It is a spiritual practice that allows individuals to take control of their energy field and release any attachments that no longer serve their highest good. By consciously asking for cords to be cut, you are affirming your commitment to your own well-being and spiritual growth.

As the cords are cut, you may feel a sense of lightness and liberation as the energetic connections that were draining your energy are released. This can lead to an immediate sense of relief and a boost in your vitality and overall health. The act of cord cutting is not only about removing negative influences but also about reclaiming your personal power. 

Moreover, after the cords are cut, many people find that they are able to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics that led to the attachments in the first place. This newfound awareness can help you make positive changes in your life to prevent similar attachments from forming in the future. It is a process of self-discovery and empowerment that can lead to profound personal growth and transformation. While it is possible for cords to reattach if old patterns resurface, the effects are often less intense than before. By staying mindful of your thoughts, emotions, and actions, you can maintain a clear and balanced energy field that is less susceptible to negative attachments.

This can be an ongoing practice of self-care and spiritual awareness. Which will help you cultivate a sense of inner peace and well-being, that will support you on your journey towards wholeness and fulfillment.

I Love you, and I am Always with you.

I Am Archangel Michael.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at


Each Channeled and Scribed Transmission is received Daily, offering up-to-date Messages from your Many Galactic Families.

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Please bear with us... In these Moments, taking care of Our Family is becoming Priority. All Channeling for Video’s is being done by Chellea Wilder, offering Daily Information and spiritual Insights from our Star Families.

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We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..




A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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